Preserved Sheet Concobhar Nac Aodhan O Thiarniagh

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Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Concobhar Nac Aodhan O ' Thiarniagh
  • Nickname: Cobh
  • Age: 23 Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ériunin
  • Sexuality: Straight

Proficiency Points: 23 Points | From Age
  • +10 Blades Combat Skill (from Points)
  • +10 Archery (from Ériunin)
  • +10 Athletic Training (from Ériunin)
  • +5 Unarmed Fighting (from Points)
  • +5 Light Weapons (from Points)
Body Shape:

Body Build: Athletic
Body Fat: Low

  • Eriunnach (Mother Tongue)
  • Common (Learned from Travel)




  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Short-cut
  • Skin Color: Pale White
  • Clothing: Blue/Green Fichtán, Blue Cloth Tunic
  • Height: Five Foot, 11 Inches


  • First Paragraph: Many would describe Concobhar has a harsh, warn-down looking man whose appearance would prevent any kind approach from people around. However, under this callus skin, he is a kind, shy and gentle soul who has been perceived in more negative ways during his adult life. His previous experiences has lead him to keep to those who he really trusts and to rarely engage in conversation that isn't necessary. This leads to more negative confrontations with the wrong people which brings him to be hurt physically most of the time.

  • Second Paragraph: No-one has ever described Concobhar as an out-going man, protecting his inner self with a wall of stone. Due to his previous experiences back in his homeland of Eriu-Innis, Concobhar is quite short-tempered which affects him greatly in his mental health. He often fears rejection, which has lead him to avoid becoming attached to individuals or inanimate objects. He rarely shows his true self as he believes it may lead to attachment and attachment may lead to such things as rejection, which he cannot bare to face.

  • Third Paragraph: Although seeming that Concobhar would keep to himself completely, he is extremely loyal to friends and family that have treated him well. Around good friends and his family, he will show his true self, showing much more emotion with them than he would with strangers. He has a close relationship with his mother due to the struggles they experienced together back in Eriu-Innis. If asked who he trusts the most, he would respond with his everloving mother.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Concobhar would fall under Neutral, he acts on what he thinks would be good for him and his close peers. He cannot bare corruption and the abuse of power and believes people who commit these acts should be punished accordingly with harsh and swift justice. He leans towards selfishness in certain situations, going to save his own skin over a strangers. He rarely assists strangers if it would affect him in terms of the law or would damage him in anyway physical or mentally. The only person he would put his self in harms way for would be his mother and close friends.



Baby - Toddler
  • Concobhar was born on a rain filled morning to Roisin Ui Thiarnigh and Aodhan O Thiarnigh on Eriu-Innis in 285 AC.
  • His father worked in an Emerald Mine and made a pityful income, making his family quite impoverished, similar to the rest of Eriu-Innis
  • His mother brought in a small amount of income by weaving and selling Fichtáns to the local men in the area
  • His mother followed cultural norms and stayed at home tending to the children, house cleaning etc.
  • His grew close to his mother in his toddler years and they both enjoyed each others company.
Child - Teen
  • When Concobhar was 8 years old, his mother gave birth to a girl who died shortly after due to disease.
  • Concobhar participated in cultural games from the age of 10, entering the swimming championships to bring honor to the O Thiarnigh family.
  • His father held a large reputation in the popular arm wrestling games that were played throughout Eriu-Innis
  • During these years, he created a name for himself in swimming.
  • His mother taught him basic common tongue during his teen years
  • His mother never recovered from the loss, and treated her only child the best she could.
  • When Concobhar was 13, his father died in a mining accident in the Emerald Mines, his mother fell further into depression due to the loss.
  • He began working at the age of 15 in the Harbor of Aithechs to provide what little income he could for his mother.
Adult Life
  • When Concobhar was 21, he had earned enough money for him and his mother to get ferry to Regalia and he began looking for work once he arrived.
  • Him and his mother live in a small apartment in the slum district, surviving on the last of the savings and the small income Concobhar brings in.
  • Concobhar is aspiring to join the military or the City Guard but his mother is strongly against the idea due to the close attachment she has to her last child.
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Ah damnit, thanks for the heads up, shows up on my side maybe not for others.
Alright, let's get cracking. @SirWerqy

Basic Information:
  • Add 'Ailor' after his culture in the race category.
Skill Information:
  • Ériunin Ailor get a +10 bonus to linguistic knowledge, not Athletic and archery. You need to remove those two proficiency categories and add linguistic knowledge.
  • Please add your body stat equation and total.
  • You're not required to use them, but you do have an additional 3 points leftover.
  • You are also welcome to add an additional language due to the linguistic boost.
Mark changes in pink.
Rejected for inactivity, feel free to repost the app however whenever you're back around and we'll be more than happy to review it for you! @SirWerqy