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Concerning Phantasma And Mind Control


No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score

As the afternoon drove on with the increasing coldness from the harvest season, papers would begin to line the Regalian city during the peak hours of city activity. It's clear no printing press was used, as each paper was individually cut, and separately written, with varying levels of neatness with some words missing while others had more. Nevertheless, the message remained about the same, as the courier, standing relatively tall for an Ailor at about 6', donning a midnight black mask, a burgundy cloak, and the slightest glow of gold placed only about a baker's dozen around the edges of Old Town. The Old Gods' temple and Old Town Chapel had two papers rather than one to emphasize the author's message. Some of them weren't even posted, instead being handed off to random individuals who spread the gossip like wildfire. The lengthy documents read:


Lecture 15, manuscript 23, recorded on the 5th of September, the year of our Lord 307 AC

"Are you writing this down? Everything I say? Get that last part in too, won't you? Thank you. Now, let us begin:

"Alarming news, most certainly, to see that the Phantasma really don't have free power at the mere risk of one bad bar fight. As my study becomes ever-intensive toward what exactly these mystical aberrations are that seem to defy the rulings of being an aberration, I seem to uncover more and more things by the day. The first of these is that death seems to be an inevitable and unstoppable variable that must come for them one day or the next. Whether it is they that die, and sometimes defy the nature of being laid to rest, or that they must assassinate anyone who has been exposed to any modicum of power, it's almost a hard-coded truth that the Phantasma cannot live a peaceful life in the way that a Sanguine cannot be a pacifist.

"There might come exceptions of this from time to time, either by discovering loopholes by magical means or simply starving themselves of their 'true purpose,' but the Phantasma is always, and always will be, pulled toward eliminating any of which is not found to be 'mundane.' The definition of mundane, concerning magic, is one who holds no remarkable abilities beyond simply existing as a biological entity. A barncat might be considered mundane, and so too would a farmer who does not yet know of their deity or inner magical potential. Of course, some exceptions of what is regarded magic and not exist, as miracles performed by the Unionists could be deemed as an act of holiness rather than an act of magic. But to some, especially those whom the Regalians deem to be heretical, will nevertheless wag their tongues at the idea and call a skilled cleric nothing more than a charm-caster.

"But I did invite you here to say what heretics say about the most dominant religion in the world, I am here inform you of the truths of these aberrations that seek to destroy other aberrations. After having discovered ancient Draconic ruins, in the studies of myself and other scholars, we discovered that Phantasma are not only also draconic in nature, but are entirely draconic in instinct as well. This means that Phantasma are not human, but rather, are magic-eating Vampires awaiting orders from their leaders. And yet, only two such leaders currently exist, one of which hasn't exercised the ability to do that.

"Yes, I am speaking of the Imperial Dragon and Rikkira, the Void Dragon. From word on the street, the Imperial Dragon is new, and therefore, hasn't yet unearthed all of the skills that a dragon is capable of that could take centuries to discover. But Rikkira is much older, and has shown time and time again that she has the ability to control the minds of those who even dare to hear her speak. But how does this tie together? Phantasma serve the dragons, but not all of them serve your dragon. And in the blink of an eye, all of them could cease to obey the ways of the Imperial family to follow whatever Rikkira has told them if she is willing to waste a couple hours flying over an ocean- likely at a time when many of the Violets tuck in at night as they ready for the big day ahead of them. What would these orders be that the Void Dragon gives to the Phantasma? Likely to continue as planned, but to set eyes on other forms of 'magic.'

"This 'magic' could include evocations performed by the Skagger druids, which would cripple the North. This magic could then include cantrips performed by parlor mages, crippling the scholars. This magic could then include the charms of the Altalar rings, occupying your allies. And last, and most important of all, Rikkira could call Unionist miracles magic too, and in the blink of an eye, all the emerald-eyed soldiers in the city would raze the churches and pillage the archives to purge every relic that so much as resembled the power of the impregnable Imperial Spirit.

"And from there, you will have no berserkers, no intellectuals, no friends, no reverends, and an army that spawns overnight right in the capital, a stone's throw away from the Imperial palace with the keys to the main gate.

"You can primarily identify those likely under the effects of Rikkira's influence by the casting of their abilities constantly, and recklessly, in public, refusal to obey the religious ways, or being part of the lower classes with distaste toward any of the current governmental orders. Perhaps she has not yet flown over the capital since she last tried to occupy the city, but who is to say the Phantasma around at the time were not planted the seeds of sabotage? Who is to say the Void Dragon's voice has not reached out to Phantasmic Regalian prisoners from past battles, whom they then released into the city to pretend to be your recovered saviors solely so you may let your guard down? Who is to say that the Phantasma, whom feast on magic like blood, will not then turn their teeth to the churches in the way Sanguine have for the past three centuries?

"Who is to say the Phantasma are your friends?"

Lecture Concluded, conclusion reached on the 6th of September, the year of our Lord 307 AC

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A handwritten response would be posted below the paper
I feel that as a scholar and an arcanist it is my duty to ensure clarity and responsibility in the study of things of a Draconic nature. Firstly, I should address the alarmist nature of this "publication" while I encourage a frank tone in all papers of scholarly pursuit this "lecture" goes beyond frankness and approaches rhetoric. While I am unaware of the reasoning for you clear disdain for phantasma I would ask that you not attempt to pass it off as some form of scholarly analysis. Political speculation has no place in any form of scholarly pursuit and should be developed elsewhere. It is the responsibility of a scholar to provide clear and accurate information not to attempt to impress their viewpoints upon others. I encourage any citizen wishing to pursue an education in the arcane to find it elsewhere. This publication lacks accuracy and frankly, has no place being labeled as a "lecture." -Alexis Morgan, Scholar of the Regalian College
Azsh'alla Baal'ial Stared at the paper from her violet office, running a hand along one of her basilisk-like manath-divella in her lap. She squinted at the study, finding some ideas to be far fetched—and yet the dimenthist scholar in her found logic in the study. "How curious...seems this man has limited time given the greywitches shall hunt them for even putting pen to paper...Hmmm." She offered the paper to one of her templars, before sinking into her seat to ponder these facts.
"I don't think that's how it works, Leufred would have said something like that," Elyon replied as she flipped through the papers that had been gathered for her to look at. She had an intense look in her emerald green eyes that held a slight glow in the dim room. "Even if Rikkira could control our minds, it's a good thing that I'm leaving soon. My child will never visit this cursed city."

I'd like to speak at the earliest convenience with the author of this inflammatory work that seems like it's been written solely to spark fear and distrust in the populace. Please seek me out- I'd love to hear what made you think this way, much less post your incorrect ramblings for the rest of the city to see.

Spirit's warmest blessings,


Milena du Brierüst
Press Secretary of the Violet Order
Editor-in-Chief of the Imperial Times
Vulmar read the publication dourly yet poured over the document intently. Thoughts already on what he had seen in the past swirled and the man expressed his distaste at the thought, scowling briefly. "Let's hope the axe doesn't meet this man's head just yet." He motioned to Jared to read the publication.
