Archived Compliments To The Staff

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Muppet Lover.
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
Cannibalistic laplandia
Staff on massive are ridiculously helpful in many ways. through the ticket system alone they have a lot of work but the fact that they write lore or fix bugs also adds to the fact that staff do soo much for members.
One thing that irritates me is that people complain that there problem not being fixed ASAP. This probably upsets staff as some members (me included) are not very patient and may msg them or bug them to get the job done quicker.
My main point is that I don't think staff are given enough credit. Their like unseen, unheard guardians who fix all the little kinks and build the world we know and love. They do work tirelessly in order to make our game life better. So I think it's time for them to be recognised for what they do for us.

In the comments pls post a compliment for the staff member who helped you. Note their name, the problem and what they did to fix it. Oh and mark their politeness out of 10. 1 being awful. 10 being they gave me a cookie and wished me a good morning.
Somehow I think we'll have a lot more 10's

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