Competition! Empire Name!

Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
I am starting to build an Empire which will consist of a Orc Faction, Elven Faction, Dwarven Faction, Human Faction and possibly a Frostmorn. I need a name for this Empire though and I need the kind people on the Forums help. All you need to do is think of a name for the Empire (you can put as many as you like) and post it in the reply section! I will pick my favourite and the person who thought of it will win 10s and 25% off one of the factions when I sell it (if they want to buy it). Anyone can enter!

Please help me out and think of as many Empire Name as possible. I will select a winner on 17th July 8pm GMT+0 so get thinking! COMPETITION ; CLOSED
The Pentaterrian Empire (5 races or the number 5=penta)
I am starting to build an Empire which will consist of a Orc Faction, Elven Faction, Dwarven Faction, Human Faction and possibly a Frostmorn. I need a name for this Empire though and I need the kind people on the Forums help. All you need to do is think of a name for the Empire (you can put as many as you like) and post it in the reply section! I will pick my favourite and the person who thought of it will win 10s and 25% off one of the factions when I sell it (if they want to buy it). Anyone can enter!

Please help me out and think of as many Empire Name as possible. I will select a winner on 17th July 8pm GMT+0 so get thinking!

- Assemble Empire
- Many Arms Order or Order of the 5 hands.
- Congress Empire.
The Silver Albatross Fan Club. (Kidding)
Other than my previous suggestion, maybe take a latin word for something important to the empire and tweaking it slightly.
In line with your current faction name:

Eritrata Empire
Taanzania Empire
Ethiosopia Empire
Soodaan Empire

You could name your empire the Aeternis Empire. Aeturnis means eternal in Latin.
Also, your empire's motto could be forti in perpetuum, which means "forever strong". Sadly, that's about the extent of my Latin skills. I only know some adjectives and a few verbs.
Some random twisted names that just came to mind;

Tratri - Trait Tree
Ziso - Zi so
Proveran - Prove Ran
Reverana - Reaver Rana

None of the names mean anything they were just thought of randomly.

Here is a name or two that means something;

Agape - Love in Greek meaning
Agathos - Good in Greek meaning
Alke - Strenghth in Greek meaning
Helios - Sun in Greek meaning
Aquari ~ Aquarius - Aqua meaning water
The Multiconilia Commonwealth of Races.
The Jaguadarte Empire (in brazil Jagua is a name of a feline a type of tigran i think)
  • The Revenant Conglomeration
  • Camorra ( However this would be more tended towards a kind of RP crime syndicate, but it sounds good. )
  • The Crynyd Coalition/Empire (Pronounced "Kri-nid")
  • Entor (Do with it as you will)
  • Venator Conglomeration/whatevs, empire etc. (pronounced "Ven-Nah-Torr")
  • Virago Coalition/whatevs empire etc. (Pronounced "Vih-Rah-Go")
Some ideas...
Eternia Empire
LuminI Empire
Serenum Empire
Eagla Empire
-Holds back his huge snicker- (bandit)
Arcadian (A-kay-dee-in) Empire since it will have races in harmony in an "Arcadia" which means Utopia.
The Winner is; Arcadian Empire - Pick by Luxor Ignotis! Contact me in-game to collect your prize and we will give you first choice when the faction are made! I'd like to thank everyone for their participation in the competition!
The last guy to enter got it, well, "save the best for last" I guess.