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Compassion Is Freer Than Thee.


Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score
{!} After a while of silence, a new poem has returned to the bulletin boards of Regalia.




Thank you for taking the time to read!
Affiliated Character Sheet: Chatl


You know nothing of having your mind enslaved,
To have those with power take everything you are,
For your blood spilled and laced in the money they saved,
No, in this you know nothing.

You know nothing of chains around your wrist,
While those with power dance and drink with delight,
To fear your arm be removed if you dared make a fist,
No, in this you know nothing.

Spread a message of compassion if you must,
Speak not of enslavement as if you understand it,
Find comfort in your life here and unity in the masses while I trust,
That of the worst horrors, you will continue to know nothing.
It is clear that Sabola, child of Music and Vengeance, is the author. He seems to have taken issue with the original poem's wording.
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You know nothing of having your mind enslaved,
To have those with power take everything you are,
For your blood spilled and laced in the money they saved,
No, in this you know nothing.
You know nothing of chains around your wrist,
those with power dance and drink with delight,
fear your arm be removed if you dared make a fist,
No, in this you know nothing.
Spread a message of compassion if you must,
Speak not of enslavement as if you understand it,
Find comfort in your life here and unity in the masses while I trust,
That of the worst horrors, you will continue to know nothing.


{!} It is unclear as to who the original poet was, or to who changed the poem above. However, it is clear they do not care about the qualm towards the original poem. (Changed from green to make is easier to construe the lines!) @KrakenLord01
A thin spike of Hetsahu's unmistakable copper red Living Metal pinned a small note the the board next to the Claw's desecrated message.


A pacifist in a world of oppression is complicit. Such is the fragility of your god's compassion.