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I like the idea but when most people grief they know the consequences that come with it. I like the idea don't get me wrong but they deserve what they get
Most people grief becuase they can't build in the first place. So I say ban hammer away.
Because the griefers would totally agree to it. griefers tools after they griefed is a really good idea, I mean, who wouldn't trust a griefer?
That is something the person who was greifed should decide for themselves before they report the greifer.
This doesn't seem like the greatest of ideas, in my opinion anyways.
It's a neat idea, but it would never work. The greifers wouldn't rebuild it block by block. I'm sure they'd rather get banned. I know I would... Since I hate building without World Edit with a passion. :P
maybe threaten them with a ban if they dont and it says minor greifs like maybe a hut or something not like a castle
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