An issue that has been bugging me for a fair amount of time has been the community.
And while I mean this in no negative demeanour and this community has been excellent in positivity and member support, in the past, there have been some things I've been noticing, specifically today at that, and while this is not passively directed at any group, I just felt as if I could touch upon and make the issue more aware to those who haven't noticed it such on the volume degree as I have, and prepare for a rant/lecture, because that's all I can format my thoughts into at the given moment. I hope I don't come off as toxic or rude in any way, and I mean this in the best positive way so we can start acting more whole as a group of roleplayers, pvpers, questers, etc.
I'd like to make it fairly clear that I have experienced both the faction and roleplay world, whereas the PvP world, I have not traversed myself into yet, although I honestly think at this point in blissful ignorance that the PvP community as it stands could be a less toxic one then what is the Roleplay community. And here is my final disclaimer: I am a idiot, I get it, so don't bother telling me in the comments if you share that opinion.
Whatever community we had, is falling apart.
Okay? Look, as it stands I'm not too impressed with some of the attitudes of the roleplay community lately and while I mean this to no one who reads the thread in order to preserve the peace which I need to take multiple steps to barricade myself already from a flame-storm as it currently stands!! - So when, when will we learn to be a proper community? Yes there aren't many cliques, and it is a majority of good players still, but the minority of those who do engage in cliques and negative toxicity in the OOC chat are still present! And it just reminds us of how scum humanity can be.
But there aren't many and it's not a big deal!
Hold it! I know that and I'm only writing this thread on the most recent incident I've unfortunately bared witness to! That being where a new player was told to 'Leave' an RP. Let me put it through your minds that new RPers are likely incredibly anxious and scared to join an rp, Okay? So does it help? No. But since cliques will always exist, do not take your private RPs into a public space, understood? And especially if some of the most important groups of individuals are involved in the cliques, they give off an instant negative OOC impression to the new players!
There is already enough confusion as it is with the OOC / IC channels of reality within the game. Do not make it more so complicated for new players please. Stop making fights in OOC because something in IC happened. I'll be one of the first to say it, but get over it. A character gets injured and you do not agree for lack of better situation? Deal with it, you don't know; you could always develop your character greatly!! And it's not you in real life, and you don't need to give maim/ kill perms so you always will heal. Heaven forbid the amount of OOC fights I see whenever a clique is involved.
Stop being so sensitive, It's just a game!
Listen! Listen, I've said it before and I will speak my piece again. You can't please everyone, there are going to be people like myself who get offended easily and quickly. So why don't we try and be nice? I can tolerate fair amounts of toxicity, but when it's expanded by a group, I get really upset and feel like leaving the server on some occasions due to the guilt from the default responsibility I feel for the new players since I've been here for just over 2 years now!
Are cliques bad?
Yes and no I suppose. Well, my main problem with cliques is that it seems the community is being divided. I'll compare this to segregation America faced when they divided the blacks and whites from each other. And my deepest apologies if any of you get offended. We used to have a community, we were all family technically, until the cliques started reproducing into the Public RP scenes, kicking people out of roleplays because they 'interfered'. There is no set plot line in an RP, so if you're claiming they interfered? Well that's great, truly, but they probably didn't, because in Aloria almost anything is possible.
In full conclusion. Cliques make us seem divided, and I personally don't like that, and some people agree with me on that. I honestly wish we could go back to the days when we were all 'a family' whereas groups of individuals who stick to their clique exclusively. It makes me really upset, hence me being oversensitive to this stuff, to see people being divided from each other. It's like we haven't learned anything, if we all, try to make an effort to be nice to one another, perhaps this issue wouldn't happen so much in cliques. So are new RPers getting neglected right now? Yes. I at least think so for those who unfortunately run into cliques.
So in final final-- conclusion, Yes I know, the paragraph above, Try to be nice to each other and if you are running a private RP with your clique, do keep it away from Roleplay hotspots, Thanks!!
EDIT 03.13.16 : I've been roasted ok stop guys it not nice. And yeah I was being dramatic half of this I don't mean anymore. It was influenced by my emotional hate towards a recent incident in game. And it hasn't involved anyone on the thread.
And while I mean this in no negative demeanour and this community has been excellent in positivity and member support, in the past, there have been some things I've been noticing, specifically today at that, and while this is not passively directed at any group, I just felt as if I could touch upon and make the issue more aware to those who haven't noticed it such on the volume degree as I have, and prepare for a rant/lecture, because that's all I can format my thoughts into at the given moment. I hope I don't come off as toxic or rude in any way, and I mean this in the best positive way so we can start acting more whole as a group of roleplayers, pvpers, questers, etc.
I'd like to make it fairly clear that I have experienced both the faction and roleplay world, whereas the PvP world, I have not traversed myself into yet, although I honestly think at this point in blissful ignorance that the PvP community as it stands could be a less toxic one then what is the Roleplay community. And here is my final disclaimer: I am a idiot, I get it, so don't bother telling me in the comments if you share that opinion.
Whatever community we had, is falling apart.
Okay? Look, as it stands I'm not too impressed with some of the attitudes of the roleplay community lately and while I mean this to no one who reads the thread in order to preserve the peace which I need to take multiple steps to barricade myself already from a flame-storm as it currently stands!! - So when, when will we learn to be a proper community? Yes there aren't many cliques, and it is a majority of good players still, but the minority of those who do engage in cliques and negative toxicity in the OOC chat are still present! And it just reminds us of how scum humanity can be.
But there aren't many and it's not a big deal!
Hold it! I know that and I'm only writing this thread on the most recent incident I've unfortunately bared witness to! That being where a new player was told to 'Leave' an RP. Let me put it through your minds that new RPers are likely incredibly anxious and scared to join an rp, Okay? So does it help? No. But since cliques will always exist, do not take your private RPs into a public space, understood? And especially if some of the most important groups of individuals are involved in the cliques, they give off an instant negative OOC impression to the new players!
There is already enough confusion as it is with the OOC / IC channels of reality within the game. Do not make it more so complicated for new players please. Stop making fights in OOC because something in IC happened. I'll be one of the first to say it, but get over it. A character gets injured and you do not agree for lack of better situation? Deal with it, you don't know; you could always develop your character greatly!! And it's not you in real life, and you don't need to give maim/ kill perms so you always will heal. Heaven forbid the amount of OOC fights I see whenever a clique is involved.
Stop being so sensitive, It's just a game!
Listen! Listen, I've said it before and I will speak my piece again. You can't please everyone, there are going to be people like myself who get offended easily and quickly. So why don't we try and be nice? I can tolerate fair amounts of toxicity, but when it's expanded by a group, I get really upset and feel like leaving the server on some occasions due to the guilt from the default responsibility I feel for the new players since I've been here for just over 2 years now!
Are cliques bad?
Yes and no I suppose. Well, my main problem with cliques is that it seems the community is being divided. I'll compare this to segregation America faced when they divided the blacks and whites from each other. And my deepest apologies if any of you get offended. We used to have a community, we were all family technically, until the cliques started reproducing into the Public RP scenes, kicking people out of roleplays because they 'interfered'. There is no set plot line in an RP, so if you're claiming they interfered? Well that's great, truly, but they probably didn't, because in Aloria almost anything is possible.
In full conclusion. Cliques make us seem divided, and I personally don't like that, and some people agree with me on that. I honestly wish we could go back to the days when we were all 'a family' whereas groups of individuals who stick to their clique exclusively. It makes me really upset, hence me being oversensitive to this stuff, to see people being divided from each other. It's like we haven't learned anything, if we all, try to make an effort to be nice to one another, perhaps this issue wouldn't happen so much in cliques. So are new RPers getting neglected right now? Yes. I at least think so for those who unfortunately run into cliques.
So in final final-- conclusion, Yes I know, the paragraph above, Try to be nice to each other and if you are running a private RP with your clique, do keep it away from Roleplay hotspots, Thanks!!
EDIT 03.13.16 : I've been roasted ok stop guys it not nice. And yeah I was being dramatic half of this I don't mean anymore. It was influenced by my emotional hate towards a recent incident in game. And it hasn't involved anyone on the thread.
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