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Commonwealth Agreement Of Eastern Regalia


Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score

Commonwealth Agreement of Eastern Regalia


To the denizens of Regalia, in times of plight and strife, peace may become victorious, and allow the Commonwealth Treaty to stand as a testament to the annals of time; we needn't draw arms against men of the same faith, whilst risking our respective lands plundered by lies and deceived by the machinations of power. May the ardent houses in Everhardt, Rosendahl, Alaire, and d'Vaud usher an era of prosperity and cooperation through the merits of mutual benefit and righteousness that, in tandem, uplift the region into a linchpin in moving the Empire and Mankind towards greater heights.



In accordance with the meeting between Everhardt, Rosendahl, Alaire, and d'Vaud on the 4th of June, 306 AC, does the Independent and Neutral lords of the Eastern Regalian regions agree to the terms presented, to be held in its highest regard between the respective houses, we do hereby guarantee no further aggression, and a conclusion for greater cooperation.

With this agreement does the Everhardt, Rosendahl, Alaire, and d'Vaud agree to the terms held within this treaty and swears to uphold and adhere to these terms:

  • A mutual defensive pact between all signatories, to hereby come to the aid of one facing an offensive invasion.

  • The establishment of a council that convenes at the end of each week is held in a rotation for purposes of strengthening the commonwealth bonds between signatories and to explore further initiatives to be worked upon.
    • .The location of the next meeting will be decided at the end of previous week's meeting with a priority on country estates.

The signatories do agree to the terms of this treaty and shall adhere to them with the utmost regard. Should these terms be broken or alternated beyond what is documented, the appropriate action will be taken, with the clause of a one week dialogue for the establishment of diplomatic dialogue to try and steer free from developing needless animosity.



His Lordship, Count Benedictus d'Vaud

His most serene Grace, Roland K. Everhardt, Archduke of Handoriënstadt

Her Ladyship, Roesia E. Alaire, Baroness of Collen-Bas

His Grace, Duke Bryn Rosendahl
@Wolf_Cobra @jarebear24 @Lutsu

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