• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Common Tutor Wanted


Tech Rat
Staff member
Dec 23, 2017
Reaction score
{Posted on the notice boards would be this}

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Hello! Zambezi is looking for someone to teach her how to read and write in common, so she does not have to ask strangers in the street and can become 'independent.' Please send responses to Dragonbend 15. Thank you in advance.​
Arthur started to walk along the streets until he'd hear a nail be hit upon the notice board. He'd walk over to squint a bit before speaking. "... I can't read.. Oh well, who knows what it is about." He shrugged, as he himself had a hard time reading and writing Common.