Preserved Sheet Colla (spirit Update)

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Feb 19, 2023
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Colla Vinmas

  • Race / Culture: Senlon Yanar (Flytrap) (Spirit: Greater Spirit)

  • Age: 23

  • Gender / Pronouns: Female

  • Occult: Exist
Core Concept

Colla is a Flytrap Yanar, recently died to the flame of a killer; she has come back to avenge her own death.

Appearance Information

Colla is a Flytrap Yanar, Long green hair and a white and green dress.



  • Yanar Buff 1: Yanar gain the Soft Landing Pack for free, but this does not count as Proficiency investment.

  • Knockdown Immune

  • Limb Recovery

  • Dreamrealm: Yanar have a great deal of control in areas where they have grown their own plants (Rental Regions/Noble Estates/Clandestine Bases). They are able to cause spores to be released, giving them a great deal of control over hallucinations that anyone else in that Region can experience with them, though initiating combat instantly breaks the effect. With OOC consent, these pollen can also affect the memories of the individuals involved, giving Yanar a great deal of control over their visitors (or trespassers).

  • Floral-Shift: Yanar are effectively shapeshifters. They are able to change any part of their body, even to the degree that it would count as a Disguise. They can mimic other Races, but must always look like plant-like versions of them, with at most similar eye colors and skin tone, but undeniable floral/plant elements present. Floral-Shifting gives a great degree of freedom, allowing a yanar to change their skin to tough bark, or change the type of flowers and fruits in their hair, or arms to vines and so forth.

  • Soulsave: Any person that a Yanar kills, either in RP or Progressions, they can duplicate their Soul and turn it into a Hosted, Vested, or Anchored Spirit, while their real soul passes on. This Spirit must have plant-like appearance themes. Additionally, if a Yanar dies, they can choose to become Exist Apparitions of the Anchored Spirit variant (or pass into the afterlife), with full 14 Proficiency Points (but all other Rules apply). Unlike the Kathar exception, Yanar cannot under any circumstance become Undead.

  • Flowergift: Yanar have a natural connection to plants of all shapes and sizes. They have out-of-combat (and in-combat aesthetic) control over plant, flower, and tree matter. This includes but is not limited to making plants rapidly flow, grafting entirely new plant species, used to create a perfect growing environment inside houses, and creating new effects from plant species that can even interact with other conditions (like suppressing Markenism, but never Afflictions like Vampirism).

  • Naturegift: Natural environments like carnivorous plants or toxic flower pollen can never harm Yanar either in Roleplay or in Progressions. Additionally, exclusively in Progressions, Yanar are able to effortlessly traverse temperate (non frozen or volcanic) plant-like environments that would otherwise cause a great deal of difficulty or disease for other Races and are better able to infiltrate closed off locations or areas, so long as there is not an impassable mundane or magical object like a very tall wall or barrier.

  • Spirit Buff 1: Spirits may Point Buy one Pack from either Radiant Point Buy or Sinistral Point Buy, with Alignment being dictated by whatever Alignment the Spirit themselves are.

  • Spirit Buff 2: Spirits gain the Sinistral Puppet Pack for free, with the Alignment being dictated by whatever Alignment the Spirit themselves are
  • Spirit Limitation I: The Spirit cannot become Afflicted, or have any Affinity, but they are counted as Afflicted already for any mechanics that are mutually exclusive with Afflictions.
  • Spirit-Power: The Spirit does not have a mortal body, and thus has no Racial Traits, instead treating their Spirit Traits as their Racial Traits.

  • Spirit-Life: Spirits are immortal, and essentially cannot be killed. Players are however allowed to create custom scenarios of temporary banishment or exorcism during such Abilities being used on them.

  • Spirit-Unlife: Spirits do not need to drink, sleep, eat, or breathe, though they may find comfort in some of these activities. They cannot be fed on by other Afflictions, and are also immune to any diseases.

  • Spirit-Speech: If a Spirit becomes (or is) Dimension Aligned, they can use the Affliction-Speech types related to their Alignment (see Vampire, Geist, and Cahal pages for the Speech in Traits).

  • Spirit-Posses: While certain Spirit types can possess people temporarily, these people never gain Spirit Traits, and the Spirit themselves is incapable of using any Abilities while doing so.


  • Strength: 3

    • Knockback Sweep

    • Concussion Blow

    • Armor Summon

  • Constitution: 4

    • Rebound

    • Rage Counter

    • Interception

    • Shield Cover

  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity:3

    • Marking Shot Pack

    • Dirty Fighter

    • Evading Dash Pack

    • Soft Landing (Free)

  • Magic: 4

    • Radiant Relocate Pack

    • Sacred Healing

    • Exorcism

    • Radiant Push

  • Faith: 0




Life Story / Plot Hooks

First Life- Colla was grown in the wild flowers of Ularen Plains, when young she was taught the world was balanced, that while people were cruel for the actions they did there was also still hope. Her "first life" she moved to Regalia where she had met Sephtis and had opened up as a Magic user, as a result the Kathar sold Colla out to the Azure Order. Sephtis additionally reported her to a nearby Lothar, who wished to have her killed for her magic. She barely escaped with her life, and the traumatic memories with her.

In her "second life" She was soon determined to work in the art of magic so that once of age leave to find and help those who can, however the flames left a mental scar of what had happened making her more desperate but hesitant to help or fight.

Death- Soon after she was found by a cult group who roped her into spying for them, When she fought back They placed a crystal that would kill her if She told the truth. She tried to warn but soon died to the curse as the murderer said it would.

Afterlife/Promise- As she came back, awoken as a spirit she was now determined to stop those who harmed her and to help those against the cult She fights in her afterlife.