Preserved Sheet Clotilde Broussard

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i still see ur shadows in my room
May 23, 2018
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ur local walmart
Clotilde Broussard​


"Pity those who do not use their education to their advantage, not those who cannot afford one."​


  • Basic Information
    • Full name: Clotilde Hendrika Broussard
      • Nicknames: Tilde, Drika (relatives & Family); Miss / Lady Broussard.
    • Born November 29th, 284 AC

    • Gender: Female

    • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Proficiency Points (22)
    • + 20 Diplomacy (+10 School of Statesman | + 10 spent)

    • + 12 Judicial (+10 School of Statesman| +2 spent)

    • +10 Commerce (+ 10 School of Statesman.)

  • Culture Points
    • + 12 Dancing

    • +10 Bodycare
  • Language
    • Leutz-Vixe (native)

    • Common (learned)



  • Visual Information
    • Her eyes would be a deep green, her limbus bearing a golden shine.

    • Clotilde's hair color was a chestnut color, with slightly lighter naturally-placed highlights cascading down her mane.

    • Well-kept, her hair appeared to be straight, although naturally the woman's hair adorned gentle waves.

    • Clotilde's tone was lightly sun-kissed, a gentle blush strategically placed on the woman's round cheeks.

    • Her attire consists of well-tailored dresses, representing her beloved Leutz-Vixe heritage.

    • The woman stood at the firm and trained height of 5'7

    • Clotilde's natural form was rather curvaceous, graceful curves adorning her body, healthy plumpness complimenting her.


  • Personality
    • Social Perception: Clotilde, at first glance, appears to be a very diplomatic and sociable girl, carrying herself with poise and pronounced social grace. Her kindness and overall apparent intelligence is unrivaled by most, having attended the Academy for Aristocratic learning, due to her social standing (her father having spent a fortune to allow her to attend). Despite this, she is known to jest with others.

  • Introspection: Clotilde does not see herself above anyone or anything, and merely recognizes her family's hard work to get them to where they are. She sees herself as a hard worker, and works her weight in gold, no matter what anyone tells her. Of course, deeper into the woman's heart, there would be the insecurities of a young, Ailor woman whose family business was once valiant vampire slayers.

  • Familial relationships: Clotilde is more open to her family, offering them witty retorts and playful jests. To them, Clotilde is a sweet, courageous girl who appreciates the finer things. Well-versed in the art of dance, Clotilde enjoys waltzing with family and friends, believing this brings them together.

  • Morality: Clotilde has grown up strictly unionist, and adheres to those morals. Any sort of aberration is revolting to the woman, although she is tolerant of phantasma due to her relative catching the affliction. To those around her, Clotilde bestows upon them the utmost respect and kindness, the woman a gentle beam of sunshine.

  • Lifestory
    • Childhood:
      • Born on November 29th, 284 AC, Clotilde grew up a wealthy, affluent girl, pampered by her adoring parents. During this period of childhood, she grew up in the town her family held governance over in Leutz-Vixe, Viernesse. The start of her aberrant slaying lineage began as such: Around 205 AC a coven of vampires raided Viernesse, burning buildings and killing or kidnapping many citizens. During this battle three Broussards were lost, including a child. Due to the massive loss of life, (Clotilde's grandfather), Sebastian Broussard's great grandfather, Simon Broussard, moved him and his children to Tigrunn where he trained along with his children to become Darkwald knights. While this occurred, Simon's brother, Harold rebuilt Viernesse with his children and their sister, Clara.
        Over the years the family kept in contact; However, Harold's great grandson, Richard, died with only a female child known as Noelle. Due to the want to preserve the family's hold on Viernesse, Sebastian sent his son Yannick to marry Noelle -The two of them being third cousins. Though both involved did not like the idea of marrying family -even if so distant- Sebastian insisted, thus giving Yannick full control over Viernesse by 281 AC. And so, Clotilde was born.
        Immediately, around her 5th birthday, the sophisticated female began to take up dancing lessons, continuing to do so without end until her eleventh year. During her childhood, she grew a strong yearning for a pet bird, and so, she had several exotic avian creatures - ten in total, each listed for the first ten letters of the alphabet. Due to an incident where Clotilde had forgotten to feed her feathered companions, they had all perished. Since then, Clotilde becomes saddened, or even frightened at the sight of a bird.
    • Adolescence:
      • Following her eleventh year, Clotilde, under the massive payment her father had paid to the school, bagan to attend the Academy for Aristocratic Learning. It was during this period of time that Clotilde flourished into a Lady fit for Court, honing her diplomatic, judicial, and commercial prowess. As the years passed, during the time she wasn't in class, the woman became skilled at the art of dance, and bodycare. Here was where she met her first love, Antonio d'Cartolli, a wealthy Dressolini male who broke her heart a few months into their courtship. Despite this, Clotilde has moved on, and wishes to succeed, be it with a man in her imminent future, or not; She has time, after all.
    • Adulthood:
      • After graduating the Academy in Regalia, Clotilde has retired with her family to the Isle of Mull, hoping to aid her family's endeavors to prosper, and amass wealth.
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@Axelu I would recommend right off the bat removing some of the spacing inbetween the borders or picking a smaller border/divider there.