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It had been years since Olivia had donned her cloak of violet and black, hiding the colors of her house beneath silks dyed in the hues of a slumbering sky. She swept through the underworld of Regalia with her hood drawn tight. Chestnut curls peeking out from the shadows and resting on her chest as the Ombre matriarch made her way to the docks.

She was cautious, keeping her identity unknown as she made unsavory purchases. There was no need, her name seemingly forgotten to the annals of history and consequence of failure; yet there was precedent. Olivia had known the city and its inhabitants through times of peace and turmoil and in either state there was always a hand to be dealt. Whether or not that hand was in your favor was where cautious became a necessity - especially for one who had fallen as much as she.

Her list was short, to the point as she called upon a native to the isles she had once called home. Where she had found love, made a family, learned her skills in both language and science. It was in Dexai where Olivia had made her fortune, and it would be by those eastern islands that she would strike true once more. Yet, as she spoke in a tongue unknown by most western people she could feel eyes on her. The eyes of a man.

Negotiations was where Olivia excelled, making promises and deals that would see her prosper. Now was no different. The Sihai girl with canines did not frighten her, did not intimidate her; in fact, in that face of youth and vitality Olivia saw what could have been. She wished she could reach out, caress the cheek of one gone to flames and hate. Let her know all would be right, that her hopes and ambitions could become reality - all a dream lost to Olivia decades ago.

Her business done, Olivia entertained the man's questioning. He was handsome, in a rugged way. His face was set like one of the great statues guarding the halls of her family crypt: carved into ancient oak as strong as steel, nerves unwavering as their duty. It was familiar in that way. A face associated with the deaths that haunted her. That was what held her attention. It was that which had her falter in her caution.

This man with the oaken face and gentle voice, he with honor and justice. They spoke, briefly, of what would be. What could be. The options she had, the actions she must take. He spoke of what most did, those who were not lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon to their mouth. Olivia listened, of course, affirming what he already knew.

"And ze lords and ladies all started off as squaling babes who shat in ze mother's arms; never forget 'at. They are as human and fallible as you or I, monsieur." She scoffed, a twisted smile on her face.

He nodded, the bitter winds of the sea whipping up from the docks and against the pair. It was cold, freezing even, Olivia noted.

Then, suddenly, it was warm. No, hot. A burning red hot sensation that bled crimson across the cobbled path frozen over with ice.

characters in-scene
{ @Athelois @Carlit0o }