Preserved Sheet Clementine Bötticher

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds

Basic Information
"In our minds we tried to pin her to a cork board like a butterfly, but the pin merely went through and away she flew."
Name: Clementine Valencia Ailaise Illuminée Bon Varlet Bötticher
Nicknames: Clem, Clemmy
Age: Twenty-four, May 29th of 281 AC
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor - Ithanian
Main Ambition: To explore the world and it's arts, learning all she can about the beauty around her and the people within it
Religion: Priscelle Unionist
Theme Songs: [x] [x] [x]
  • Clementine found herself in Regalia after a long trip to many places in the world. This is actually her fourth time in the Crown City, and she chose to stay for a small bit to get a rest from her long travels. As for the moment, the woman is nothing more than someone aspiring to be something great while floating to and from around the city- barely staying inside her home except to rest thought she does tend to have the habit of mostly eating at the tavern or restaurants and cafes around the city as there is more chance to eat different styles of food as well as meet new people of Regalia.
  • Clementine was born to Abigail and Lucas Bӧtticher in Central Ithania in one of its many beautiful and sprawling cities. In the end, Clementine has three siblings and she is the second oldest, the eldest of the four children being her brother, Daniel. Under her are another brother and sister- the boy being the very youngest and her sister being the one born after her and only two years apart making them appear to be nearly twins to strangers. Her two other siblings are Patience and Caspian. As for her extended family, she has several Regalian aristocratic cousins and aunts/uncles, such as her cousins, Esme and Monique.
  • Clementine doesn't really have any secondary ambitions as her main one is to basically see and experience everything as well to become a sort of "jack of all trades". Though despite this, the woman does wish to one day publish something for the world to see, whether that be a book or painting.

Skill Information

"I dreamed my painting, and then I painted my dream."

Proficiency Points: 24 Total (-10 for School)
  • +7 Diplomacy (+7 from Points)
  • +5 Astronomy (+5 from Points)
  • +2 Medicine (+2 from Points)
Culture Points:
  • +10 Drawing (+10 from School of Visuals)
  • +13 Painting (+10 from School of Visuals, +3 from Points)
  • +10 Sculpting (+10 from School of Visuals)
  • +4 Instrumental Music (+4 from Points)
  • +5 Dancing (+5 from Points)
  • +5 Bodycare (+5 from Racial Points)
  • Common
  • d'Ithanie
  • Dressolini

Visual Information
"It's better to see something once than hear about it for a thousand years."
Eye Color: Cornflower Blue
Hair Color: Sable Brown
Hair Style: Usually left hanging down when she's out and about
Skin Color: Ithanian White
Clothing: Neutral colored skirts that are usually browns or blacks along with white blouses and vests of grey that usually have pictures of flowers or songbirds sewn into the fabric on the front in colorful threads such as blues and pinks. Along with that the woman also usually wears a hat on her head that has fabric flowers sewn to parts of it
Height: Five foot - seven inches (5'7)
Body Build: Skinnyfat
Weapon of Choice: None- she's a true Ithanian
  • Clementine can be easily described as no one special. Her facial features are generally the same as any other Ailor or Ithanian in Aloria- she has long brown hair and bright blue eyes, though her hair color is a tad darker than the average Ithanian for no true reason. Her ears are on the slightly larger side, but this is mostly hidden by the hats she wears or her thick hair- along with this her eyes are fairly upturned as well as her lips as the usual facial expression she is wearing is a pleasant grin! More on her face, Clementine has rosy cheeks with light freckles scattered all over her face, lightly from the number of times she's been burnt on the face during her explorations.
  • As for her body, Clementine is a tad taller than many Ithanian women as well as holds the skinnyfat body build- giving her a rather pear-shaped body that is easily complimented by the wide skirts that she generally wears. The woman has average sized bones that are also the average strength, meaning she doesn't easily break nor is she's invincible to attack which has happened before- generally because many people, she's discovered, do not like Ithanians. Speaking of attacks, Clementine does have several small scars on her body, mainly on her forearms or knees from simply spills on the ground or running into sharp things- but she also has a long scar on her right side at her ribs from when she was attacked by a, luckily, inexperienced thug. Though she was mostly fine from the attack, it left her with a nice scar to tell a story of.
  • Being an Ithanian, it's easy to guess that Clementine has a deeply rooted love for fashion and accessory. The woman generally wears neutral colored skirts with white or tan blouses and vests to go over. During the colder months, the Ithanian also tends to wear a light grey peacoat with fur on the insides of the sleeves and collar. Along with these, she wears either black walking boots or tan flats, unless she is going to a formal event where she switches her casual wear for nicer black flats and some sort of dress- usually in a color that stands out. As well as all of this, Clementine has a variety of accessories such as several pairs of earrings, all of them being simply stone pieces or small hoops of silver- she also owns two necklaces; one of them being a silver necklace with a blue stone attached to it and the other being a simple chain of gold with an Imperial Eye symbol attached to it, though the charm is extraordinarily small and mostly hidden under her top.
  • Clementine has a fairly high and melodic voice, which is the main reason she had previously been apart of the School of Music. She often speaks in a quick and excited tone, her Ithanian accent have a tendency to leak into her words unless she were to slow down and measure each sentence out before saying them. She doesn't have a stutter, though she does- strangely enough- tend to bite her tongue on accident. This generally happens though when she is trying to force her Ithanian accent away, leading her to occasionally stumbling over her words and catching her tongue between her teeth. She can speak several different languages other than Common, of course, those being; both d'Ithanie, Daendroque, Dressolini, and Alt-Regalisch.

Personality and Abilities
"There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for."
From a Stranger's Perception, Clementine can easily be seen as a fairly welcoming and friendly woman compared to many of Ithania. She is extremely laid back and this can be easily caught on for her also 'no regrets' type of attitude. After so many months of being on her own, Clementine as really lost any form of wishing to impress others as she is only about to see the world for herself- not make others happy. Despite so, she is rather flirty and often is that held back to who she flirts with as long as they're a man; though usually whether they're married or not isn't really a concern to her. It's easy to spot that she holds a 'follow the wind wherever it goes' attitude and seen at random different moments through her trips to and fro Regalia that her aunt pays for.

On the Inside, Clementine is a collected and selfish person. She believes that the world isn't fair and despite this to try your best to follow the rules. While she is flirty, she doesn't really care about keeping a relationship with others and would easily cheat on anyone that considers her 'their's'- sometimes simply to prove she isn't. Despite her rather self-centered ideas, Clementine is still highly held in the belief of keeping one's manners and even in the face of being insulted or spoken down to she will bite her tongue. Clementine also is against the idea of war and fightings, being a pacifist even as she does seem to make the habit of not giving much care on how others feel.

From the Perception of those she loves, Clementine is a very faithful and loving woman, known for hugging her cousins and supporting her kin if they really need it. Her family is one of her biggest allies, having supported her throughout her entire life and accepted her back in without much more than the bat of an eye after four years of her absence. As for friends, they could probably agree that Clementine treats them much like she treats her family- always standing loyally at their sides, ready to help them with wise words that she's learned. Clementine can state that she has had many, many lovers. Most of them were only up to a month long and often weren't very serious though she has possibly found one in recent times that could last.

Good or Evil? The best way to describe Clementine would be Lawful neutral, as she doesn't necessarily take others into account, but she never goes out of her way to cause mischief or break the laws. Her ideas of being good or evil are strict, those that are good are kind and care about others while those that are evil kill and hurt- something that she has accepted is that she doesn't fit into either of her definitions of good or evil. Clementine despises crime and the slums as well as war, finding even those that are in the Imperial army as rather sadistic
  • Clementine can safely be described as a holding many household skills. She can sew and knit, cook well but not professional, as well as sing well. Clementine often enjoys knitting blankets for those she knows and making dessert foods, but she's best known for singing- a skill that could have been made into a talent had the woman not dropped out of school

Traveling: Of course, after the woman put herself through four years of traveling it's easy to expect that that is one of her, not only likes but loves. She will often take any chance she is offered to explore somewhere new, even if it's just a piece of land in the countryside! She has been to many, many places throughout several countries in her short lifetime, loving nearly everyone.

Wine: Again, another easily guessed love due to her bloodline of Ithanian, Clementine loves wine. She has made it her goal to try any type she is offered, anytime. Despite the fact that she does drink often though, it is rare that the woman ever really gets drunk, which is a perk due to the sketchy people that tend to hang out around taverns and bars.

Parks/Gardens: If you wish to win the friendship or heart of Clementine, an easy way to do so is to find her a beautiful garden. She adores flowers and plants of any kind, the smells and colors drawing her in like she herself is a butterfly. Often times she will drag those she is friends with away to the Regalian Park or if she's not in the tavern, that's usually where she can be found. The woman also has a profound love for drawing the plants and - occasionally- the animals she sees within the gardens she visits.


Peppers: Despite the fact that she does indeed like trying new things and foods, Clementine despises peppers, no matter their colors. Red, yellow, green- they all are terrible in her opinion and any spicy peppers are not quite her favorite either as the Ithanian is known for her inability to handle spicy foods.
Esme Bon Varlet: "My lovely, dearest cousin." Clementine's older cousin and one of her closest friends since they lived together for several years when Clementine ran away to her aunt's home. Esme and her sister, Monique, welcomed Clementine back into their family with open arms when she returned from explorations, something she thanks wonderfully. @Nesstro
Monique Bon Varlet: "What's have you in a mood now?" Clementine's other cousin, the sister of Esme. Monique and Clementine tend to talk more often than Clem and Esme do. She often will take Clementine's drawing books to sneak glances at her drawings, despite the annoyance of her cousin. @WalnutNinja
Tobie Peirgarten: "So I'm a squire now?" The Ithanian's first non-family friend in Regalia, and one that she already considers her best. The two are already fairly close. @Vivamente

Meradetta dei Sybill: "You are my dearest." Another artist that Clementine met by chance in the Tavern and one she awfully enjoys the company of. @HoshiChomp12


Life Story
  • During the morning of May 29th during 281AC, Clementine Valencia Bötticher was welcomed into the world to two loving parents, Abigail and Lucas Bötticher, as well as having a brother named Daniel, who was born six years prior to her.
  • She was introduced to the materialistic and elegant lifestyle living in Ithania that soon she began to define her life with, loving the beauty of the architecture and paintings that were around her.
  • When she was two, her mother had another baby- a little girl named Patience, and three after she had her last baby- a son that her and Clementine's father named Caspian.
  • The Ithanian took up a love for the arts of music and drawing, wishing to follow a path with them, but due to her lack of attention and unladylikeness, her parents originally refused.
  • Clementine luckily got in touch with her wealthy aunt, Chante Bon Varlet, who- when Clem was ten- allowed her niece to move into her home to learn manners and the ways of being a proper lady.
  • After two years of living with her aunt, Clementine returned to her parents and, now a much more proper girl and student, managed to convince her parents to let her begin learning music. In the beginning, Lucas and Abigail made the girl practice piano for several months until she confided in them that her love was more so for vocals than instruments and with that she was allowed another tutor and began singing for several years.
  • At the age of sixteen, the girl began taking singing lessons, going away to a tutor's home. Sadly though, it only took around six months of being a student that her love for singing began to fade as the lessons became less fun and more of a chore to her have to take. She eventually stopped her lessons and returned home, her parents unhappy with her decision with sparked tension in the home and, wishing to avoid it, Clementine moved back into her aunt's home.
  • Around a year after dropping out of her singing studies, Esme- her cousin that had become the Matriarch of House Bon Varlet after Clementine's aunt- offered her a chance to attend the school of visuals as her love for drawing and painting had resurfaced.
  • The woman happily agreed and at nearly eighteen Clementine enrolled into the school as an artist.
  • Again, her interests were not easily to keep and she eventually chose to drop out of that school as well, returning home for a small bit before making the decision to travel around and see what happened in other places to try and inspire her for her own life. She packed her bags and went off.
  • For the next four years, Clementine traveled the world to many other cities and countries, learning a bit on languages and how to speak the ones that she spent the most time in- of course, her dialect wasn't perfect but it was understandable. She only really encountered two places who would never leave her;
    • Jarrow: A famous city in New Ceardia, known for its beautiful streets and elegant tearooms. Clementine sketched one of her favorite pieces thereof a tearoom that she had visited.
    • Daenshore: A well known place, honestly. Clementine doesn't remember it for anything beautiful, but rather an ugly attack that had occurred on her due to her rejecting a man's proposal of marriage. The man's brother came after Clementine and attempted to mug her but when she resisted anything, he tried to stab her-luckily not being the best fighter and only managing to give her a nasty cut across the side of her torso.
  • At the age of twenty-four, Clementine still is travelling about the world and often comes to visit the Holy City of Regalia where she spends most of her time with her closest friend, Tobie Peirgarten.
Life Chronicles

A New Babe
During the morning on the 29th of May during the year 281 AC, Clementine Valencia Bӧtticher to Abigail and Lucas Bötticher. When she was welcomed, Clementine was the second child of the two- the eldest being a six year old at that time, a son named Daniel. The girl was introduced to an Ithanian lifestyle since she was born, raised in the materialistic and beautiful lifestyle like the majority of the country. Her brother would often let her color finger paint with his old colors on a board which soon formed her love for art that would stick with her her whole life. When she was nearly two, her mother had another daughter- the second girl named Patience, a name she ended up not living up to as she was proved to be a rather impatient baby. When she was five, Abigail had her last baby- a little boy named Caspian that would be Clementine's youngest sibling.

Years of Home

During the next decade of her life, Clementine took up a liking to art and music- prompting her to begin aspiring to attend the school for both. Through those years, she luckily got in touch with her aunt- Chante Bon Varlet, a woman that was a rather wealthy Ithanian aristocrat. When she turned ten, five years after Caspian was born, she moved to her aunt's home for two years. The woman taught her young niece how to be a proper Ithanian lady, in hopes that she'd take after her, as well as her daughters, Esme and Monique who were Clementine's cousins and soon enough because her best friends. When Clementine returned to her mother and father's at the age of twelve, she convinced her parents to allow her to begin learning about music. To begin with they began with piano at their home with a tutor but soon realized that Clementine seemed more interested in vocal music rather than instrumental. With that, she began to singing for several years and at the age of sixteen, she was enrolled in the school of music as a soprano.

Paint and Melody
During the year of 297AC, Clementine joined the School of Music and was listed as a soprano which she happily took. The woman was happy as a singer until she started to reach half a year of being a participant of the school and the lessons began to become less fun and more of a chore. With such, around her ninth month of enrollment, the lady dropped out of school and returned home to unhappy parents due to the money they had wasted paying for her lessons. As such, Clementine soon enough packed up her things and moved back into her cousins' home due to the growing tensions she didn't wish for Patience or Caspian to see. Not long after, her love for art began to resurface and nearly a year after she had dropped out of the school of music, Esme offered her a chance to attend the school of visual arts. Unsurprisingly, Clementine was ecstatic and agreed, soon enough become a member of the school of visual arts when she was nearly eighteen. The woman stayed in the program for two years until unexpectedly losing interest in the form, possibly because of the high work ethic that was expected from her. She dropped out and again packed up all her things but this time instead of returning to Ithania and her family, the woman visited for merely a week to inform them that she was taking up the job as a traveler and with that set off.

A Sight to See

Through the following four years of her life, Clementine was anything but still. She moved from place to place in a rush- as if the beauties of the world before her would vanish if she didn't get to it quick enough and as wars began to rise throughout the land, she realized the truth in that thought. She visited a vast majority of cities and countries, drawing parts of them as she went in one of the many sketchbooks she kept. Throughout the travels, she also made a majority of lovers and while she still remained pure in the end, she left a trail of broken hearts in her path. The woman would always recall two cities that she visited as her favorites- Jarrow and Daenshore. The beauty of Jarrow always stuck with her and she couldn't help but be drawn to the beautiful tearooms and estates that lined the streets of the magnificent city. The other city did not have quite the same happy city, but rather a tale of her only current bad scar- her attack in Daenshore. The woman recalls even now that the man was the brother of one of her past lovers who she had broken the heart of, rejecting his proposal in front of a gang of his own men. Out of spite, the brother of the man followed after her and attempted to mug her, but when she refused to give him any regals, he slashed her across the side with a dagger in a failed attempt of stabbing her. Clementine lived to see another day, but her flirty nature toned down for another two months until she met another man to date.

The Crown's Isle

As of recently, dear Clementine has returned for the fourth time to Regalia, now intent on staying for a while rather than just visiting for a few days and catching the next ship out. In her short time here already, she has managed to catch a house as her own on the corner by the tavern. While nothing of real importance has happened quite yet for her, she has befriended Tobie Peirgarten as her closest friend. She plans to begin making money somehow- possibly in the form of creating art for those around her.
Last edited:
My sole review point is that your skill section is very incorrect and features wrong levels for both Schools, please re-examine the respective school pages and ensure you structure that section correctly.

Tag me once the edits have been done in green @AtticCat
My sole review point is that your skill section is very incorrect and features wrong levels for both Schools, please re-examine the respective school pages and ensure you structure that section correctly.

Tag me once the edits have been done in green @AtticCat
I think I fixed it? I'm assuming that I just put one level too high for each, but if it's because of the years it's suppose to be that they dropped out after that long of attending school, edits made in red!
Bump! Also it's 'need reviewer' because I switched a few things with the images.
I think I fixed it? I'm assuming that I just put one level too high for each, but if it's because of the years it's suppose to be that they dropped out after that long of attending school, edits made in red!
If she was only enrolled in the School of Visual Art for two years, she would be at the Student level, not Learned.

Please make this edit in orange and tag me when you're done.
Rewrote most of her personality to fit changes in my RP of her. @HydraLana
Edited her name to fit the Ithanian culture month/moon thing but it should be fine besides that!
She's still Champagnard Ithanian, that doesn't exist anymore. Please re-check the application and ensure that she conforms to the new standard, that being one single Ithanian culture.
She's still Champagnard Ithanian, that doesn't exist anymore. Please re-check the application and ensure that she conforms to the new standard, that being one single Ithanian culture.
Fixed! Sorry I forgot to tell you last night.
Redid same parts pertaining to the school of music to instead be a singing tutor and changed school of visual arts to visuals in the life story. Added new skill section! @HydraLana
My Review:
  • Her Points section is, apologies, all kinds of messed up. You have a Cultural School in the normal Proficiencies section, and once that is moved, you are going to need to subtract ten points from anything you want in the Proficiency section since you spend ten points on the school.
  • She has three known languages other than Common which is not allowed, she is only 24 and can only know two. Please edit this.
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @AtticCat
  • Her Points section is, apologies, all kinds of messed up. You have a Cultural School in the normal Proficiencies section, and once that is moved, you are going to need to subtract ten points from anything you want in the Proficiency section since you spend ten points on the school.
  • She has three known languages other than Common which is not allowed, she is only 24 and can only know two. Please edit this.
Tag me once the edits have been done in green @AtticCat

I'm a tad confused, the School of Visuals can't be used in proficiency points but just culture or am I understanding this wrong? (Aka, the school of visuals would go into the culture points section, yet I'd still remove the 10 points from proficiency?)
I'm a tad confused, the School of Visuals can't be used in proficiency points but just culture or am I understanding this wrong? (Aka, the school of visuals would go into the culture points section, yet I'd still remove the 10 points from proficiency?)
Yes, it uses just culture points and you would need to remove 10 points from proficiency.
Character shelved.