
AAAAA I LOVE STARBOUND!!1! Me and a few other people on the server RP on it every now and then. You should totally join us! Draw a novakid next, bc those are my favorite.
AAAAA I LOVE STARBOUND!!1! Me and a few other people on the server RP on it every now and then. You should totally join us! Draw a novakid next, bc those are my favorite.
I role-play on the server Antares, check it out :p Also sure i might draw a novakid eventually, im personally not too fond of the race but i do love request. Also, fun fact: While drawing Fushiko I was in a call with a friend of mine listening to some background music whilst they were drawing a novakid.

Floran Master race!
I would agree with you!
....about a year ago ;3

Now my absolute favorite race are the Avali, their just, so adorable i love them so much.
Canon race being the Hylotl.
I'm looking for a Starbound RP server. So, I might check out Antares. Is it a whitelist server?
I Was thinking about opening up commissions, but for a request, it really depends on what you want :o ?
i want you to draw my floran in Volatile armor (you know, the high end purple armor, also, i don't have pciture of it, only of the floran itself)
or to draw a screenshot i took <- this is more like... a larger project i gues
i want you to draw my floran in Volatile armor (you know, the high end purple armor, also, i don't have pciture of it, only of the floran itself)
or to draw a screenshot i took <- this is more like... a larger project i gues
hmm, while I like the idea of drawing a Floran, I have little to no experience with drawing armor
The page has been updated, a development unexpected!
Fantastic! The traditional works are so expertly rendered. I don't do any digital graphics, but I love illustrating. Fantastic
May I request a commission?

You may, but I should forewarn you that I do not take regals. If you are still interested, I would need to see the character as well as be informed what type of medium you want, (Traditional, digital, painted, pixel, coffee, etc.)
You may, but I should forewarn you that I do not take regals. If you are still interested, I would need to see the character as well as be informed what type of medium you want, (Traditional, digital, painted, pixel, coffee, etc.)
Damn, I can't pay with irl money. Sorry