Preserved Sheet Claudia Maria D'soleil

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Nelfin Redhead
Oct 7, 2017
Reaction score
Vixhall, City of Mayonne


"One day I hope I can be as influential to my children, as you were to me, mother."
~ Theme ~


Basic Information

Name: Claudia Maria Lupenzi-Woodrow
(Former d'Soleil)

->Nickname: Claud

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Half Alt-Regalian, Half Ithanian.

Religion: Unionism

Sexuality: Flexible

Total Proficiency Cap: 23

Proficiency points

+10 Marshal Knowledge (+10 from culture boost)
+5 Throwing Blades Combat (+5 from proficiency points)
+6 Visual Arts (+5 from proficiency points)
+5 Athletic Training (+5 from proficiency points)
+7 Musical Arts (+7 from proficiency points)

Body Shape and Body Fat

Physical stat: 15 (5 from throwing blades combat, 5 x2 from athletic training)

Body Shape: Athletic

Body Fat Category: Moderate Body fat


Common: 10/10
" Primarily raised in common, both her parents taught her this growing up."

Alt-Regalian: 3/10
" My mother's primary tongue, I can pick up a phew phrases here and there."

d'Ithanie: 3/10
" My father's most spoken tongue, I can understand a few phrases."

Visual Information


Claudia and Ivar. 'Forehead Kisses'
By Joyshake

Art by Shayles on Artists and Clients!
"Disney princess-esque Claudia"

Eye Colour: Cobalt Blue

Hair Colour: Chestnut Brown

Hair Style: Curled and down past her shoulders, with bangs shaping her face

Skin Colour: Pale Porcelain

Clothing: Originally wearing inherited dresses from her mother.

Height: 5'4



Paragraph 1: Introductions

From first introductions, Claudia would be seen as an approachable and talkative individual always with a smile on her face, she is extremely friendly towards new people. She has no anxious bone in her body, often excited to meet new people. If you were to hear of Claudia, it would most likely be about that girl with a pet duck, an oddball. Though sometimes people might find her abrupt forwardness overwhelming and think of her as loud, however in reality she is nothing of the sort. Instead she is just extremely bubbly and just wants to spread that feeling across to everyone and anyone she comes across.

Paragraph 2: Inner thoughts

Claudia has always been extremely carefree, and thus she doesn't have any notable insecurities, being fairly relaxed she can often cope in any stressful situation with a smile and come up with contingency plans. However when it comes to making first impressions, inside she is often worried they will think she is strange or odd, although this is gradually becoming less and less of a problem with the encouragement and reassurance from her friends and family. Up until recent events, Claudia has worries it is her own doing for those she loved, to leave her alone. The fear of the unknown and abandonment is always a constant in her thoughts, and riddles her with sleepless nights.

Paragraph 3: Friends, Family and Lovers

To family Claudia is a goofy and jovial girl, often reverting back to her childish nature as she's at her most relaxed around her blood relatives, extremely devout to her kin she would do anything for them, anything at all. With friends Claudia is often a joker and tries to make them smile, and cheer them up when they are down, holding them extremely close to her, being extremely loyal to them. Though now with recent events, the young girl is fearful to trust and to love again, being very withdrawn and distant if anyone even shows the slightest romantic interest in her, just simply hurt and torn from her past, unable to move on with unanswered questions.

Paragraph 4: Morality

Claudia is a genuinely good and kind person, regarding morality. Always following the law set out, believing that if no one conformed to it, everything would be in ruin. Without the rules put in place for everything, we would not be here today without it. Often being an open-minded individual she is open to all types of interpretation when it comes to day-to-day things, however when she sees corruption within people, she's extremely disappointed.


Blood relatives, whether she likes it or not.

Lazarus Lupenzi - You mean't the world to me when I was little, I still will not forgive what you did to my mother. But I'm willing to give you a second chance, I love you Pa'. Don't do anything silly again.

Bree Lupenzi - Despite the beginnings of our relationship, I am extremely grateful for you allowing me to live under your roof. You are like a second mother to me, and I am highly appreciative of you giving me some lessons with painting.

Eirunn Lupenzi - Demon child, you are equally the most hilarious little half elf sister as you are a little nightmare. I will always be here for you, should you need me.

Tobias Lupenzi- Tobias you are definitely the epitome of a teenage brother, despite your hormonal outbursts sometimes, I do love you. And my teasing is merely me showing affection, just stay away from that Christine girl, you deserve so much more.

Rosalia Woodrow - Mother you're the one woman I look up to the most, you are my bestfriend and I love every piece of you. I am happy you've finally find peace, and I wish you well with Finley. I'll visit soon I promise.

Finley Woodrow - You goofy Fisherman, I met you when I first visited my Ma' in the Hinterlands, you were always checking to see if she was okay and making her smile. Thank you for bringing her back to who she was before, I'm honoured to call you my family.

Matilda Woodrow- Little Tilly, I've always wanted a little sister to pester. Despite you living across seas, I love each and every interaction with you. I will always be here for you if you need me, you are both a combination of mother's beauty and Finley's goofy nature.

Marie Peirgarten- That one woman my mother mentioned being her sister, though I wouldn't call her my aunt, she was never involved in my life. But I'm aware of her relation.

The one who has planted a claim upon Claudia's heart.

Darcia Gonzales - The woman who came into my life all by accident, but it sure as void was the best accident. My daen sweetheart, never fails to make my heart race. I love you so much, and I hope you know that. I will always be at your side, mi amour.

Ex- Fancies
Past Lovers, crushes or flames.

Ivar Magnusson - You are the most awkward nelfin I have ever come across, never seeming to make up your mind. Throughout our confusing times, you never seized to make my heart ache. However I fully support you, and I will always be a friend should you need it.

Life Story
Birth and Childhood

- Spring 283 AC, Claudia Maria d'Soleil was born to Rosalia and Lazarus d'Soleil. She was her parents first born child and was loved very dearly, the two devout parents from the second she took her first breath.

- Her father lacked a presence in their household as she was growing up, so Claudia very rarely saw him much besides the odd days where he would come home. Therefore she was primarily raised by her mother, surrounded by Alt-Regalian culture and teachings. However she loved every moment of her upbringing.

- Claudia grew street smarts as soon as she was old enough to leave the house. At first her mother would take her on walks around the city, visiting the library and the park. And shortly after she was a bit more responsible, she would go to the Almshouse and play with the children there, often being mischievous and going on adventures with the kids.

- Just as Claudia began to flourish in her own shoes, her father finally began to be more involved. Trying to make an effort to socialise and be with his daughter, trying to make up for lost time. He also began to make amends with her mother, her parents once again reconnected.

- Her father contracted the kathar plague and she was riddled with worry, fully knowing her mother was pregnant with her little sibling, she didn't want her mother to be alone. So pushed away her childish adventures, to take care and look after her mother, to make sure she was okay, whilst her father was at Fort Purity.

-Claudia's brother, Tobias was born after her mother took a tumble down the stairs. It was a traumatising experience to see her mother like that, and it certainly made her mature up very quickly. However she was extremely excited to have a little brother to call her own.

-The divorcing of her parents, tore their little family in half. Tobias went to live with his father, whilst Claudia remained under her mother's wing until she departed for the Hinterlands, taking Claudia with her.

- Shortly after her time in the Hinterlands, Claudia's Mother remarried and her little sister was born. And she remained there for several years before returning to Regalia to try and re-connect with her father and brother, however she was unable to find them.

-Claudia being unable to find them, and in the big city by herself grew worried and gradually ran out of her savings. So sought out the only other relative she knew of in Regalia. Her father's mother, unbeknown to her, she was a sanguine. And spent a hellish amount of time being enslaved to the woman.​


-At the age of 19, Claudia was cured of Vampirism with the help and support of her step-brother and father. She took her father's family name and was allowed to live under the roof of her step-family. Sending frequent letters to her mother and step-father.

-Claudia met her Daen sweetheart, Darcia Gonzales, at the Golden Willow by an accidental tripping on a rug. The two hit it off like wild fire and had been courting since she was only 19, now being 23 and having been together for 4 years, there's only time until the two seal the deal completely, via marraige.

-The young woman continues to search for work within the city, with very little luck.​

Last edited:

What a pretty application. Just one thing for you to do before we throw a stamp on it:
  • Please add 2 sentences to your first personality paragraph.
Please 1) make your edits in a different color and 2) tag me once you've finished. Let me know if I can answer any questions!
@Dosier Aged Claudia up 6 years, and edited the app to be set in tune with her Sanguine infection. Hope I did the points correctly, coloured the new edits in green!
App Update Log: 29/12/2018

-Reverted age back to 18, adjusted her to be a sanguine without mutations.
-Updated Relationship spoiler
-Updated Final Life story paragraphs.