Preserved Sheet Clara De Letoirneau

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Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score


"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."



Full Name: Clara de Letoirneau-Celyreos

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Female

Race: Ithanian Ailor

Sexuality: Questioning



Total Points: Twenty-Two

  • +10 Bodycare (from Culture Boost)
  • +10 Blades (from Points)
  • +10 Fast Blades (from Points)
  • +2 Literary (from Points)

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat = 15
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat


  • Common - This is the second language she was taught while being raised up by her tutors and parents alike, she is mostly fluent though there are some phrases she doesn't understand perfectly.

  • D'Ithanie - While this may be the first language she learned and became fluent with, she doesn't use it very often anymore.




Eye Color: A silvery, Emerald Green

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Hair Style: Clara likes to wear her hair pinned up, often times she will had it done in braids and then pulled into a bun or just pinned up and adorned with jewelry.

Skin Color: Lightly tanned

Clothing: She often wears colours representing her house, though at times she can be seen in casual clothing when she is going on outings; clothing she likes to wear when she wants to be casual is a simply coloured dress, some furs, or riding gears for horseback. However, most of the time she wears oranges and blacks together as her house colours.

Height: 5'6



"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance,"

First Impression: Clara usually likes to make her presence known once she gets into a crowd, and people can quickly figure out that she is an extrovert. She is uncomfortable when she is walking around alone or mingling by herself and not in a group of people. The woman likes to be very friendly up until someone starts making issues with her, then she might be a little sassy towards them. Overall, she is very humorous and finds comedy in just about every social situation. Often times she tries to do little silly things to either make someone smile or laugh. Conversations with people who can't smile or take a joke can make her really uncomfortable. She usually isn't a very serious person and tries to be as light hearted about things as she can be.

On the Inside: She is very chaotic on the inside, she is constantly thinking about different things so she can get sidetracked in conversations or forget what they were just talking about. Clara isn't always like that but it happens, though she is a very happy person and very content with herself and life. However, she is very forgetful and loses track of things she should remember. This can be really embarrassing for her when someone calls on her to remember an anecdote or something important if she has forgotten it.

Family and Friends: With her family, she is definitely a different person. She tends to be much more respectful both to her friends and family, the sassiness usually disappears as well. However, she makes it her goal to make their lives easier and she feels almost protective towards them. The moment she feels like one of them is threatened she gets really on edge and tries her best to keep them safe. This goes for her friends as well, she makes it a point to keep the people she cares about safe and sound. However, she keeps her humor around them and can be very loving at times. It makes her happy when she can make them smile.

Morality: Clara is a very moral, and disciplined person. She believes in not harming anyone if they don't deserve it and is a good person at heart. Whenever she sees someone who is injured or in pain of any kind she tries to help, sometimes she has to hold back so that way she maintains her public appearance but it hurts her when she isn't able to help somebody. However, if it is someone she hates or it's someone that has wronged her, she will be spiteful towards anything that concerns them, since she is only human.

Clara is in general, a very quirky person. She has little things about her that some people might pick up on, or they won't. Often times, when someone makes her uncomfortable either by not being very humorous or by just saying rather crude things, she will pick at her nails and examine them. It makes it obvious that she is either uncomfortable or nervous when she begins to do this, another thing she will do is nibble on the inside of her cheek. However, when she gets excited or happy about something, she will get very forgetful and lose track of conversations. While this can be seen as endearing by some, it can be annoying for others.

She has a love for books, which is where some of her historical knowledge comes from. Clara loves to read in her free time and does so in the park at times when she needs some time alone. However, this isn't something that she talks much about due to it being a personal thing for her. Furthermore, she has a love for fighting that she also, does not tell many people about. Her friend Ko has given her some training in unarmed combat, she will sometimes go off to spar with him when she finds time. She views fighting almost like dancing in a way, and sees a form of art to it.


  • Alcohol, though she is not an alcoholic
  • Blue Eyes
  • Dresses
  • Books and reading in her free time
  • Intelligent people
  • Comedy
  • Bunnies

  • Generalizations
  • Slavery
  • Rude People
  • Sexist People
  • Forwardness when it becomes uncomfortable, especially if it's vulgar slurs
  • Blatant Ignorance



Early Years

Clara is the firstborn in the secondary line of the de Letoirneau-Celyreos family, her younger brother Lionel being one of her best friends since they grew up together. She loved life on the Celyreos estate in Vixhall, she was raised with cousins and siblings alike and grew fond of all of them. Her parents, Armand and Jeanette, doted on her a lot since she was the eldest and of course she enjoyed the attention, this grew into a trait about her. Clara loves affection and attention, which is why she tries to keep so many friends.

As a child, she loved playing games with the staff and with her siblings, she would come up with little games to play to keep herself entertained. However, if she wasn't being a child and playing games she was spending her time with the horses that her family owned. Her favorite was a speckled white and brown stallion that she named Beau. Since she was too small to ride him, she would run around and get exercise with him, and lead him around the estate. This love for animals remained throughout the years, she has a compassion towards animals and can't bare to see any get abused.

Teen Years

When she turned eleven she saw a pair of local men fighting over a woman. While she didn't respect the cause for the fight, she was interested in fighting and combat. This became something she was passionate about, she begged her parents to hire tutors for her and teach her how to fight with swords. In her young mind, she wanted to be the knight in the fairy tales where the damsels were saved from dragons. She was without a doubt, clumsy and rather terrible with swords when she first began to train with them. However, her free time became eaten up with her training and she became quite proficient with them over the next few years. It became a stress relief for her, family crises often got her on edge and she would run off to either train or ride Beau to get away from it. Never in her past or even currently, has she been good with dealing with the family crises and always finds a way to get out of them.

A lot of her cousins and even her siblings moved away to Regalia, though she was too crestfallen about the idea of leaving her home and the life she was accustomed to. Though, in preparation for going to Regalia which she knew was inevitable, she studied Common and got herself familiarised with it. While she went through her teen years she struggled with her sexuality, she didn't know who she was attracted to so she decided to leave the whole subject alone. It makes conversations such as "When are you going to find yourself a man?" very uncomfortable for her. When she turned seventeen she experienced the death of her horse, Beau's leg had been broken in an incident, the horse landed on his leg wrong and they had to put him down. This devastated her and changed her view of death, it helped her grow up a bit and mature though. Her childhood naiveness disappeared through her teen years then she lost it completely when she experienced a death. After that, she got her priorities in order and began to think of what she was going to do with her life.

Recent Years

When she turned twenty-one she decided to move to Regalia, she said goodbye to her parents and packed her things. During her travels to Regalia, she met a lot of people and warmed up to the idea of living in the Holy City. When she arrived, she immediately sought out her Celyreos family members and her extended family. She came in search of new faces and people and she found them, currently Clara is looking for a profession, she has considered joining her House Guard as of recent.

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Sorry for the wait, everything checks out. Approved.
@Carlit0o I changed three of her profs so that way she has more invested in combat, does it check out? Edits are in Blue.