Clancy1219's Oligarch Campaign

Jan 15, 2013
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People of my home, my land, my district, i step forward today to announce that I, clancy1219, is running for oligarch. We live each day in infested streets, we the dwarven people have the choice, the right to cast your thoughts for thy ruler, this ruler, shall it be me, should and will rule over thy land will the carefullest of thoughts. That man shall hold the power of your lives, and your homes.

Our district lay yet a child awaiting to grow, and i will feed it, and care for it, till the day i die. Oligarch or not, that is my home, and your home, so why let it fall into the hands of a evil man, or a untrustworthy man? Few men can promise many things and their people can know for sure, bet there souls on it, that is will come true, i am one of those few. If you all would bestow me with the honor of being your oligarch i can promise that you can sleep at night, next to thy wife and kin, knowing that the demons of the night (vampires) will not be anywhere inside the wall of our city. I promise that the word of the peasant, the common dwarf, will be heard throughout Reglia. I swear on my own soul, i will see to it that every dwarf within my walls will feel comfort, and safe within my power.


Hi there, i am clancy1219, and i am running for dwarven district oligarch. As i walk through the streets of my home district, i feel the need to point out what i would like to change, now i have the chance to actually change it. As the oligarch i promise these things:
-Vampirism: The hunting and persecution of vampires
-Expansion: The expansion of our city of regalia, and our district
-The Common people:every person being heard, i promise that if you need something said, i will YELL it for you
-Protection and Defending: I fully support the growth of the regalian army and stand along side with gridiron for oligarch of the military district
I ask for all those supporting me for donations, and you will be remembered if i am voted or not, as a friend. I also will gladly take any questions from anyone, while im online, or on forums. I would like to thank all those who read this all the way through, and remember the thought of a greater district, a greater Regalia.