Clan Rescäl


No, I will not do that for a Klondike bar.
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Not In the bushes by the 7 eleven on your corner
A Quick History

Formed in 302 AC between the high elf Thalion and the shenath Cecil Empolan, a clan of no particular order meant to do one thing- solidify fellowship. Welcoming anyone with a drop of nelfin blood, the clan was little more than a friend group for it's earlier life, members looking out for one another in the hostile Old Town environment.Over the years, most members have dispersed or died along the way. It was only in recent times that the remaining Rescäl, Thalion, became more active in the community as trouble brewed, redistributing the rings to any nelfin asking for his protection and attempting to set an example of how to treat your neighbor.

Clan Identifiers

Crest: Allú'tornë Tree with seven flowers, to represent the seven Magus
Adornment: Every member wears a twirled wooden ring

Mission Statement

The Rescäl strive to serve their fellow nelfin during times of need. Community is one of the most important things to a happy life, and the clan recognizes the need to service that community. Commonly seen fishing to pass out of the catch later to those struggling, or making merriment with music. Strong believers that all it takes is indifference for evil to flourish, clan members are anything but quiet when they feel compelled to speak or act for the benefit of another.

Hard lines
  1. Assist those in need, before all else
  2. Nothing gets between members, petty squabbles are beneath the fellowship
  3. Strive for progress everyday, stagnation only leads to bitterness
  4. No faith is greater than the other, no elf above the rest
Member List

Thalion / 302-307 AC / Founder
Cecil Empolan / 302-305 AC (Deceased) / Founder
Lucas Amalao / 302-305 AC (Deceased)
Aedhlynn Baudh / 304 - 305 AC / Betrayed
Don D. Dredd / 304-306 AC / Betrayed
Niewyth Faroe / 307 AC / Member

Nei Raloren / 307 AC / Member

Recruitment: Entirely IC!
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