Clan Frisque


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score


"Protect what's yours, or it will become mine."

Race: Varran
Religion: Faith of Baskarr
Trade: Opium, spices, and piracy
Colors: Reds, oranges, and golds
Sigil: A roaring golden lion
Values: Family, Freedom, Fortune


Risen through their wealth and influence of the Varran, the Frisques have been a contending member of the Regalian Empire for generations now, primarily through their uncontested fleets and deception.
This predominantly Rakrran family, normally the rodents of their race, managed to climb their way to an ascended position through their cunning nature and lesser-known calculated breeding with Corsairs and Dahrins in early generations. This led to the unique regal looking colors and patterns of the fox-like Rakrran amongst the current main branch and few branches prior. Over time, leading figures within the clan managed to garner ships and backing of other Varran, and it was then the Regalian Empire recognized them and rose them to noble status.




The main branch of the clan tends to be fairly uniform in appearance apart from color and pattern. All children are Rakrran of the fox variant and the vast majority have fur tones of red or orange shades with the rare occurrence of silver or white and curiously never dark shades beyond auburn. Eye color purely ranges from shades of yellow and green with no acceptions or deviation. All of mainline adorn themselves in fine silks and large amounts of jewelry and other accessories to show off their wealth and sedate their need to collect. While not all are fighters or active combatants, most if not all Frisques maintain a relatively healthy body shape with the men looking strong and the women sleek in appearance. Finally, all of mainline have tails of varying patterns they take full pride in.


The other various Frisque lines are far less rigid, some remain similar to the main branch, however, many take few characteristics from them. While the other lines do remain primarily Rakrran, there are also many of the other subspecies sprinkled throughout. Fur color can range from orange and red to silver and white to even the darkest of browns and blacks with any range in between and any pattern to match. With eye color, the most frequent tend to be yellow and brown with rare green and even rarer blue. While they may not be uniform Frisques still remain adorned in the finest silks and jewelry, no matter the subrace or profession.



The mentality of all Frisques, whether born of the main branch or otherwise, tends to be relatively the same bar certain unique aspects of each member and differing between professions. Most, if not all, hold themselves well, in Varran terms, as nobles though retain a lax form of etiquette. While still respectful and proper they are far more comfortable amongst the rest of nobility, lacking the rigidness of the vast majority and seemingly treating most as simple friends. The larger majority tend to be confident, sometimes leaning to the arrogant side, and are usually rather amiable should they be offered the same in return. Despite their friendly nature they also have an aggressive and cunning side to them, primarily the pirates and political players of the clan. Silver tongues which can even compete with the highest of Ailor royalty is often found amongst the large family, predominantly in the main branch.

In terms of profession, each Frisque tends to go their own way in life, bar the eldest of the mainline as they have duties to keep the family prosperous. Choosing such a course in life usually determines how one will aid the rest of the house in their ascent through nobility.

As for religion, it is no kept secret the Frisques have continued to follow their goddess known as Baskarr. While they accept the Spirit of Unionism as existing and powerful they choose to remain with their personal culture and seek to uncover more of the unrevealed religion they find themselves with today. Far from zealots but ever-faithful, the Frisques keep to their privacy within the Varran Court of Regalia and their homelands on Essalonia. Dahrins, or Varran priestesses, are common amongst the clan and commonly marry with Corsairs of the house to keep bloodlines strong despite the curious mainline being of Rakrran subspecies.


Unplayable, Strict Playability, Played, Open

  • Nehara Frisque (68) - Father of Amerys, married to Aphthys. Long dethroned Corsair.
  • Aphthys Frisque (67) @ETrees - Mother of Amerys, married to Nehara. Priestess Dahrin.
    • Amerys Frisque (48) - Father of mainline, married to Tahirah. Corsair and prior patriarch.
    • Tahirah Frisque (47) - Mother of mainline, married to Amerys. Priestess Dahrin diplomat.
      • Kailu Frisque (31) @Timisc - First born son. Silver-tongued Corsair Lord and clan leader.
      • Nuhem Frisque (29) - Second born son.
      • Sagira Frisque (26) - First born daughter. Sly diplomat.
      • Aahmes Frisque (24) Third born son.
      • Mehi Frisque (22) @Nesstro - Second born daughter. Gifted artist.
      • Khata Frisque (16) - Third born daughter.
      • Nekhtou Frisque (11) - Fourth born son. Adolescent.
  • Bek-Khrot Frisque (62) - Father of Sebek, married to Neema.
  • Neema Frisque (59) - Mother of Sebek, married to Bek.
    • Sebek-Khrot Frisque (43) - Father, married to Jendayi.
    • Jendayi Frisque (42) - Mother, married to Sebek.
      • Tiah Frisque (25) - First born daughter.
      • Ozier Frisque (23) - First born son.
      • Fenreis Frisque (22) - Second born son.
      • Kekhara Frisque (18) - Second born daughter.
  • Kamuzu Frisque (66) - Father of Menkara, married to Anakhes.
  • Anakhes Frisque (63) - Mother of Menkara, married to Kamuzu.
    • Menkara Frisque (47) - Father, married to Tairin.
    • Tairin Frisque (47) - Mother, married to Menkara.
      • Ra-eai Frisque (30) - First born son, twin of Taa-set.
      • Taa-set Frisque (30) - First born daughter, twin of Ra-eai.
      • Sati Frisque (27) - Second born daughter.
      • Sekani Frisque (24) - Second born son.
      • Aurera Frisque (21) @Betel_ - Third born daughter.
      • Ghaiji Frisque (19) - Third born son.



  • While your Frisque does not have to necessarily be your main it is preferred.
    • You are expected to actively be present at any noble events and spend a decent chunk of your time playing them. If we feel you are turning your attention elsewhere you may be contacted and spoken to about such.
  • You should have a clean record and a positive view amongst the community.
    • If you have any active punishments or are considered a troublesome or toxic individual you will be rejected until we believe you have corrected such issues.
  • You may be part of one other noble house but should not be a title holder of said house.
    • Furthermore, if a conflict of interest should arise such as a political struggle or impactful war you will be asked to choose one side and shelve the other character for the time being.
  • You must remain in contact with the family.
    • While you should be in constant contact of @Timisc, you are also urged to mingle with the rest of the house as we prefer to keep a close-knit group.
  • No toxicity or otherwise unpleasant behavior will be tolerated whatsoever.

  • Mainline is strictly edited by @Timisc as he sees fit. There will likely be no accepting of additions to this line so please do not ask.
  • Furthermore, mainline has a strict playability requirement as these are the main figures of the family. These are normally handed out to close friends or notable figures of the community so please do not get offended should you be denied.
  • All other lines may be edited, rearranged, added to, etc. Any such edits will need to be discussed with @Timisc and should be mentioned within your application.
  • Vampires, mages, undead, Silven, and any other aberrancy will not be accepted.
  • Magicians may be accepted depending on spells and reasoning behind such. Having spells to simply have them will not be accepted.
  • Frisques, while pirates and thieves, still behave rather well and should not act out of character.
  • Names can be changed if accepted by @Timisc.


You should thoroughly read through the rules section above before considering applying. Also, note discord is required to be accepted.
Recruitment is currently open

IGN: (Your in-game name.)
Interest in the family/reason for applying: (Why do you wish to be a part of Clan Frisque?)
How good is your understanding of Varran lore?:
(How active are you, preferably in hours per week. Give me a rough idea.)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
(What timezone are you in?)
References: (Any players who can vouch for you in roleplay and on the server alike. 3 is fine.)

Character Name: (Name of the character you're applying for.)
Character Age: (The character's age.)
Relation: (What is their relation to the acting head of the family? Brother, cousin, etc.)
Physical Description: (What does this character look like?)
Personality: (What is their personality like?)
Biography: (A summary of their life up to this point. Think about including their ambition, any life-changing experiences, etc. Let us get to know this character.)
Tag: @Timisc
Last edited:
IGN: Betel_
Interest in the family/reason for applying: I have interest in playing a Rakrann Varren and have friends here <3
How good is your understanding of Varran lore?: 7/10 (I am learning)
Activity: Will talk to you about it. Maybe at least 5 hours a week.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Timezone: EST
References: @Nesstro @Timisc (it has been a while :0)

Character Name: Aurera Frisque
Character Age: 21
Relation: Cousin.
Physical Description: The more raccoon-like variant, with a darker grey back mixing into a lighter grey stomach and face. She would have the black eye raccoon mask. 5'6" and Athletic. Golden yellow eyes.
Personality: Curious and unconventional. She knows when to hold herself back in say, noble company, but her true personality can show playful smugness and sass.
Biography: Aurera grew up with the family in their native lands, later working with them on their many ships to learn her sailing skill and astronomy, also picking up unarmed combat and perception. Her ambitions include increasing her sailing skill knowledge, protecting her family, and increasing her own collection of shines.
Tag: @Timisc
IGN: Nidakk
Interest in the family/reason for applying: To build my presence in the noble community and repair my fall from House von Rahm so I can come back twice as hard.
How good is your understanding of Varran lore?: I have read the entire page at least twice
Activity: Mainly weekends, though time to time I come on weekdays.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Timezone: Central US
References: @mcmann @Vivamente @mayino

Character Name: Taa-set Frisque
Character Age: 30
Relation: Cousin
Physical Description: Being one of the few Warran in the house, Taa-set is a sword demon and does her job well in name of the House. She is pitch black and without claws, this is because of pirates that kidnapped her and pulled them out to keep her from clawing at them. She has deep red eyes and a slender face, her face hair is mostly slick and only her mane is long yet well kept and decorated. She has a pretty muscular form- mainly in her arms and legs and she has a lot of athletic ability as well.
Personality: Taa-set is described well by three words; Arrogant, Sassy, but Gentle. She is very determined and she thinks she can do anything, to a point that usually grows arrogant and most times can get her brusied a bit. She likes to live her life as well, even if she is a bit cheeky in most of her actions, she is undeniably bold with little fears. (Besides Orcs.) She is extremely gentle though, caring for mostly animals but also other family members and nobles as such. As a Baskarr worshipper, she tries to appear Unionist but everyone in the family knows that she is a Baskarr Worshipper, even though she hides it.
Biography: Born on the coast in Regalia with her brother, being the younger of the two and probably the hardest to take care of growing up. During most of her childhood she was trained with her father's scimitars and her mother embraced her more creative side, most of the time in the arts. When she was a teenager, she went with her father on a boat ride with some friends, mostly casual around the coast, when she was ransomed by pirates. Her father paid the ransom but her claws were ripped out of her and she was pretty traumatized from it again. She hardly goes on boats anymore and if she does it is with the Corsair and with a lot of guards around her. But she still trained afterward with her swords, now really fighting so that she could defend herself if all else failed. As she got older she began buying more expensive clothing and growing her mane out a little more, aspiring to be a guard but she hasn't built up the courage quite yet. When she got older, she also began to become more involved with her religion and getting a little bit more involved with the Unionism or Baskarr question, weighing both sides before choosing, Then she closed up again about it. To this day, she is now trying to be a guard but also going out to prove herself to her family but also to her title as a noble.
Tag: @Timisc
There are a few points I would like to address in this application;
  • Giving the character such a maim like having her claws removed is odd to me to do in backstory as that limits something that could happen in RP and is also questionable to do if she is trying to be a guard.
  • Along with the latter point of the above bullet, why would a noble wish to be a house guard? Unless you mean a guard in the Regalian guard, which is not hard to achieve so if that is the case it is a poor ambition choice.
  • Varran can't have red eyes (aside from albino Sarran) and vampires are not allowed into the family as they would just be insta-cured once discovered.
  • There is no mention why she is scared of Orcs.
  • Frisques never try to appear Unionist, they are open about being Baskarr worshippers as they believe it disrespectful to lie about.
  • Overall there are several things that do not fit a Frisque and the character feels a bit all over the place.
With the above mentioned, I will be rejecting this application. I would instead advise reading over the Varran lore again and making a commoner Varran to join either the house guard or other staff to be involved in the community. I would also not recommend learning noble RP as a non-human as it is exceptionally more difficult. Should you decide to get involved as house staff find a Frisque ICly and ask about positions.
IGN: (Your in-game name.) Ringo0310
Interest in the family/reason for applying: (Why do you wish to be a part of Clan Frisque?) I love the Varran RP, I also wish to be a better RPer, for I believe being in this family would help me learn and grow in my RP, also, I love the community.
How good is your understanding of Varran lore?: I am a solid 8/10
(How active are you, preferably in hours per week. Give me a rough idea.) I am active on the weekends, and generally about 12 hours a week.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
(What timezone are you in?) Mountain Time zone.
References: (Any players who can vouch for you in roleplay and on the server alike. 3 is fine.) @MippyMoo @SilentEndurance @maddydaddyy

Character Name: (Name of the character you're applying for.) Kekhara Frisque
Character Age: (The character's age.) 18
Relation: (What is their relation to the acting head of the family? Brother, cousin, etc.) She is the last born of Bek-Khrot Frisque and is of the second line of the main line of Varran.
Physical Description: (What does this character look like?) She is one of the few Sarran Varran and has a long fluffy tail, she has light brown fur and Green Eyes.
Personality: (What is their personality like?) Kekhara is very outgoing and loves to talk to people. She doesn't mind it people touch her fur and long as they do not cut any of it off. She loves little children who look up to her, and ask to touch her fur, she does not mind being made fun of either, for she blocks it all out in her head.
Biography: (A summary of their life up to this point. Think about including their ambition, any life-changing experiences, etc. Let us get to know this character.) Kekhara's main ambition is to grow up and be a loving parent. She wishes to get married and raise a family when she is old enough, and would also one day to open a shop to supply all sorts of goods to her people and others.
Tag: @Timisc
IGN: (Your in-game name.) Ringo0310
This application feels very cut and dry and like not much thought was given to the character, basically like it was just thrown together in a pinch or on a whim.
  • The personality is quite bare, only speaking of how she likes her fur touched and is friendly. This offers no insecurities or darker sides and is just a single faced type of character.
  • The biography is a single sentence and really just boils down to her wanting to be a mother, it explains nothing of her life, just what she wants to do which isn't what the bullet point is asking. It is a very poor character design and near unachievable as many do not play Varran and Frisques are the only Varran nobility, plus you do not need to be noble if that is the only thing you are looking to do, aside from owning a shop as well.
  • Overall the pitch is poor.
Alongside that, the current Frisques do not know you very well and we are a close-knit house. I would suggest making a Varran with a bit more substance and getting involved with the community as a commoner and going from there. As such, this application is rejected. Thank you for your interest.