Archived Claimed Land

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dead account
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
It gets me slightly annoyed that moderators don't really do anything about factions that have claimed loads of land.
So I get the thing with huge factions having huge amounts of land, that doesn't really bother me. It are the small factions with 1 to 6 players, that have claimed so much land. I heard of the rule: members x 3 = minimum amount of land. I know factions that still have much land and moderators not really caring. It is I am only slightly annoyed, because there isn't a rule for this and nobody will stop me from claiming huge loads of land. I just suggest a rule how many land a faction is allowed to have with that amount of players, and moderators just caring a bit. Thank you for reading this :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
It gets me slightly annoyed that moderators don't really do anything about factions that have claimed loads of land.
So I get the thing with huge factions having huge amounts of land, that doesn't really bother me. It are the small factions with 1 to 6 players, that have claimed so much land. I heard of the rule: members x 3 = minimum amount of land. I know factions that still have much land and moderators not really caring. It is I am only slightly annoyed, because there isn't a rule for this and nobody will stop me from claiming huge loads of land. I just suggest a rule how many land a faction is allowed to have with that amount of players, and moderators just caring a bit. Thank you for reading this :)

There is a rule about this. It falls under abusing the factions plugin. Moderators don't actively hunt for factions that have overclaims that are x3 the power they should have; instead they rely on player reports. So if you run across a faction that is severely overclaimed, report it in the 'report a player' section of the forums with the faction name and, if possible, the coordinates and world it is in.

Please never assume that we don't care. We do care. That is why we are moderators. We are here to help Massive function, to help players, and to uphold the rules. We have so many responsibilities, however, that we have to rely on player reports for certain rule-breaks. This is a perfect example where we rely on player-based reporting.
What would what entail, a severely overclaimed faction?

A faction that is x3 the power level. Say a faction's maximum power level is 50. If the faction with a max of 50 power/land has land claims of 150 then that is considered a x3 overclaim (50 x 3).
A faction that is x3 the power level. Say a faction's maximum power level is 50. If the faction with a max of 50 power/land has land claims of 150 then that is considered a x3 overclaim (50 x 3).

-runs over the hills and far away- JK, my faction is tiny.
Doesent this snowball pretty hard, i mean there are factions out there with 500 maxland, they could potentially claim 1500 land then ...
Most factions don't last long enough for this to be a considerable problem. Probably also why it's rarely reported.
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