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Played Character Clément Portier

This character is actively played.


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ♘ ◦ » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
"The Separation of Law and Barbarism"
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【 Full Name » | Clément Portier | «
【 Heritage 】» | Vitfou Narim | «
Gender / Pronouns » | Masculine | «
【 Combat Style 】» | Strength Attack, Constitution Defense | «
【 Occult Type 】» | Mundane | «
【 Age » | Twenty-One | «
【 Birthday » | April 10th, 291 AC | «
|| Core Concept || 》
〉〉 Clément Portier is a Viridian Rank-Knight of the Montefalco Chapter. He maintains a strict reverence to the rule of law and the enforcement of its exact code, while maintaining an optimistic ideal towards the institutions that prop it up. He strives, primarily, to be as much of a model Viridian as he possibly can be.
《 || Appearance Information || 》
〉〉 A rather unassuming Narim, even with his Knightly status. Clément harbors a Bee-like appearance, with a slender form. As a clear, and apparent result, Clément is primarily reliant on agility and technique rather than strength or fortitude, wings often folded and hidden underneath his clothes. - He is somewhere between five-foot-ten and eleven.
〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ♘ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
|| Proficiency || 》
【 Strength » | 7 | «
» Careful Fighter, Technique Parry, Concussive Blow, Diving Tackle, Shrug Off, Cheap Shot, Bruising Strike, Building Scale
Constitution 】 » | 7 | «
» Shield Block, Shield Brace, Shield Phalanx, Shield Deflect, Shield Snare, Debuff Endurance, Rage Counter, Breather, Thick Hide (Free)
Faith » | 0 | «
» Unseen Prayer (Free)
Intelligence 】» | 0 | «
Wisdom 】» | 0 | «
Dexterity » | 0 | «
Magic » | 0 | «
|| Languages || 》
D'Ithanie» (Native Language) «
Common » (Learned Language, Fluent) «
〣✵- ──────────────────────── «•◦ ♘ ◦• » ─────────────────────── - ✵〣
|| Plot Hooks || 》...
〉〉 Opulent Upbringing | Born and raised in Basta, the second child of well-off merchants and artists 'Maxence and Éloïse Portier', Clément did not want for much growing up. Yet if one were to ask him of his experiences during such a past, the answer given would be far from 'sublime' and closer towards 'stifling'. Recognition of the Portier name will often be met with avoidance by Clément.
〉〉 Late-Comer | He did not study with the Viridians from childhood, but rather a year after he turned Thirteen. Admitted as a squire behind the others around him. It was only his enthusiasm that carried him forward, and ensured that though he arrived late, he did not graduate late. By 312 AC he became a Rank-Knight. Others of the Montefalco chapter who are around the same age as him, or Viridians at large who might have known him during his instruction, are permitted to acknowledge this connection. Even if Clément himself might be forgetful.
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