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Civics Ministry Missive - May 30th, 310 A.c.


Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score

MAY THE 30th, 310 A.C


To begin this first of many missives, the Civics Minister wishes to thank the citizens of Regalia for the very warm welcomes to the position and the Duchess aims to live up to the very wonderful legacy that the Jarless Sorenvik left behind.

It is the Duchess-Electors hope to not only continue the legacy of the Civics Ministry but to help it grow even more and assist those in need within the city.



To continue assisting the citizens of Regalia, the Civics Minister announces the creation of the Civics Wellness Center.

The Civics Wellness Center is headed by Petra van der Kliej @Athelois and has the following rights:

- The right to work within the Civics building to heal and assist, but may not sell any goods for profit within the region.
- The right to host seminars and debates within the area.
- The right to act as a counselor for those in need.

The Civics Wellness center will be there for those who need healing of the body and of the mind, giving the citizens of Regalia a place where they can speak on their problems without fear of judgment or retaliation. Anyone who wishes to get involved should send a letter to Doctor van der Kliej.



The Civics Minister aims to have the Almshouse be a place where people can come for food, shelter, prayer, or even a simple chat. To help with these matters, the Civics Minister is seeking out a few developmental changes to help with such.

- The creation of a community garden just behind the kitchen of the Almshouse. This will be tended to regularly and will allow those who need food to come and gather a basket of food should they need.
- A proper courtyard with more than a bonfire for socialization and relaxation.
- A proper place of resting and healing away from the weary city.

Note: these changes are not guaranteed and will be sought out and paid for through the correct avenues if accepted. These are currently just a list of changes the Civics Minister wishes to bring to the Almshouse.



June 12th, 310 A.C - A Discussion of Alchemy and It's Uses - Hosted by the Civics Minister Duchess Peirgarten

June 25th, 310 A.C - Undersee Soiree - Hosted by the Mistress of the Halls and the Civics Ministry

Keep an eye out in the Roleplay Community discord for random rp pings of when people are at the Almshouse or helping somewhere in the city or join the discord to get the RP ping for the Ministry!



With the removal of the Civics Ministry Brute Squad, the Civics Minister is looking to hire people who may act as protection should it be necessary while in the Almshouse. One must follow all of the requirements:

- If a mercenary, you must be legally registered with the Mercenary Inspector. @Aurelian30k
- Your weapon must be registered with the Armament Officer. @AtticCat
- If a Constable you may NOT work while in Metropolitan uniform.
- Must not be a wanted criminal. Reformed criminals welcomed.

Those who wish to apply may seek out the Minister ICly or send a forums letter to set up a meeting. The Civics Minister reminds those that the Almshouse is a neutral zone, but the Civics Minister holds the right to remove anyone from the premise should they be dangerous.

For those who wish to join the Discord for updates and RP Pings, anyone is free to join using this link: https://discord.gg/ENK5gxg99A
