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Citizens’ Beware; Public Service Announcement


the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score
Citizens of Regalia,

As some of you may be aware of, there has been a recent influx of magical experiments, demon summoning, and general Occult. Myself and others have encountered TWO of these Occult, and I give this warning on the following:

  • On the SPEED DEMON of New Town, this is a highly Void mutated and possessed individual. It possesses intellect and one should avoid PHYSICAL contact if at all possible. FLEE, if one encounters it as it seems almost territorial. Do NOT attempt to stop this possessed individual as it may result in DEATH.
  • On the BEAST MASTER; the last confirmed sighting was in FAIRBANKS, but be aware that myself and one Amir Razavi were ATTACKED in the REGALIAN PARK. It required at MINIMUM, TWO people to deal with the cursed creature. All citizens should AVOID animals and strays, as they can transform into a writhing mass of tentacles and teeth — aiming for the victims' NAPE. These after mentioned creatures have been INFUSED with magic, and are NOT demons and CANNOT be exorcised -- APPARENTLY SOME OF THESE CAN? -- . Use caution, and try to avoid traveling alone.
Further research is being conducted, and scholars* and academics* are encouraged to coordinate with myself and the Lothar Order.

*OCCULT (NON AFFLICTED) will be accepted to research and assist on a case by case basis and expect to work with those of the Krsnik and Grauwald chapters.

Godspeed and may the light of the Everwatcher guide your path in these dangerous times.

Sera Ylvi vum Floss
Beast Master & Confidant Knight
of the Darkwald Chapter Lothar Order
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Another note is attached to the side of the post, the insignia of the Lothar order applied to it.

"As stated, those of the occult that are of service to the crown and follow it's laws can contact either the Krsnik or the Grauwald group.
You may approach me, Confidant Knight of the Krsnik group, Sera Yaotl Genran for further questions.

May the Everwatcher looks over your path."

The signature of said Yaotl Genran is written at the bottom of the paper.