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Work in Progress Cilinor Kohlziirn

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Incomprehensible Geometry
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
The Backrooms
Character Information
  • Full Name: Cilinor Catak Kohlziirn
  • Heritage / Culture: Beguiled Kathar rebirthed from Isldar
  • Age: 92
  • Gender / Pronouns: woman/she her
  • Religion: Evolism
  • Occult: Void Mage
  • Character Occupation: Cultist
  • Personality: Cili is a very much a socialite, very contrarian, even a debater in the right context. Cili is quick to temper over things she holds valuable, family, privacy and her twisted sense of freedoms. Cili is very evil natured but very smart, biding her time until the moment she can act impulsively and rush to her goal. Cili cares about attention and indirectly about those who show it to her, however she considers Amasa her savior and would do anything for her.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Narkiss blue
  • Skin Color: Dark Puce #484140
  • Hair: Silver
  • Height: 6'0" 185cm
  • Body Type: Top hourglass, above average fat, some tone
  • Additional Features:
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
  • Mechanics:
  • Languages:
Started out in life as a Rexit Isldar of the Iceblood faction, she was quite a problem child in most contexts; Contrary and even criminal at times, most isldar saw this as her feeling misunderstood or angsty due to her rough childhood and the loss of her parents.
The community tried everything to help her adjust her extremist ways and for a while she was socially pushed into contentment, even if it made her insides itch with impulsivity.

It wasn't long into her restrained phase that she was targeted and captured by Amasa during one of her long walks maybe a little too far away from other Isldar..She was agitated to say the least as she was dread rebirthed against her will, though while confronting Amasa, the manipulative kathar began to feed into her explosive nature and speaking into Cili's ear giving her the epiphany that this is good..that she can be herself around her new clique now. She offered Cili acceptance and absolution and she ate it up.

Cili would decidedly undergo the full rite of becoming a kathar. Cili would become a very good asset to Amasa and her gang of defilers and Amasa becoming a source of emotional connection for Cili even if it was toxic. This would continue with this dynamic for years all the way up until Amasa pushed Cili too far and turned Cili into a sanguine, causing her to spiral out of control and exacerbating her rowdiness, lack of care for detail, and recklessness; which lead to a series of events ending with a catastrophic failure in Amasa's eyes and imprisonment for Cili, being stripped of her sanguinism she'd spend the next fifty years imprisoned on various high criminal charges and it was over between the two.

Now Amasa has broken her out after/while she was transferred to Greygate and seeks to once again wreak some havoc and sow dread along side Amasa and those with similar ideals.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Wisdom: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Magic: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Charisma:0
    • [Ability Name]
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