Preserved Sheet Christophe Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Christopher Valor is a 25-year-old male Ailor.

  • Before him, his older brother Ryland, and after him, his younger sister Lilian were born. His parents are Nero and Cercei Valor. Currently, they all live in their Regalian household in the Ithanian district. Christopher was born and originally comes from the household.

  • He currently lives in the household in Regalia.

  • Christopher's main life goals and ambitions are to become a famous Blacksmith and supply the Regalian army with weaponry and armor, and to finally get a girlfriend. He might also want to regain some of the lost contact he was with his older brother.

Visual Information
  • Body Build
    Christopher is 5 foot 10, he weighs 196 lb., and has a bodyfat percentage of 10%. His upper body is especially fit, seeing his is a blacksmith. Specifically his arms, shoulder and upper back have a greater deal of muscle than anywhere else on his body. No part of his body is relatively weak; it's mostly proportionally balanced. He works a lot and keeps his health good and stable. He has no broken bones or poorly healed injuries affecting his physical abilities.

  • Skin Tone
    His skin tone lies around nr. 14, though because of his constant tan, it's generally a little darker. His fingers and fingertips can often be a little black due to pushing coal and similar materials around for cleaning up after work, although that isn't a permanent color. After his mother, he also has some freckles stretching from around his nose to below his eyes and cheeks.

  • Body Hair
    The little body hair on his body is mostly located on his forearms and legs. He has no chest hair, and no hair on his back. He keeps some facial hair, and grows his hair a few inches long on his head.

Head Description
  • Facial Features
    His head is ovally shaped, his nose medium bulb shaped, thin, hooded eyes, thick, long eyebrows, small ears and a thin upper lip and a full lower lip. His face is slightly longer than it's wide, his forehead and jawline are approximately the same width and his chin and jawline are rounded with no hard lines. His forehead is slightly broader than his jaw, and his cheekbones are the widest part of his face.

  • Eye Color and 'Normal Expression'
    Inherited from his father, his eye color is smaragd green. Christopher is normally a very cheerful and positive man who tries to spread his good mood around with a constant smile, however small. His normal expression will therefore resemble happiness by showing people a smile. He'll rarely walk around with a pout or look angry.

  • Hair
    His hair is dark chocolate brown, fairly thick and slightly curly. The curls were inherited by his mother, while the rest was inherited by his father. The style of hair he usually wears it in isn't really any, specifically. He'll wake up, ignore the hair, and head out to work. He feels having a beard is uncomfortable, so he'll shave it off after a few days due to tickling and poking, to his father's disapproval.

  • Facial Accessories
    Christopher has no facial accessories. No tattoo's, piercing or earrings etc. However, due to a very small piece of hot coal landing in his left eye while smithing a chestplate, his sight is slightly reduced on this eye.

Clothing and Accessories
  • Clothing
    Christopher normally wears linen clothing, both for pants and upper body. He likes wearing light clothing, as it won't hinder him in any movements while at work. Most of it is also quite baggy. While working, he'll also wear a leather vest to protect him against smaller particles from whacking metal. It's quite hot and will burn him instantly if in contact with skin. He wears tall black leather boots and a leather belt around his waist. Most of his clothing is colored black or dark brown. During the winter or colder days, he'll wear a thicker jacket over his normal attire.

  • Accessories
    Accessories in the shape of jewelry, you won't find on Christopher. However, he might carry around a hammer. He'll use it in case he needs to work elsewhere on short notice, or to protect himself. His father will have trained him in axes, but he seemed to prefer the hammer more. The hammer is his favourite tool and weapon.

Behaviour Information
Personality Traits
  • Kind (+)
    Christopher has a soft heart and dislikes seeing anything in a poor or depressed state. If applicable or appropriate, he'll lend a hand and aid whoever needs it. During his upbringing, he witnessed his father often treat his older brother Ryland harshly, which often made him sad and frustrated. Christopher would often try to cheer him up later. Because Christopher wasn't the oldest son, his father Nero wouldn't push him as hard and leave him to himself a lot more often than Ryland.

  • Optimistic/Positive (+)
    A lot of the atmosphere during Christopher's upbringing was often gloomy and challenging, mostly because of Nero's heavy drinking and constant demands and expectations of his older brother Ryland. Christopher feels a lot of the atmosphere could have been a lot different if people would simply think positively and look to the future with hope, so he always tries to be the one adding this to the everyday environment, whether it's at work, with friends, or at home. He likes especially to cheer and make optimists of friends in dire situations.

  • Inclusive (+)
    Mostly because he witnessed a lot of sadness and loneliness from other children or friends which he often didn't find necessary during his upbringing, Christopher developed a sense of including those around him in what he did, or what was going on. This also closely relates to being kind, and positive, although it's mostly a way for Christopher to gain new friends and more easily socialize. By being inclusive, he aims to give hope and spread positive thoughts and actions to others.

  • Creative (+)
    Being a blacksmith, he's often confronted with specific and unique requests to make and create different items for customers, family or friends. Being creative and having an open mind often comes in handy, as he impresses people with designs out of the ordinary, but still maintains a structurally and visually sturdy item. He'll often suggest and present different inputs and ideas for people who are already in the process of creating something in hopes of making better what they're making.

  • Humorous (+)
    It isn't at all unusual to hear Christopher laugh at a joke he's told himself, or mess around with words or rhymes. He'll often strike at some puns when he can, and enjoys very much humorously entertaining people, whether it's verbally or physically. He's learned to juggle with three hammers, which on occasion has impressed the ladies and made the children giggle and laugh. Even in the most serious situations, he might sneak a little joke in to lighten the mood.

  • Hard Working (+)
    Christopher takes very seriously his profession. Not only because he enjoys it, but because he enjoys making customers as impressed and pleased as possible. It's important to him to deliver the best he can manage. He'll often work over-time and beyond his physical regular limit. Smithing is also his hobby, so he spends a lot of time at the smithy creating weapons, armours and little objects, such as metal animals, candle holders or even chess pieces. He's very skilled, and he aims only to become better.

  • Rebellious (-)
    His family, then specifically his father, enjoys pointing his finger around and telling people what to do a whole lot. Christopher has learned that his father's command and will isn't necessarily in his own interest, and will often stray away, even in the exact opposite direction of his father's wish. A few of the things Christopher is skilled at and enjoys doing has emerged out of spite from his father's wish. He'll rarely do as he's told by his family, and he'll do his best to walk another road than them.

  • Poorly Mannered (-)
    Not having attended, either because he wasn't invited/included, Christopher doesn't always behave in coherence to the situation he's in. He doesn't know better, simply because he wasn't taught. He wasn't taught, either because he was ignored, or because he was told to, but didn't want to. He feels it isn't necessary to act all tidy, tight and humble towards people he knows nothing of. However, he doesn't want to make a fool out of himself or his family, so if in a situation where courtesy is expected, he'll do what he can as gracefully as he can, or simply sit in the back, decluding himself as much as possible.

  • Fluttery (-)
    Christopher has a frequent tendency of being unable to focus. He's easily distracted and will often forget what he was originally working on before he was distracted. He is aware of this, and because of that, he'll preferably work alone. When friends are around, talking to him about things unrelated to his work, he won't be able to give his projects and items his fullest and optimal attention and care, while in the smithy. When he is distracted, he can make costly mistakes.

  • Unaware (-)
    His attention span isn't the widest, nor the best. Obvious or quite apparent hints or things going on will often pass him by without notice. This often leaves him at a spot where he'll awkwardly continue a subject that has been hinted to be inappropriate or awkward for someone present involved, for example. People might find him to be a little oblivious, or simply ignorant or rude to the situation at hand, although it isn't his intention to be.

  • Abundant (-)
    Christopher has a poor sense of sparseness. He has no issues spending money or giving money to those in need. He'll feel people are in greater need of money than him, so he'll give it to someone else. This has on several occasions left him hungry for a day or two, and without means to buy something he needs for himself. He also feels that because he has no other goal in life than to become a great blacksmith and do smithing, money isn't a necessity in regards to saving etc.

  • Spontaneous (-)
    Because of his spontaneous nature, he might disregard appointments or meetings leaving him vulnerable to disappointed customers or delayed products. Being a little forgetful and a man of impulse, he'll unintentionally have an increased line of unhappy people, which is something he normally tries to prevent. Christopher likes following his initial gut feeling and often acts on his sudden urge to complete or do something, mostly because he likes variety and a sense of adventure.

  • Smithing
    When Christopher was little, he often crafted little figures out of wood with a little knife. He'd look around for little stones and other details to add to the item he made to make them extra special. At the age of ten years old, he went with his older brother to the blacksmith in search of a leather scabbard for their father's sword. While there, Christopher was incredibly amused and instantly developed an interest for blacksmithing. Ever since then, his world has revolved around that profession.

  • Adventure
    When Christopher and his friends have little to do, he'll encourage and tempt his friends with some adventuring and perhaps spending a night outside the safety of the walls. Some of his friends also hunt, so while the others would prepare a place to sleep for the night, a handful of others would hunt for something to eat. This type of activity excites Christopher a lot, and he loves spending what time he has outside of smithing to this type of activity. Walking a few days in the mountains or elsewhere completely also excited him.

  • Swimming
    Specially in the summer, Christopher will grasp at every opportunity to go for a swim if there's a lake or ocean nearby. He loves both the fresh and the salty waters and feels liberated of stress while swimming. It's also extra enjoyable if friends are around.

  • Socialising
    Spending an afternoon at the tavern or at a bar with a handful of friends, and also meeting new ones is another 'activity' high on his list of most favourite activities. Expanding his number of acquaintances while enjoying a beer with the company of friends and ladies he feels is necessary to a healthy and good life. He hopes to one day find a girlfriend. Preferably sooner than later.

  • Bullies
    If there's anything in this world Christopher truly loathes, it's when a helpless soul finds himself in a helpless situation, fueled by people pushing someone in that situation. Someone who bullies or harms anyone not deserving of anything being said or done should be protected and shielded from the bullies. At least some attempt should be initiated. Christopher will interfere with any situation like this, either verbally or physically.

  • Dependency
    People who are dependent on or rely on other's hard work and achievements to be able to live a comfortable life is something Christopher looks down on. Christopher respects and looks up to people who take initiative, are motivated and have goals in life and work hard towards a future and life they deserve. People who are given everything on a silver plate, he finds to be snobby and unable to appreciate anything they have. Loathsome.

    Also taking orders blindly from someone without a second thought or even curious about any reasoning behind a command is something Christopher is not fond of. Christopher will not take orders from anyone if they don't have his respect, or if he can't see the logic behind it.

  • Bugs
    Ew! Squishy, small, unpredictable, poisonous, millions, gooey… What is there even to like about bugs? As far is Christopher is concerned, all bugs have been able to achieve in life is pestering everyone, including himself. Especially mosquitoes and spiders. Bugs also catch his attention quickly, making him prone to distraction, which hurts his ability to produce items for customers at a normal rate.

  • Stress
    Anything that stresses his normally relaxed mood is a no-no. Anything that stresses others, he'll try to convince not to intervene with. When he's stressed, he's unable to think about anything else than what's stressing him, and that stresses him even more. He's rather ignore and try to avoid what's stressing him than resolve it. Resolving it usually means being around stress for a longer time than just setting it aside immediately.

Abilities and Disabilities
  • Ability Oriented Strength - High Stamina
    Christopher can work for days on end, it seems. He rarely tires, especially if he has an interest for what he's doing. Once he gets into the rhythm, he can work for hours at a time, even if he feels fatigued. If motivated, there's little that can stop him from what he's doing.

  • Personality Oriented Strength - Just
    Christopher has a strong sense of justice. It really pushes his buttons when someone is forced into an unjust situation, whether it's because they're poor and can't fend for themselves, or because someone deliberately treats them poorly. This aggravates him, and he gets an intense urge to intervene to straighten out the situation.

  • Mental Oriented Strength - Independent
    Christopher dislikes relying on others to either help him or assist in anything. If he's in trouble, he'll naturally do what he can to solve it. He rarely seeks out for others. He's a lone wolf and prefers to stay that way. He feels being helped is a sign of weakness. He's a grown man who can take care of himself. He's been this way ever since he was a young child.

  • Physical Oriented Weakness - Decreased Range of Motion
    Due to his constant work at the blacksmith's, he's developed a very tense neck, and his horizontal range of motion has decreased. He'll often get headaches and lose sensation in his fingertips. This also decreases his sight range, making it more difficult to spot attacks from the sides or behind him.

  • Personality Oriented Weakness - Stubborn
    While he finds thinking independently is absolutely critical to one's quality of life, it often happens that he'll form an opinion on a matter he knows nothing of and will act in his own interest while actually harming himself, despite what people tell him and warnings they present.

  • Combat Oriented Weakness - Reduced Eyesight
    Because of the damage done to his left eye, he has reduced eyesights, and he'll have issues noticing anything going on in his left sided peripheral vision. Naturally, being able to see and locate an enemy is crucial to defeating an opponent. If an enemy were to charge from Christopher's left side, he stands without advantage to the situation.

Combat Styles
Christopher uses the same techniques used for dual wielding small axes, but instead of axes, he uses hammers. This is because he more or less wished to rebel against his father's dying wish to teach him axes. Not surprisingly, he turned out to be quite skilled in the field of hammers.

He will rarely engage in combat unless he finds a need to, whether it is to help someone in need or assist someone in a struggle. While fighting, he will try his best not to kill anyone. He'll pummel them senseless and leave it at that. He's not necessarily fond of blood either, so he'll do his best to avoid it. While in combat, his light weapons and swift self allow him to strike quickly and deliver several hits in a short amount of time. He'll hit in areas that indirectly disable an opponent's ability to use a limb. If an opponent carries a sword, he'll avoid the sword and rather strike the opponent in the hand/arm.

Weapon of Choice
Dual wield or single sledge/club hammer.


  • Ryland Valor - Older brother (@...)
    Christopher has a lot of respect for his older brother. In a lot of ways he also looks up to him, although they have a very different way of living. Most of the time they spend together is spent discussing different events, enjoying a cold winter's evening with a cup of warm glogg, fooling around at a bathhouse with friends or drinking senselessly at a tavern. They have each other's backs when needed.

  • Nero Valor - Father (@...)
    Not surprisingly, Christopher has a lousy relationship to his father. Not because Nero has been cruel or mean to him, but because of how his father treats others, including his older brother Ryland. Because Christopher wasn't first born, Nero spent less time and paid less attention to Christopher, leaving him to roam around on his own a lot. However, from the perspective of far away, he's able to experience what his brother went through, and he realized how much he didn't want the same life. Therefor, whenever Nero asks things of Christopher, he'll rebell and do nothing, or the exact opposite.

Life Story
(Age 0 - 12)
Christopher was born in the year of 278 AC. a chilly winter's morning in the family household in the Ithanian district in Regalia. Throughout his childhood and upbringing, he spent most of his time playing with his older brother Ryland whenever he wasn't busy being tutored by their father Nero. Nero didn't pay a lot of attention to Christopher, so he would normally do things his own way and seek attention elsewhere. His mother loved him very much, and she spent as much time with him as she could, though he was busy a lot throughout the day.

At the age of seven, his father began teaching his sons how to use axes. Christopher had already at this age developed the little rebel attitude towards his father and was especially difficult to boss around. Christopher would join the training, but on his terms. Instead of using axes, he would use hammers. When visiting a blacksmith's earlier, he had been completely spellbound by the smith that he wished so much to become one himself, swinging a hammer at the hot iron and crafting amazing things.

Christopher spent a lot of afternoons at the blacksmith's, and eventually the little parasite Christopher was became friends with the smith himself. He'd let him observe closer and even join in on beating some metal. Christopher successfully made his first dagger at the age of 10.

(Age 12 - 18)
His older brother Ryland had already begun studying and taking classes in economics and history while Christopher had developed a solid interest for smithing, despite his father's disapproval. It seemed Christopher's relationship to his father swayed more and more apart as time went by. Nero's drinking had become increasingly frequent, and his poor mother was taking the hits. Christopher now had no intention of repairing his relationship to his father, although his mother Cercei urged him to. After all, they were family.

The local blacksmith offered Christopher a job at the age of sixteen, seeing his interest and knowledge to the profession was already quite high for his age. He would spend nearly all his free time in the smithy with the blacksmith crafting all sorts of things; not only weapons and armor, but also little metal figurines and housing interiors.

During a gloomy afternoon a winter's night, while Christopher was the age of eighteen, a brawl had emerged from tavern nearby. A little boy seemed to be in trouble for snatching someone's loaf of meat off their dish. A handful of men had surrounded the helpless and frightened child to a corner, seemingly ready to give him a proper beating. Christopher launched out of the smithy and stormed towards the group, a pair of hammers in both hands, hoping to get their attention by yelling at them, calling them cowards and what not. The group of four through this young boy wasn't much of a hassle either, so they turned to him thinking he'd be an easy target. Which he was.

Christopher faught bravely, but despite his heroic efforts, the beating was instead directed and delivered to himself. Although the young boy got away, Christopher has to pay with x amount of bruises to his left cheek and chin, a swollen eye and a few sore ribs. On the other hand, two of the group members had their hands fractured. He was pleased with the outcome, but stayed home from work for a few days to rest and heal up.

(Age 18 - 25: Present day)
Christopher was rarely home at the age of eighteen. The tavern was a lot closer to the smithy, where he usually spent his time, and when he was done working, he would much rather head to the tavern where most of his friends and exciting ladies were. During this period of his life, he distanced himself from his family one small step at a time. His brother was busy with studies and his girlfriend, and, his father and mother were busy with what they were normally always busy with. In his early twenties, Christopher had decided that he wanted to open his own Smithy one day. That, or take over the existing one. His employer at the blacksmith had begun developing joint and back pain, and he was slowly working less and less.

Today, Christoper still works at the Blacksmith in hopes of creating his own company or taking over the existing one, and create armour and weapon for the Regalian army. While not working, he spends his time at the Tavern, freely using what money he's earned on either drinks or ladies.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • Very well written! I have only one area of focus; you say his only ambition is to be a blacksmith, but surely there is more to your goals in rp than smithy work. Think personal goals Chris would have, and add them to his goals, use them as a way to recall what you want to achieve ig.
Progress: Pending!
Hellu, @Jared4242 !

I've added two new points to his life goals:
  • To finally get a girlfriend.
  • Regaining contact with his older brother.
Thanks c: