Preserved Sheet Chloe De Belrose

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Nerd thing
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score


-Theme Song-

  • Full Name: Chloe Marsalle Solaire de Belrose​
    • Typically goes by just Chloe de Belrose or simply Chloe.​
  • Age: 180​
  • Gender: Female​
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor (Vampire)​
  • Sexuality: Bisexual, female preference.​

30 Proficiency Point Cap (-30 from Vampirism)
  • +10 Thin Blades (+10 School of Griffer)
  • +10 Acrobatics (+10 School of Griffer)
  • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 School of Griffer)
60 Culture Points
  • +30 Stage Performance (+30 Points)
  • +20 Body Care (+15 Points, +5 Ithanian Bonus)
  • +10 Vocal Music (+10 Points)
  • +5 Tailoring (+5 Points)
  • Common (Fluent)
  • D'Ithanie (Native)
  • Dressolini (Second language, Mostly Fluent.)
  • Alt-Regalisch (Learned to better fit in with the other Griffer.)
Vampire Mutations (30 Vampiric Mutation Points)
  • Blood's Lust
  • Feeding Delight
  • Shadow Flight
  • Disguise
  • Shadow Mask
  • Terror Panic
  • Hidden Home
  • Innocent Guise
  • Shimmer Mask

  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Ginger
  • Hair Style: Long and messy.
  • Skin Color: Pallid.
  • Clothing: Varies due to Disguise ability, but typically loose fitting, practical clothes allowing easy movement.
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Body Build: Athletic.
Social Image: Those first meeting Chloe might mistake her for being rather friendly and innocent. The woman has long perfected an unassuming outward appearance, calling upon her time in the theater to perfect this facade. Those who spend a little more time around her will begin to pick up on how calculated and cold she truly is, only really valuing her own survival. The vampire has been known to be extremely driven when it comes to forming plans or schemes, earning them a reputation in some circles for being rather devious. All of this is incorporated into her overall controlling nature, often trying to manipulate and bend others to her will so they might go along with her various plans. When it comes to other vampires, she generally feels compelled to defer to those older than her, though still may shows signs of being a tad rebellious to the authority of others.

Self Image: Internally, Chloe has somewhat of a superiority complex. She views others incapable of doing what must be done, which leads to her trying to control those around her. She is certain that she knows what is best not only for herself but even others at times. Chloe becomes very uncomfortable in situations where she feels she has no control over her own fate. She almost always try to manipulate her way out of situations rather than straight up fight. She truly views her affliction as a gift that allows her to get her way easier than if she did not have these abilities.

Inner Circle: Those close to Chloe get to see her controlling side much more often. Her plans and schemes often involve doing what she believes is best for those she keeps close, and she acts as the brains of these operations. Among other vampires, Chloe has been known to show affection, but due to her controlling nature it is more of a 'claiming' than a typical romance. She keeps around those she fancies for as long as they interest her, and will protect them if she can but in the end, her own survival is the most important thing to Chloe. Never actually having a real family of her own, Chloe is ignorant of how one should treat those close to them, and will manipulate those close to her almost as soon as she would a stranger.

Morality: Chloe views the world as something to manipulate and take from. As such her morals are rather questionable and she is extremely selfish in nature. The vampire has no problem doing whatever it takes to survive and actually respects others who value this too, rather than condemn them for evil acts. It is without question that Chloe is evil in nature, manipulating others for her own needs being a daily occurrence.


Chloe was born in Ithania in the year of 126 AC. She became an orphan at birth, for her mother died shortly after the birth, and her father likely never even knew she existed. The young Ithanian girl had the most unremarkable of childhoods spending most of her time in the orphanage. The girl was quickly labeled as a 'problem child' for her constant acts of defiance towards her caretakers, and organizing the other orphans in small rebellions throughout her stay there.


The older Chloe became, the worse her rebellious nature grew. This lead to her caretakers removing her from the orphanage as soon as they felt she was old enough to fend for herself. This path led Chloe down a trail of deception and manipulating others in order to barely scrape by until eventually her fate took a different turn. By chance, the owner of a theatre company was impressed by the young girl's ploys, and took her under his wing. However, Chloe took this as a chance to further her deception skills This is where she would stay for many years, until one night after a performance she was abducted while walking to where she was staying.

Adulthood and Vampirism Contraction

Chloe's new home had became the lair of a vampire. She spent much of her young adulthood here after being converted at the age of 21, and was forced to join this vampire's newly growing coven. Eventually she would meet a woman named Rohesia, the two becoming close rather quickly. However, their captor and turner disapproved of this, which lead to Chloe forming a plan to kill their him, with the help of Rohesia. The plan was almost successful, but ultimately failed, forcing Chloe and Rohesia to flee, and leave Ithania indefinitely.

Later Life to Now

After fleeing Ithania, the two young vampires spent the next few decades learning to survive with their new gifts. They traveled to various populated regions in Aloria, never staying in one place for too long, for fear of their past catching up to them. As the years passed, their hunting went from just simply finding whatever unsuspecting victims they could, to creating elaborate schemes using their mutations in conjunction to more easily find reliable sources of victims to feed upon. More recently, Chloe decided for the two to move closer to Regalia, feeling a bit more brave with their almost fully developed powers. Making use of her shadow mask, Chloe attended the School of Griffer for the required 10 years. This was in part to test her capabilities, as well as to learn to fight properly for extra protection when their schemes go wrong. Upon finishing her schooling she decided it was time to take to the slums of Regalia with her partner Rohesia, hoping to find a new and plentiful feeding ground.
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Hello! I will be claiming this for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within the next 48 hours!

Updated proficiency points to reflect clarification on vampirism proficiency point cap. Simply removed the added points, so she now only has the points provided from taking the school as that reaches the cap. Everything else remains the same.