Chiruda's Art Shop 2018


Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, and welcome to another Chirudart shop!
I haven't really opened any stable art shops in the past and usually relied on making auctions to earn my profits, but I've been wanting to practice a bit more and get myself back out into the community again and figure the best way to do that would be to upkeep my involvement - in the art community, for example. As such, in the spirit of the new year (and my new year's resolution for the coming year) I've decided to open an art shop to get my art more out there. Thank you for taking a look at my thread!

What will I be selling?
I'm offering commissions for busts in a new style that I'm trying out - namely a more bold-lined semi-realistic style. I only work with portraits of characters, but am willing to incorporate key objects that the character wears bust-up, of course. At the current moment I will not be selling my waist-ups in shop format, nor any full bodies. I'm not great with clothes, so there will be none or they will be simple/rudimentary at best.

What are my prices?

The following artwork prices are non-negotiable unless you have a special deal with me:
  • Basic bust (with basic jewellery, scars, basic tattoos, no clothes): 700r OR 17USD
  • Intricate bust (with complex jewellery, excessive scarring, complex tattoos, basic clothes): 800r OR 20USD
  • Gory bust (this is an add-on fee for excessive gore [18+!]: +100r OR 2USD

What are the rules for commissioning?
Please read and follow the rules below or I will not be able to pick your commission.

  • I only draw humanoid characters, because those are the only races where I feel I can deliver to a consistently high standard. This category includes the following races: (Ailor, Chi'en-Ji/Sihai, Dwarves, Qadir, Songaskia, Altalar, Avanthar, Cielothar, Drowdar, Isldar, Kathar (all types) as well as certain half-races. If you want a halfbreed who is a mix one of the above and one not mentioned, please mention this in your application and I will have to consider it.
  • I have the right to refuse a commission application for any reason, and no amount of discussion will change that.
  • The prices are as listed and must be paid in full unless you have struck a personal deal with me.
  • Please follow the commission format or I will not be able to pick your commission.
  • IF YOU PAY IN REGALS: The price will be paid as soon as I have accepted your commission. I will start working on your art only once I've received this. If something happens that makes me unable to finish your commission, I will refund in full.
  • IF YOU PAY IN USD: The price will be paid as soon as I have finished the first draft and gotten it approved by you. I will finish your art then. If something happens that makes me unable to finish your commission, I will refund you partly or completely based on a discussion with you in private.
  • After you have approved the first draft of the drawing, any major changes can no longer be made. An exception can be made to this rule, but it will most likely bring an extra fee with it.
  • I will draw the commissions first-come first-serve unless a bribe is added.
  • A bribe can be added on top of the art's full amount to bump you higher up my waitlist.
  • You can pay both in regals and in USD.

Q: Do you do NSFW art (containing either nudity or excessive blood and gore)?
A: If the commissioner is above 18 years of age, I can do both. For a bust, only the latter really applies, but I can do that quite well. Please be aware that any added gore will most likely add an extra fee to the price.

Q: Do you do any art formats apart from bust (waist-up, full-body)?
A: I do, but for this art thread I will not as they are far too time-consuming. Artworks like that will be one-off auctions. You can optionally let me know on this thread if you want to be on my tag-list for when such an artwork is auctioned off.

Q: Can you add backgrounds?
A: For these artworks, I will stick to simple one-colour backgrounds with very simple shading. Sorry.

Q: Can the artwork include more than one character?
A: No. These artworks are pure bust character study-esque portraits.

Q: Will I get a discount if I order more than one artwork?
A: Perhaps! Talk that through with me in a private message.

Q: How exactly do bribes work?
A: By paying an extra fee on top of the regular fee, you can be prioritised. If you wish to add a bribe, put that into the field that asks for a bribe in the commission format.

Q: I want to commission an artwork in your old style or with different specifics. How do I go about that?
A: In that case, you will have to commission me in private (outside of Massivecraft). Commissions like these only go for USD/EUR and are to be discussed through Discord where I will give you a price range based on what exactly it is you want. Please only go to me for this if you're prepared to spend a reasonable amount.

Q: I want to give you a tip! How can I do that?
A: After I finish your first draft or the final artwork and post it on this thread (and tag you, of course), you are welcome to tip me IN REGALS. I cannot easily accept tips in USD given the somewhat high costs that come with transferring money over PayPal. I greatly appreciate tips!

Q: How can I get in contact with you?
A: If you have any questions or just lengthy or very precise descriptions about your character, please add me on Discord (even if you just want to chat)! It's Chiruda#9963.

Commission Format:

IGN: (your in-game-name)
Order Type: (basic, intricate, or with any extras)
Character Name: (if you have a character sheet, please hyperlink this)
Character References: (please put these in a spoiler, put them on the character sheet, or send them in discord)
Bribe: (added bribe on top of the price of the artwork itself to establish your priority)

Total Price: (price for your entire order in the currency you will pay in [regals or USD])
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Current Waitlist:

Shop has been closed.
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IGN: Ddafad
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Goderoy
Character References: On character sheet (can provide more on Discord.)
Bribe: $5 heh
Total Price: $25
IGN: WaterDruppel
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Amir Razavi
Character References: I will send them in discord, his app has refs, too.
Bribe: 50 R bribe, or some art :eyes:

Total Price: 850 Regals
IGN: DankDan
Order Type: Basic
Character Name:
Daniel Sirgrauth
Character References:
(The first image in my chars app of his unfinished art, rest is in the desc)

Bribe: sorry I'm broke
Total Price:
17 USD
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IGN: Catannine.
Order Type: Basic.
Character Name: Caoimhe Howlester.
Character References: I'll send them over discord once you get to this commission!
Bribe: 10r.
Total Price: 710r.
IGN: AtticCat
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Azra min Eazim
Character References:
Other Details: Her left eye is not brown like her right- it's dark blue. She lacks a right ear and her neck is several scarred from years of wearing a collar.
Bribe: 50
Total Price: 850r
IGN: AtticCat
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Azra min Eazim
Character References:
Other Details: Her left eye is not brown like her right- it's dark blue. She lacks a right ear and her neck is several scarred from years of wearing a collar.
Bribe: 50
Total Price: 850r
IGN: Sujitation
Order Type: Basic
Character Name: Ruth
Character References: ItsreallyforaDnDcharacterbutitgoesformassiveaswell
Bribe: 50+
Total Price: 750
IGN: WaterDruppel
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Amir Razavi
Character References: I will send them in discord, his app has refs, too.
Bribe: 50 R bribe, or some art :eyes:

Total Price: 850 Regals

IGN: Catannine.
Order Type: Basic.
Character Name: Caoimhe Howlester.
Character References: I'll send them over discord once you get to this commission!
Bribe: 10r.
Total Price: 710r.
IGN: DankDan
Order Type: Basic
Character Name:
Daniel Sirgrauth
Character References:
(The first image in my chars app of his unfinished art, rest is in the desc)

Bribe: sorry I'm broke
Total Price:
17 USD

accepto but i won't start these for a while unless the bribe is increased
IGN: Creamiest
Order Type: 2x Intricate (Two Busts)
Character Name: Agnes (Her Art) Busisiwe (I don't have an app for her yet)
Character References: If picked i'll send them over on Discord
Bribe: 30USD (15 USD per Bust)
Total Price: 70USD
IGN: Creamiest
Order Type: 2x Intricate (Two Busts)
Character Name: Agnes (Her Art) Busisiwe (I don't have an app for her yet)
Character References: If picked i'll send them over on Discord
Bribe: 30USD (15 USD per Bust)
Total Price: 70USD

OH MAN THATS A BIG BRIBE. accepted because this puts me so much closer to buying my lil bro a big xmas present bless
IF YOU PAY IN REGALS: The price will be paid as soon as I have accepted your commission. I will start working on your art only once I've received this. If something happens that makes me unable to finish your commission, I will refund in full.
Does this mean that you'll want payment (for example) right now or are you expecting payment as soon as you're ready to start our artwork? (Such as once you finish everyone before us).

Just clearing up.
Does this mean that you'll want payment (for example) right now or are you expecting payment as soon as you're ready to start our artwork? (Such as once you finish everyone before us).

Just clearing up.
Oh yeah, let me clear this up! When I start your artwork, I'll send you a message requesting payment. For now, no rush!
oh my god you don't have to do that for me!! i already feel bad with a 30 dollar bribe so let's see if you're content with that uwu

anyway my discord was mentioned in the FAQ but for those who didn't read that it's Chiruda#9963
IGN: Smoothbrain
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Severine Saelanan
Character References: The only strict ref I have is of her dress, otherwise I don't mind what you interpret off of the skin. (and if it helps, here's her pin board!)
Bribe: 100r
Total Price: 900r
NewIGN: Anarchizm
Order Type: Bust
Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
Character References: Can send
Bribe: 50r
Total Price: 700r

NewIGN: Anarchizm
Order Type: Bust
Character Name: Aldwyn Howlester
Character References: Can send
Bribe: 50r
Total Price: 700r
IGN: Smoothbrain
Order Type: Intricate
Character Name: Severine Saelanan
Character References: The only strict ref I have is of her dress, otherwise I don't mind what you interpret off of the skin. (and if it helps, here's her pin board!)
Bribe: 100r
Total Price: 900r
NewIGN: Anarchizm
Order Type: Bust
Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
Character References: Can send
Bribe: 50r
Total Price: 700r

NewIGN: Anarchizm
Order Type: Bust
Character Name: Aldwyn Howlester
Character References: Can send
Bribe: 50r
Total Price: 700r
accepted and bumped to ur rightful place on the bribe list. for the people on the low end of the list - sorry, seems like this'll take a while for you guys lol