Archived Child Indications...

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Shboop (finners4444)
Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Empireless (???)
Roleplay Guilds
Hello!, this is just a short, undeveloped nag...​
There are many children in massivecraft, but it is very hard to identify which are so and which are adults and their had been many an accident through this...​
So.. my rather scruffy idea is to add some indication in the name tag. I'm not sure how this would be done, perhaps in colour... a weaker white/grey as to be noticeable but still fit in... Perhaps thier could be something like this:​
Name tag:​
e.g: Romulus Pavleon (finners4444)​
/\ This could be used for Roleplayer to Roleplayer to identify the maturity and appearance of a character, of course this could be done with a skin... but it can still be somewhat difficult. And there's the PlayerModelsMod which helped but Dwarves are also a problem with that system...​
I know this is big ask for such a undeveloped idea... but I believe its needed.​
Feedback welcome, ideas for this aswell! ~ feel free to leave a like or a dislike... I need to know!​
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Hasn't more player models already solved this problem? What's wrong with using that to show height?
Hasn't more player models already solved this problem? What's wrong with using that to show height?

As far as I'm aware it is not updated to 1.7 and as stated above it is still hard to tell with it installed..
I like the idea, seeing as my underage character got asked if she wanted a drink..
I got a 12 year old drunk at a noble party because I had no idea he was 12. Yes, I want this.
I think mpm helped just fine with the problem. It isn't updated yet, so we just have to be patient. Mods have their hands full right now; even if something like this were to be implemented by the time they could get around to it mpm would probably already be updated.
I think mpm helped just fine with the problem. It isn't updated yet, so we just have to be patient. Mods have their hands full right now; even if something like this were to be implemented by the time they could get around to it mpm would probably already be updated.

Fair point. This is just an idea. I'm not sure about the progress of the mod maker through this update. Just putting the suggestion there if the mods need ever get rid of mpm or if the update is unable to proceed. ;)
I must admit, mpm has solved the height problem but what about the people that don't use it? I use it myself, but not everyone does,
Mpm only helped those who used it however, it caused quife a large amount pf people nothing but lag issues when installed. Not only that but some people were just very short adults or dwarves.
Hmm perhaps some kind of prefix to names? You could call yourself "Little Johnny" or something like that.
Hmm perhaps some kind of prefix to names? You could call yourself "Little Johnny" or something like that.

I was actually thinking of doing that xD
Naming myself: "Romulus Pavleon (14)" or "(14) Romulus Pavleon"
But this just seems a bit too silly, although practical....
It would be a lot more useful and convenient but I agree with Omnomivore that it would also but strain on the mods, which I'd refer not to do.
Back in some other games I have roleplayed in, (Lobbied games, 8 people or so.) We always did something like...
-Name W.Heirwolf (34) or something to that effect. So, it really isn't too uncommon in roleplay, I would think. Might be different with the sheer number of people. Now, if we could just use parenthesis or something in /nick, that would solve the issue quickly. Possibly have parenthesis add a color when a number instead of a letter variable is put into parenthesis in a name. Grey or someodd color.
Cant people just use "/nick use rpname_(age)" instead of "/nick use rpname" ?

Only problem with this would be character limitations.
I would much rather see some a plugin that adds in some sort of RP Player Card that allows you to see the persons RP Name, age, body description, race, a short summary of them, etc which would appear when you shift and click them or something like that.
I would much rather see some a plugin that adds in some sort of RP Player Card that allows you to see the persons RP Name, age, body description, race, a short summary of them, etc which would appear when you shift and click them or something like that.

I like this, but at the same time, I hate this. The meta gaming Bsavs, all of it.
This would be a good idea and would probably link in with the /nick system but with some more commands to customize the character you play as.

Some of my command ideas for customizing your character:
/nick age (Age)
/nick race (race)
/nick use (Name)

To see other people's race, age and nickname:
/nick seen (nickname)

These are just some ideas I thought up of and the age and race would be optional in case you were playing as a mailman or some unimportant expendable character.
This would be a good idea and would probably link in with the /nick system but with some more commands to customize the character you play as.

Some of my command ideas for customizing your character:
/nick age (Age)
/nick race (race)
/nick use (Name)

To see other people's race, age and nickname:
/nick seen (nickname)

These are just some ideas I thought up of and the age and race would be optional in case you were playing as a mailman or some unimportant expendable character.

How would this be shown?
Also, you would manually have to type out the command everytime you wanted to view someone age.. im just lazy like that... but i agree it would probably have to link in with the nick system or as you said be a separate option for 'expendable characters'.
I flirted with a person. Turns out to be a child.
Allrighty, I've gotten a solution to this sorta idear that might've been appealing to the peoples'

In amendment of the the /nick age, and /nick race idea,

When someone has used the commands, it'll show up below/above their name.

And it'll be shown when people in close proximity scroll over them.

Kind of like Tags on an animal, I'd imagine it'd be looking like.

" Ap'st-R'o Fae'-Das(MittensClinton3.14562)"
(Naga / 12 yrs)

Clean and Simple.

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