Preserved Sheet Chidike Youssouf

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A ragged wanderer.
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Chidike Chukwuemeka Youssouf
  • Age: 64
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Songaskian
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Halberd
Skill Information

Total Points: 60
  • +10 Dragon Knowledge (+10 from Race Boost)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from Points)
  • +30 Pole Combat Skill (+30 from Points)
  • +20 Athletics Training (+20 from Points)
Body Shape
  • 30+20x2= 70 Physical Stat
  • Strongman Body Shape
  • Built Body Fat
  • Common
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Songaskain: Elder Shift / Element Shift
  • Songaskian: World Flow Powers
  • Chidike was born in Regalia from his immigrating Songaskian parents. He's been living within the Havre-sur-Bastillion for a large portion of his life after being sent away, but has returned in order to enlist as a Helerian Guard.
  • Nadif Youssouf and Thembeka Youssouf are his parents, and he was raised alongside his older two brothers and younger sister. He has cousins in the Amachi family who moved to Regalia a little after his own.
  • Chidike hopes to become a recognized saint of the Unionist religion, regardless of his race. Though a long shot, it fuels most of his ambitions.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Hair Color: Snow-White
  • Hairstyle: Flow
  • Skin Color: Black
  • Clothing: Robes
  • Height: 6'6
  • The eyes are plain, rounded. Usually half-lidded in a natural state, with a thicker portion of mass on the top of the eye, giving the eyebrows a more prominent look on the face. A small mouth, with thin lips adorn the lower portion of the chiseled face. Ears bending towards the back adorn the left and right side of the head, small in size. The forehead is even more pronounced than the eyebrows, quite large and seemingly flat. A grotesque scar runs across the left portion of the mouth in a diagonal manner, nearly touching the large nose the man possesses. He is bald, with no sign of hair in any manner other than his large, mahogany eyebrows.
  • A large, bulky man at 6'6 with strong arms and a broad chest. The incredibly dark brown tone of his skin a warm feeling, yet the scars crisscrossing all among his body dissuade getting closer. The tall man's muscles are well-defined on the appendages, yet lack more in the chest where a mass of fat and muscle blend into a hulking figure. In regards to more delicate matters, Chidike is emasculated.
  • Chidike tends to speak in a harsh, deep tone - though rarely speaks in general. His talking is rather slow when speaking in Common, as his knowledge of it is still almost childlike.

Personality and Abilities

The Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • The Songaskian would relish in it. He would try his best to keep the mood going. An escape from the dogmatic days he has lived in are a blessed one. While he still keeps to the creeds, and keeps himself humble - Chidike does not mind letting go every once and awhile.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Chidike is usually quite level-headed when it comes to such. Though it raises his stress considerably over time, and he can slowly break down. In terms of situations involving fire or overwhelming fright - he is likely to simply break down and enter a deep meditation.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • The amount of stress would vary the reaction greatly. If it is small amounts of stress, he is likely to simply trying to play with the joke or situation in order to relieve it. If the amount piles up and becomes a great deal - he is likely to seclude himself. A series of deep meditation would follow until he is ready once more to greet the world.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Youssouf has grown up being raised by his family and a reverend of Regalia. He believes that the laws and authorities of this land were made in good faith. Though he constantly challenges the dogmatic views on non-ailor like himself. He attempts to work within the laws of the land in order to pursue his goals.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Chidike is mixed on his relation to the other races. He views those with heretical views as below even himself, but has a feeling that all races could be converted. He is not outwardly hostile to any races though. Instead, he takes a compassionate stance in order to hopefully convert them to the true faith like he was himself.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Youssouf is a pious man. He believes strongly in the creeds of Unionism, and that other faiths are false. Those who worship them should be converted to the true faith. This is not in order to make his faith truth, but instead from a sense of fear and compassion that these heretics may not reach the promised land, or be resurrected as an Ailor in their next life.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Those that practice the art of magic are viewed with suspicion. Chidike believes in a similar tenet in regards to those of heretical beliefs for the arcane. He wishes to understand all he can of them in order to "debate" them fiercely. Though he still believes in attempting to save as many of them as possible.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Chidike feels the sense of a shepherd but also that he must prove himself. Being the youngest of his three brothers, he was viewed as the runt as soon as he started. Thus, he hopes to establish a name for himself in the annals of history in order to usurp his brothers, and prove to his parents he is the chosen son.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His faith is his greatest pride. He takes great lengths to inform people of how excellently he follows the tenets. Chidike will be quite happy to regale anybody with an ear to listen of what he knows of the Creeds and Herons.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Chidike does all things in order to achieve his goal of becoming a saint in the eyes of the Unionist faith. All actions he takes are to better himself further, so that - even though a long shot - could be recognized as a saint of Unionism. At the least, he hopes to live in faith in order to be reborn as an Ailor in the
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Faith: Due to his conversion from a Shambala Songaskian to a Unionist Songaskian early in his life, the young man has grown up rejecting his racial abilities of form shifting and the world flow power.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Fire: Rather ironically, in some sense, even with the Songaskian belief in the Sun - a rather large ball of flame - Chidike fears large, open flames like the reaper. Deathly chilled to the bone after a fire burned down his home he occupied as a child, Chidike tends to run from flames and fire magic users.

  • The Spirit: Chidike feels devoting his life to the Spirit is a worthwhile cause. Zealous practice at a young age aided his belief in his dogmatic ways of trying to convert his family to a true Unionist view, and hopes to prove to all non-believers the righteous way.
  • Birds: The flying feathered creatures that race around freely captivate the Songaskian. Enjoying the freedom they seemingly represent, and giving him peace in times of stress as he admires their lack of concern.
  • Meditation: If Chidike were to need to relieve stress truly, you may seem him in a state of meditation. Anywhere, anytime the man may take up a pose and begin clearing his mind of the worries of the world in order to regain composure.
  • Undead: Those that do not go willingly to the afterlife are a horrific heretic in his eyes. The idea that somebody would reject the promised land gives great displeasure to the man. He seeks to constantly put them to rest no matter how so.
  • Cravens: Having been raised from practically birth to serve the Spirit and not let the line fall - Chidike has a ideological hatred for those who would abandon the front lines for their own preservation.
  • Warmongers: Youssouf fears the warlord ways of his old lands, and wishes truly to avoid combat that is unneeded. While he will still fight for them all the same, he does not agree with an overly aggressive outlook towards others.
  • Witchbloods: A new hatred and distaste for witchbloods has set in for the Songaskian. After being betrayed by their kind within a dragon temple, and seeing how the ancient - almost unholy in his eyes - system reacted to them. He has begun a belief that they are enemies of the faith. Rather it be true or not.

  • Leopold Diggory Rote(@Optimalfriskies): Chidike served faithfully in the inquisition alongside the man. They fought side-by-side each other and also were once combined together within a void beast. Sharing in wounds and emotions as one.
  • Eleonora du Kirsch(@AtomicKarate): After having betrayed him during a run in a dragon temple to be "purified" by its defense systems, Chidike does not trust them in any regard whatsoever.
  • Leufred du Brierust(@Fergoff): After having betrayed him during a run in a dragon temple to be "purified" by its defense systems, Chidike does not trust them in any regard whatsoever.

Life Story


  • Born in Regalia in 242 AC to his Songaskian parents and siblings.
  • Born the runt of his three brothers, Chidike knew hardship since the beginning of his life. He was always last when it came to anything the three would compete in.
  • Desperate to prove himself, he would often take ludicrous dares that would sometimes nearly kill the young man.
  • The brash but soft-hearted childhood of the Songaskian was not to late much longer after a group of Ailor fanatics burnt down his family's home in a fit of rage at his mother for her Shambala faith.
  • Chidike was caught within the blaze, trapped within his room. The searing pain of the flames was nearly the last thing the boy felt if not for a daring rescue by his father.
  • The young man was forever scarred with the memories of the flames biting down on him, and to this day has never recovered from the event.
  • After the family was forced to move further into Old Town, his father was desperate to get the children away from Regalia for now. He sent them all away to different locations, but selected Chidike for a school he believed would ready the boy to match his brothers and secure the family's position in Regalia.
  • Chidike was sent off to live within the Havre-sur-Bastillion, the School of Lancyon. The young Songaskian was looked at with concern by many, but a young instructor simply asked him if he followed the Unionist faith - when the young boy nodded, they took him in without further trouble.
  • Though the instructor was willing to teach him, that did not mean he was soft on the boy. Day and night his teacher would push him far beyond what he would for his other students.
  • Every day during physical training, he was demanded to do twice the results of his fellow students. He would fail consistently, and would be severely punished that night for it.
  • Some other instructors wondered about the methods his instructor implored, but he would simply declare that if the Songaskian was as devout as any Ailor - he would complete this near impossible obstacle.
  • Every night he was drilled on the Creeds and Herons by his instructor. He would smack the boy on the head with a short pole each time he answered wrong before he was sent off home to rest.
  • Though the training was tough, many of the other students accepted Chidike as a Unionist, even if he was non-ailor. They would often invite him to parties the others would hold, and a carefree attitude was born from it. He often looks back at his time in the Lancyon school favorably because of the strangely accepting culture of his peers.
  • Eventually, his instructor began to respect Chidike as he worked to improve himself further. During training the young man would slowly exceed past the others - and during study would be able to memorize many of the creeds and herons by heart.
  • After his 6 years of training had been finished, and the young boy had become a young man - it was time for his final test.
  • Chidike was able to pass the oral test with little struggle. Though some of the more complicated creeds and herons nearly alluded him.
  • After that, the young man was put up against a fellow peer. Another Songaskian Unionist who had come to the school. Though, he was from another group - and they did not know each other well. Chidike fought valiantly, and was just barely able to beat out his opponent with a violent swing of the halberd across his legs - securing their defeat.
  • With the students of his group that had passed gathered around, they all took a leather ball from the training area. He was told by the others it was tradition to take it as a souvenir, so Chidike made sure to keep his safe even to this day.
  • After the graduation, he was congratulated by his instructor. He was told about the Helerian Guard in detail, and was assisted by his mentor to enlist.
  • Since then, Chidike has served faithfully within the Helerian Guard ranks - doing his best to keep the men of the cloth safe from the foul forces that would attempt to destroy them.
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