Archived Chestshop Creation Fee In The Market

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Jun 30, 2012
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Very recently the new market came, and many people are glad for that.
But one thing that confused me is the ChestShop creation fee. It was disabled in Regalia, and i expected it to be disabled in the market, it wasn't.
What do you think?

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My personal thoughts.
  • Changing prices, to respond to the changing market will now cost money, and be done less.
  • It is a money source which means more deflation, i do not like that.
  • If you buy and sell enchanted stuff, you need different chests for the different codes. A piece of god armour can have more than 5 different codes. So if i were to change the price on enchanted stuff, i had to pay not only 10 regals but 50 (or how many shops i have with that item).
  • It is ok as a one time fee. But paying it all the time is too much. (changing prices.)
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I think it's a valid fee. I was expecting it. I always thought we were getting off the hook in Regalia. Here the low rent more than makes up for it in my opinion, because what I was not expecting was 300, 600, and 1000r rent levels. That's just awesome-sauce is what that is. I mean what was the most common complaint about the old market? Rent levels. And now they have been addressed beautifully. So what if there's a 10r LWC fee? Sure it means no more feasible daily deals like I was doing, but I've got other plans. One thing I love about the new market, especially the small stalls, they encourage you to specialize. I'm going to run 14 chests in my new shop and some things may get rotated out in seasons, but for the most part it's encouraged me to plan and decide what I really want to be good at gathering/obtaining and selling. It's bland if everybody sells chests upon chests of the same old stuff, the small shops encourage specialization and sure some money will be lost to experimentation with prices, but hey with that rent, no biggie. Stay positive that rent is smokin' hot. Did I mention I like the new rent prices?
i just had a chance to get a shop and im low on money. Having to pay 10r each chest is really annoying. A storage room of 30 chests is 300R!
I think it is a great idea to shake loose some of that frozen money.
I would be fine with getting some of that money circulating into the economy again, but these chests are just taking money and getting rid of it for none to see again.
I think it's a valid fee. I was expecting it. I always thought we were getting off the hook in Regalia. Here the low rent more than makes up for it in my opinion, because what I was not expecting was 300, 600, and 1000r rent levels. That's just awesome-sauce is what that is. I mean what was the most common complaint about the old market? Rent levels. And now they have been addressed beautifully. So what if there's a 10r LWC fee? Sure it means no more feasible daily deals like I was doing, but I've got other plans. One thing I love about the new market, especially the small stalls, they encourage you to specialize. I'm going to run 14 chests in my new shop and some things may get rotated out in seasons, but for the most part it's encouraged me to plan and decide what I really want to be good at gathering/obtaining and selling. It's bland if everybody sells chests upon chests of the same old stuff, the small shops encourage specialization and sure some money will be lost to experimentation with prices, but hey with that rent, no biggie. Stay positive that rent is smokin' hot. Did I mention I like the new rent prices?
The problem with that is that I want to experiment and try new things maybe I realize that an armor shop isn't making money so I convert it to food than, mining materials etc. I would rather pay triple the rate than have the limitation. The limitation is only hurting the poor not the rich who have had a shop before and know what they are doing. BTW I have already lost over 200r, to this system it doesn't sound like much but it adds up quickly.
Shops are cheaper in the new market area in comparison to the old market area, hence the fee remaining. It can be considered part of the price of owning a shop.
Well, I didn't really feel like owning a shop anyway...
Seems like this isn't going to be changed. But I will let this thread be here because of the poll.
The LWC fee in the wilderness or faction land can be justified with the fact that it protects the chests from everyone else.

You already rent the region (and with that you get the protection) so I do not see why you should have to pay double. The current fees discourages selling cheap stuff or a wide selection of items since each chests costs extra.
The LWC fee in the wilderness or faction land can be justified with the fact that it protects the chests from everyone else.

You already rent the region (and with that you get the protection) so I do not see why you should have to pay double. The current fees discourages selling cheap stuff or a wide selection of items since each chests costs extra.
That males sense. Also isnt the fee there to stop People's from protecting everything.
Personally I didn't see anything wrong with the fee. If it drives prices up, then it may begin to stimulate the economy once more, which cannot be a bad thing
Actually a sink will remove money from the sellers, not the buyers, so the sellers will ask for more money to make the same mark up on their items. A sink stimulates the economy, more money causes inflation, making the money worth less than it was, lowering prices (1r ~ 1 diamond, while if we took more money off the sellers, it could become more like 3r ~ 1 diamond)