Archived Chest Permissions

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Apr 13, 2013
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One thing I noticed while exploring was a expired deadbolt chest with 32 diamonds in it. The spoils of wandering! However, when I got to another place, EVERYTHING was expired, chests, doors, you name it. But, I saw they had a shop chest, that I could not open! Even though the owner was offline for longer than 25 days, I could NOT open his own shop chest. Perhaps those can have a type of deadboltish effect on them too? But instead lasting 25 days?
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I agree, if someone is offline for said amount of days, their shops should expire. I've even seen people abuse this, by selling a stack of cobble for 100s, but then using the shop chest to store other items.
I agree, if someone is offline for said amount of days, their shops should expire. I've even seen people abuse this, by selling a stack of cobble for 100s, but then using the shop chest to store other items.

shops should expire when chests do, but its easy to get stuff removed in and around your faction with the new ticket system so its not as big a problem as before.
Who said that the chests I was talking a about were in my faction? I found them in an abandoned town, and I'm guessing admins won't remove them just to allow the place to be looted.
I agree, if someone is offline for said amount of days, their shops should expire. I've even seen people abuse this, by selling a stack of cobble for 100s, but then using the shop chest to store other items.

In my personal opinion, I think that if your off for more than 20 days. Then you don't care about your money. So whatever, and you can get admins to remove the chest shops. But normally when they do this they delete the items inside.
In my personal opinion, I think that if your off for more than 20 days. Then you don't care about your money. So whatever, and you can get admins to remove the chest shops. But normally when they do this they delete the items inside.
They don't always remove the content of the shop
I agree. I have thought about (but not used) the possibility of having infinite storage with that, and it is less then desirable.

Of course that is less aggravating then finding an abandoned city, where all the deadbolts are expired etc, and then finding a few chests still there deadbolted by someone who still plays but has long since left the city. Irritating.
Of course that is less aggravating then finding an abandoned city, where all the deadbolts are expired etc, and then finding a few chests still there deadbolted by someone who still plays but has long since left the city. Irritating.
Perhaps they can expire if you don't go within 12 chunks of them for 20 days?

Maybe a list of shops/chests which were used in the last 30 days.
If shop/chest is not on the list would lose its protection (note that this would need an initial 30 day phase where the chests are recorded but not unlocked if it is not).
Altough I have to admit that to make this fair you would need a command that tells you if within x (maybe 3-4) chunks there is a chest that you havent touched for 20+ days as a warning).
Results of this would be:
-Player is gone but had shops -> unlocked after a month
- Player left the region but is still playing -> unlocked after a month
- Player still has uses for chest -> can see when they are near unlocking and just open them once (every 30 days, which I think is a reasonable large amount of time).

Altough this ^ is just a concept and would require coding , making it less likely to happen

you copy the following line when you find a shop of an inactive person:
/t c I found a chest shop of a player who is inactive (20+days) and want it unlocked please.
After someone took the ticket you should either stay by the chest or give coords (including the continent) of the chest + name of the owner and ask them nicely.

Considering that inactive means you forfeit your fac and your deadbolt it should also count for your shops.
The only reason they don't expire in 20 days already is that it's simply not a feature of the chestshops plugin to have an expiration date. Deadbolt and chestshops are different plugins. If it's been 20 days just submit a ticket to have it removed.
Cowboys1919 the thing that I am mostly thinking about is the admins may be constantly stopped or interrupted by someone demanding the chests be open, and then chaos from the player ensues, etc etc... if it is possible to do such a setting, it would be very convenient to the scavengers and the administrators so they don't have the strain of waiting, having to deal with another, and all that fun stuff.
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