Chengis' Final Moments And Thoughts

Chengis sat in the heart of the Rift, his eyes focused on the bomb, the Yanar knowing these are his final moments. 'I have no more sins to confess, I have nothing more to be ashamed of. But.. regardless of everything. I'm glad all my friends and fellow Guardsmen made it out. I'm happy for all the friends and enemies that I made over the years. And I hope they will all live long happy lives doing what they love.' Chengis would mutter some words allowed, his final words being, "I'm sorry I couldn't say good bye.." He'd raise his hand with the trigger in hand, staring at it for a second, then close his eyes. 'William, my best friend. Be happy for me. Don't let my death tear you apart. Everyone be happy for me.' Click.
Way to keep hitting me with the feels. A short but sweet story of a long lived character. RIP Chengis, you will be missed.
"Why did it have to be you Chengis..You were always such a kind Spirit. You'll be deeply missed, but I just hope you found peace wherever you are now."
Commented a random, but certain Altalar somewhere in the world after hearing of the Yanars death..