Preserved Sheet Chengis Char Application

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Gott mit Uns!!
Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Chengis
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Agender, refers to himself as male.
  • Race: Yanar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)
  • Total Points: 50 from age
    • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 from points)
    • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 from race)
    • +15 Unarmed Combat Skill (+15 from points)
    • +10 Sailing Knowledge (+10 from points)
    • +5 Front line Combat Knowledge (+10 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 20 Blades Combat + 15 Unarmed Combat + 10 Front Line Combat knowledge + 0x2 Athletic Training = 45 Physical Stat
    • Body Shape: Muscular
    • Body Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Languages:
    • Common (Somewhat fluent but not perfect)

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Green
  • Hair Style: Bushy all over except chest, typically with moss patches.
  • Skin Color: Green
  • Clothing: Red shorts with ropes on their arms.
  • Height: 6'8
  • Body Build: Muscular
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Chengis can often be looked at as whimsical due to his playful nature, he will rarely come off as an overly serious person and is more than often just wanting to play. Chengis can be easily angered however yet this can be nulled and rarely happens as generally Chengis will always start off with being friendly. In a large majority of situations Chengis will offer to help a lot and for that reason is seen as helpful. At the end of the day, if someone had a nice interaction with Chengis they'd come off feeling as if Chengis was a fun, light-hearted person.

  • Second Paragraph: Chengis inside doesn't think too deeply, usually just thinking on a surface level. Raised by the Daendroques and their culture, He was raised on a ship and spoke it fluently. However, more often than not, Chengis sees no value in lying and usually speaks with a considerable amount of honesty. However, deep down Chengis has a strong sense of confidence, though he doesn't explicitly say he is confident. It shows with his actions that are bold, very rarely does Chengis think too deeply to have a lot of personal anxieties but occasionally has a wavering thought of worry for ones close to him. This slight anxiety pushes Chengis to be more strong internally and externally so that he can be there and more importantly protect the ones he cares for that in hindsight protects Chengis' psyche.

  • Third Paragraph: One key difference between strangers and ones Chengis is friends or family with is Chengis is far more loyal and will usually go around looking for those he cares about so that he can ensure their safety. This doubles up and makes Chengis a caring individual as no matter the situation, Chengis is constantly looking out for the ones he cares about most and will be ready to take action if someone he likes is being troubled, usually to prevent the person in question having a negative experience. Though Chengis is generally happy around a large majority of people, with friends and family he appears to be far more affectionate and usually greets people with a joyful warmth.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Chaotic Good. Chengis wants what is best for those but the way he carries it about can sometimes be antagonising in nature and usually this can cause some conflict and trouble. Chengis has a good idea of right and wrong and what people are happy with and aren't though instead of thinking about the most lawful way of doing this, Chengis will be one to just spring to action and deliver justice. Even if that justice is more destructive than other people's forms of justice. Chengis will rarely think too much on another's corruption unless explicitly told in which case Chengis will actively be out and ready to take action. Ultimately this boils down to Chengis wanting the best for people however.

Life Story (Required)

Chengis' life story begins with him as a Yanar child, born to an old deteriorating Yanar named Hak'Chan. Along side his birth mate Bhima, they were both born in the year 276 AD on January the 4th, his parent Yanar deceased shortly after him being born. Hak'Chan's mental ability and physical state left him too weak to thrive in a dominantly Daendroque area. Chengis was granted a name by a Ch'ien-Ji that was sailing on the ship he was picked up by just by the outskirts of Daendroque Territory. The Daen dominant ship met Chengis and Bhima with dismay and reluctance often than not trying to remove him from the ship. Though this met a sudden impulsive change as soon as Chengis began to adapt to the shipping way of life and began to fit into their norms and day-to-day activities until eventually they were more lenient on the now familiar face and granted him the right into their company.

Later on in life, as he grew further, he began to act like the Ships runner, running at full pace for short periods of time, he'd learn of his shape essence capabilities and use them to develop his capabilities in the group more. Suddenly, disaster, A pirate vessel took the ship and caputred it's people, and upon the ship being taken, he climbed aboard the pirate ship to hide and he had a forceful exodus to Regalia. As soon as they could the sailors threw him overboard after discovering that Chengis was stowing away on the ship, believing that he might not have a use. Just by the water's edge, Chengis from his experience of climbing made his last gambit in the form of gripping onto an overboard ladder. Through tense and harsh conditions that Chengis had to bare, he'd do so fueled by the motivation to live and protect his fellows. He ended up washing up on shore not two hours after docking. Tired and exhausted, he'd spare no time to begin searching for his family. To no avail though, Chengis found nothing and this left him dumbfounded and broken with no idea on how to live in a very much alien environment.

Making money through mundane berry picking work, Chengis had enough money to buy a mentor from the Lecgaen School, his body toned to the way of moving on instinct, making him a natural hand to hand fighter. He fought with natural talent and grace. His wrestling and skill with improvised weapons made him dangerous as he can find a use for anything. Regardless if Chengis failed to understand, he'd keep trying relentlessly where he could to improve and be fit for the school.

When he was twenty nine, he graduated. He had no companions nor his mentor now and was left fresh to the wild with some more social skills than before to carve his own future. Soon, Chengis met peace with the different looking people of the world and began making friends. Such as Eric Decimar, a Slizzar he saved on multiple occasions. Making friends and building relationships, he is continuing his life as usual with his friend Eric, he began to adapt to the city and made more friendships as time progressed, and is now determined to become a first class citizen of Regalia, joining up with the Vigilant Shield in order to prove himself worthy of the title.

At the age of 50, Chengis is currently on his own, His Birth mate Bhima has returned. And they will tag team the world and take it on hard core. As he goes on in life he will look to change that, but as of now, he is always polite. Always willing to help people in whatever way he can. And he is serving in the Vigilant Shield.
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Hope you all enjoy Chengis' character application. Feel free to criticize and tell me what needs to be changed.
Hello, @Martyr_321

I enjoyed it, I find it neat that you've incorporated so much of your Life Story from actual RP situations and used other player's characters. Approved.
@Carlit0o If you could, please re-approve Chengis
If not, please tell me what I need to change.