Archived Chat Idea: Group Chats

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The Crimson Divine
Jul 1, 2016
Reaction score
Iv been on massive craft for more than a year now and chat has evolved in different ways from how people talk to chat itself. About two weeks ago myself and @Devoruku were talking over realms and came up with an idea from chat that may help a lot of people, mainly people in secret RP or for RP that is related to rule breaking talk.

The idea is that of "Group MSG" or Group Chat, this idea would work like a channel that a player would have to pay for in regals in-game (about 20-60 at any given one time) and the channel would self close once abandoned by all players using it. These channels would be created via a command and would be password locked with a player cap of about 6 people. The command would look like this:

/GroupMSG <Name> <Password> <Type>
Each section meaning:
  • Name: The name of the chat room
  • Password: The password of the chat room (15 characters)
  • Type: What is it? <RP/General>
The command would be premium only most likely and is sorta like msging, if the player is in a RP type chat, his or her words would look like this:
<G> {Nickname} says: {Text}
or if in general it would have the same G at the start but with no nickname stuff, just the player name.
There would be no invite method, you would have to be given the password by a different member of the group via general or via normal /msg. I hope you like my new idea!!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Iv been on massive craft for more than a year now and chat has evolved in different ways from how people talk to chat itself. About two weeks ago myself and @Devoruku were talking over realms and came up with an idea from chat that may help a lot of people, mainly people in secret RP or for RP that is related to rule breaking talk.

The idea is that of "Group MSG" or Group Chat, this idea would work like a channel that a player would have to pay for in regals in-game (about 20-60 at any given one time) and the channel would self close once abandoned by all players using it. These channels would be created via a command and would be password locked with a player cap of about 6 people. The command would look like this:

/GroupMSG <Name> <Password> <Type>
Each section meaning:
  • Name: The name of the chat room
  • Password: The password of the chat room (15 characters)
  • Type: What is it? <RP/General>
The command would be premium only most likely and is sorta like msging, if the player is in a RP type chat, his or her words would look like this:
<G> {Nickname} says: {Text}
or if in general it would have the same G at the start but with no nickname stuff, just the player name.
There would be no invite method, you would have to be given the password by a different member of the group via general or via normal /msg. I hope you like my new idea!!
I absolutely support this idea! I'd love to be able to have chat rooms for the different rp groups I've had so that we could all talk privately OOC and discuss group business, rating with an agree to this idea!
Why not just form a faction and use faction chat?
Why not just form a faction and use faction chat?
But for those of us who are already in factions, it presents a problem, especially if the people you want to group chat with are in different chats. You could technically talk about RP business in ally chat, however, this presents some possible meta gaming issues since everyone else in ally chat can see your comments.
Yes but a lot of people don't like using or even have Skype, plus this is for RP matters like private RP or non-child friendly chat like extensive cursing.
The reason I said there would be no invites too is incase a player is being verbally attacked, it can be left saved and blocked with ease.
Here are the primary virtues of this idea:

#1 Not everyone can use skype or discord, many players are unable to use it or can't use it if they have family that don't want them using it. This makes it difficult for such players to communicate privately with their RP groups. Group chat idea allows these features for anyone who wants to chat as a group on this server, similar to the "party chat" that some other servers use.

#2 It's secure with a passcode. This means you can tell your group the password and allow anyone you want to join without getting spammed by requests for people to join your chat. Neither do you have to be online to let them into your chat, you give them the password and they can join or leave anytime they/you want. You can also easily kick someone from the chat and change the password, keeping the group secure.
Here are the primary virtues of this idea:

#1 Not everyone can use skype or discord, many players are unable to use it or can't use it if they have family that don't want them using it. This makes it difficult for such players to communicate privately with their RP groups. Group chat idea allows these features for anyone who wants to chat as a group on this server, similar to the "party chat" that some other servers use.

#2 It's secure with a passcode. This means you can tell your group the password and allow anyone you want to join without getting spammed by requests for people to join your chat. Neither do you have to be online to let them into your chat, you give them the password and they can join or leave anytime they/you want. You can also easily kick someone from the chat and change the password, keeping the group secure.
Could not have put it any better, thx
Im in favor of this. Factions technically works, but its a lot more iffy. Having the option for the group owner to set a MOTD as well would be handy for updates about groups. IE: "Meeting March 30th, noon EST, Sewer Tavern" etc
This has been asked before.

The major flaw was that it was like "Meta-gaming EASY MODE".

Meta-gaming can still be done through all manner of other methods at the moment (like Skype, Discord, PM, etc.), but it'd make it even more easy and common if anyone could literally type privately, in game, to everyone on their team, on the spot, through something as quick and easy to set up as a group chat.

Perhaps a way to monitor and log everything said in group chats should be put in place to help against this? I don't want to present flaws without also thinking of a way to rectify them, but I'm unsure how difficult all this would be to code and whatnot.

Anyways, that's what I think.
This has been asked before.

The major flaw was that it was like "Meta-gaming EASY MODE".

Meta-gaming can still be done through all manner of other methods at the moment (like Skype, Discord, PM, etc.), but it'd make it even more easy and common if anyone could literally type privately, in game, to everyone on their team, on the spot, through something as quick and easy to set up as a group chat.

Perhaps a way to monitor and log everything said in group chats should be put in place to help against this? I don't want to present flaws without also thinking of a way to rectify them, but I'm unsure how difficult all this would be to code and whatnot.

Anyways, that's what I think.
If it is done ingame though, Staff will have the ability to look into logs. If anything it would weed out the meta-gamers.
Hey! While this is a great idea, unfortunately Tech Staff are simply too busy to work on this, and it doesn't fit nicely into the tight schedule. Thanks for your contribution regardless, sorry!
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