Archived Chat Feature

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hello! My idea is fairly simple. A lot of players use slashes to put emphasis on certain words, to show sarcasm etc in Roleplay, IE "Oh yea that is a /great/ idea.."

It could be helpful to de-clutter chat and make it look more professional if when double slash was used, the words inside of it were made Italic.

Example: "That is a /great/ idea.." would become "That is a great idea.."

It has the same general effect- emphasizing the word the RP'er wanted to, but it looks much cleaner and doesn't feel as OOC.

Thats all for now, its a quickie lol .
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Another potential addition to this might be making things inside of " ' s normal text. That way when players to emotes with dialogue, IE " he sighed "Oh well, we cant always have things our way" he sipped his Brunnoss slowly+ it would show as: he sighed "Oh well, we cant always have things our way" he siped his Brunnoss slowly.

Its related to the original so I figured I would throw it here too.
I like these ideas, and as far as my knowledge goes they shouldn't be too hard.
Only problem I see is the staff's priority, which wouldn't likely be on this unfortunately.
Simple. I like it. I do however feel if the effort was put into this, to add other coding. Such as words between *'s would be bolded or words between ^'s would be smaller. Etc.
What if you could just use the /f title codes in chat? Maybe minus the color.
I support this idea.. when people speak but putting quotes around their italic message it's harder to read.
I dont see why this isnt implemented already..
Also, the italic can interfere with emoting as for emoting uses italic.