Archived Chat Cooldown Privileges

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luxor Ignotis
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Luxor Ignotis

Not Registered
I've noticed that there are people who aren't prone to spamming, but are forced to have a global cooldown.

I've noticed that staff does not have this on them, therefore, I think that you should have the ability to earn the privilege of not having such a restraint.
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And how would this work from a tech perspective, if any ideas crossed your mind? :-)
And how would this work from a tech perspective, if any ideas crossed your mind? :)

It wouldn't be hard, Mods have their variable set to 0, players have theirs set to 40 or whatever the cooldown is.

In regard to the idea, though, the mods aren't going to go around and give people they trust privileges without you applying for them. Really, if you want an extra permission as a player, it would need to be agreed on by multiple mods to be unbiased, meaning you would need an application-like process. The mods won't want to spend their time reading the ****ton of applications for this which will surely come in.
The problem with this is what happens if two of the people that they "trust" use the privileges to start a flame war against each other? Or what if somebody just spams everything to hell after realizing that he/she doesn't want to play here anymore?
The problem with this is what happens if two of the people that they "trust" use the privileges to start a flame war against each other? Or what if somebody just spams everything to hell after realizing that he/she doesn't want to play here anymore?
Valid argument, but trusted people won't do this. I would apply for something like that but will bearly talk in chat any way. If some would spam or flame I doubt they would have the personality that a mod would trust.
I think it is a good Idea, but a lot of Work for the Staff without real Benefit.
What would it change if you can talk in General after 20 Seconds and not 40 ? What would be the Sense of this ?
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