Archived Chat Compatibility With Tabbychat

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Jul 25, 2012
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Some of you may have the Massivecraft Modpack. TabbyChat uses parameters to find and sort chat channels. It can use [Brackets], (Parenthesis), <Angles>, {Squiggly Brackets}, or a combination. But... we don't have any chat channels that follow any of these parameters. We have the announcements [A] and money [Money] that work, but none of the actual chat. What I suggest is you write the format for chat so it is compatable with this. Here are my suggestions to rename it:
[F] or [Faction] <title> <player>:
[A] or [Alliance] <faction> <player>:
[H] or [Help] <player>:
[T] or [Trade] <faction> <player>: (Because trade is generally roleplay. You don't want to trade with enemies)
[G] or [General] <player>:
[D] or [Direct] From <sender>:
[ B ] or [Broadcast] <player>:
[Z] or [Team] <player>:
And sometimes you want to be in Faction chat, but also roleplay (You're in a war). You don't want Faction spam while you roleplay. TabbyChat makes tabs, but we don't have the compatibility as of yet. What do you think?
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Set up rules in Tabbychat, searching for General, Help, Trade, Faction, Alliance, ect and set them to go to their own tabs. This solves the problem.
Set up rules in Tabbychat, searching for General, Help, Trade, Faction, Alliance, ect and set them to go to their own tabs. This solves the problem.

The problem is that there are people names inside each bracket. I would have to do a tab for each person in faction chat. Also, I'd like local to be a TabbyChat compatible channel (it's <player> says: )
If you use Custom tabs, you can search for the words I specified and it will work (Don't include the brackets). I would suggest searching for says, asks, yells and whispers and sending them all to a roleplay tab.
So... you're suggesting we change our chat plugin so it fits another mod that isn't even ours?
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