Archived Charter Chat

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Hello! I have a simple, yet helpful idea here!
So the idea is simply to add another channel to chat, for Charters. It would be used for people to hail Charter members, such as guards, to certain Roleplay situations. Say there is a fight in the tavern, and no guards around? Hop in Charter Chat and ask for a guard in the tavern, asap! A Vampire trying to feast on a noble in the streets? Call for the Crimson Inquisition in Charter Chat!
It's quite helpful, and quite simple.
Thanks for reading! -Lego
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Would definitely help alleviate the whole:

Doot Doot screams, "GUARDS!!!!!"

And might make it a bit easier to get a hold of a guard. The only problems I see are as follows:
  • People might just spam the guard chat way too much, which probably would piss em all off.
  • Although it could prevent petty crimes, it might end up hurting overall crime RP.
  • It might be a bit power-gamey. While obviously any public place has the NPC guard in effect, people probably will just as likely call a guard in the Poor District. That and it kinda sucks that there won't ever be a good way to have a simple crime take effect.
I personally like the idea, but a part of me sees how everything can be abused and then I start to think it might not be as necessary.

Note: I do believe there was some sort of citizen's arrest thing now, so calling a guard is preferred, but you could detain a criminal until a guard comes around to handle it.
I feel like this would kill what little crime rp there is on the surface. So no thanks.
I understand you concerns, and can agree with them. However there are also times when a crime will take place in the tavern, like a fight, and no guards are around. Even when someone "runs to find a guard", but physically cannot complete this task. What if it were something at Charter HQ's that allowed you to contact them? This would he more complicated, but could remove Powergaming, preserve crime rp, and still have the positive effect of my idea, which is the ability to contact guards. How exactly this would work I'm not sure, but if it were in a Charter base, it could serve as fetching guards or other officials. Critique? Ideas on how this might work?
Maybe you could reserve certain areas that guards might patrol, like the tavern, or the church?
Most of those areas are already patrolled by guards. Any main road or public place can be assumed to have guards nearby.
True, but that does not change the fact that people could commit crimes in these areas. I still think something at a Charter base would be helpful.
the chat would just bring another RP chat, people would start RPing in it, and spam RP stores,.....
the chat would just bring another RP chat, people would start RPing in it, and spam RP stores,.....
I disagree with this. It would not be a chat for rp, and you would not be allowed to rp in it. It could work even more as the ticket system more than an open chat channel, or as I stated before, it could even be something inside each charter's base.
Isn't this pure metagaming?
Isn't this pure metagaming?
It could be veiwed that way, and possibly abused in an channel/command form, but it would be up to the charter members' discretion not to meta game, and respond to obvious offenses only. Such a tavern brawl. Another suggestion I had was something at a charter headquarters to contact them, which in no way could be meta gaming, as it would require sending someone to a charter headquarters, and effectively getting guards who would be in said geadquarters at any given time. A ticket system form could also be abused, but could have more room for professionality than a channel. It could require the district, or other means of deciding whether or not guards would find or respond to it.
Technically though, it would be more enforcing NPC guards than meta gaming.
It could be veiwed that way, and possibly abused in an channel/command form, but it would be up to the charter members' discretion not to meta game, and respond to obvious offenses only. Such a tavern brawl. Another suggestion I had was something at a charter headquarters to contact them, which in no way could be meta gaming, as it would require sending someone to a charter headquarters, and effectively getting guards who would be in said geadquarters at any given time. A ticket system form could also be abused, but could have more room for professionality than a channel. It could require the district, or other means of deciding whether or not guards would find or respond to it.
Technically though, it would be more enforcing NPC guards than meta gaming.
Isn't this pure metagaming?

The biggest issue I have with this idea is what, OldManJ said.

Back when I was working with the Violet Guard, the biggest issue I had was the slightest hint of crime, someone radio'd in over skype chat.

Then you suddenly have like 5 or 6 guards dog piling on top of a criminal in the ass-end of the city.

Regardless of whether its in a public space or not, that shit just isn't fun for anyone involved, they make it so you can't get away with nuthin'.

Honestly, guards should have some vulnerability, and making it so any lil tweedle dee can radio in your crimes just takes away that tiny hope spot.

Stop trying to kill off criminal roleplay, some of us just wanna make an honest living mugging people without worrying about our chars getting a dislocated shoulder from Jared's Thu'um or Kug's version of contact football. (Tho both of them are bae)

Yes there's crummy criminal roleplayers, but maybe you should try to help them with roleplay instead of trying to completely box them out with super guards so they won't affect your character's stupid status quo.
Implementation of something like a "Charter Chat" would require in-game grouping of players and likely the creation of a plugin for roleplay.

A feature like this would be very low on the Tech prioritization at this point in time, and may actually encourage metagaming in roleplay so I am going to reject this at this time.
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