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tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

☼ Full Name: Charlotte Elizabeth Hayes.

☼ Nicknames include Charlie, Lottie, Carver, Curls, Freckles, Shortstack, Traitor.
☼ Age: 25, born November 27, 282 AC.

☼ Gender: Female.

☼ Race: Medavinti Ailor; Leutz-Vixe and Daendroque by birth; raised Colonial.

☼ Sexuality: Uncertain and fluid.

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 Proficiency points to spend, due to being 25 with a 5 bonus, 10 hobby, 10 talent.
Arts Proficiency
+15 Wooden Art (+15 from Points)
She possesses a natural talent for carving, nurtured by her adoptive father in their shared home under the soft candlelight. She's dedicated most of her life to the art, spending countless hours refining it into a livelihood instead of just a hobby, and her joy and passion for woodcarving in particular infects other parts of her life. She also enjoys sketching and modeling, but favors wood as her main medium.
+10 Painting Art (+10 from Points)
+15 Painting Art during the second week of each month; Medavinti Ailor)

In tandem with her carpentry, Charlotte is quite skilled at painting - blending colors and mixing new paints and dyes is second nature to her, just like the carving of her woodwork. Each piece has a heightened sort of realism to it - a hint of a blush under freckled skin, or the hidden shimmer of a ring on a hand.
+5 Glass Art (+5 from Hobby Points)
With her woodcarving, Charlotte has created many a glass piece to go alongside, accentuating the pieces.
+5 Drawing Art (+5 from Hobby Points)
Is it not the hallmark of an artist to sketch and plan?
Body Proficiency
+10 Perception Training (+10 from Talent Points)
Charlotte relies heavily on her eyes for her profession - identifying and fixing even the slimmest flaws in her work, as well as spotting fakes and other items.
Unarmed Combat (+5 from Points)

A rough-and-tumble childhood caused Charlotte to seek out boxing lessons as both self-defense and a means to control her emotions.
Body Shape
Charlotte's Physical Stat is 13 from 15 Wooden Art and 5 Unarmed Combat.
Charlotte is athletic
and has low body fat.
Charlotte speaks Common as her first and only language. She is fluent and literate, though struggles with larger words with odd meanings given her backwater upbringing. This is being rememedied through tutoring, but for the time being.. good luck, Charlie.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Charlotte moved to the City in pursuit of herself, after her mother had told her that Framlingham would 'crush the soul outta her'. While still vaguely new to the city, Charlotte's learned a few tips and tricks, and people as well. She's settled into the Dragonbend district after a while of crashing in the Hangroad, though Hangroad is still the district she identifies as 'hers'.

Charlotte is a Leutz-Vixe and Daendroque bastard, born in the port town of Framlingham in New Ceardia. Left behind by her parents, she was raised by a now-elderly Colonial couple, who she calls 'Grammy' and 'Pa'. She has no siblings that she knows of.

Second to finding "who" she is, Charlotte wants to be the best carver in Regalia and support herself comfortably.


Visual Information (Required)

☼ Eye Color: Brown.

☼ Hair Color: Brown-black.

☼ Hair Style: Curly and unruly. Straight-cut bangs across the forehead.

☼ Skin Color: Lightly tanned, lightly freckled.

☼ Clothing: Well-worn and durable. Comfortable and practical.

☼ Height: 5'5", or 165 cm.

Charlotte has wide brown eyes, an often-beaming mouth that falls naturally into a light smile, and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, nose, and forehead. There is a small scar on the left side of her jaw from a carving accident. Her dark hair is unruly and has corkscrew-ish curls, with a fair amount of frizz. It hangs to just above her collarbones, and can sometimes be tied back when a nuisance.
Charlotte has fair skin, stands at 5'5", and has a pear-shaped body type. Her freckles are scattered in random groupings across her skin. Due to her already-light diet and her constant practice of boxing, Charlotte has little to no body fat, and just barely avoids having her ribs show clearly. She has one tattoo: a cut log on her left side.

Charlotte prefers earthy colors, practical fabrics, and things that are easy to move in. While vaguely uncomfortable in dresses, she does enjoy wearing them, but currently lacks the material resources to afford such luxuries. Instead, she prefers a white shirt with a collar, a vest, and good, thick pants, with well-worn boots that instead of replacing, she simply takes to the cobbler to be resoled when she wears down the heels too much. Usually, Charlotte is found with a carving knife in her pocket and hastily scribbled notes.

Charlotte speaks quickly, with a thick Colonial accent. She often shortens words (everythin', nothin', whatcha, etc) and speaks informally. As well, she tends to ramble and is prone to cutting herself off to allow others to speak.


Personality and Abilities (Required)

"Well, hiya!"
Towards strangers and in general,
Charlotte is usually a good natured and easy going lady, though a bit oblivious and gullible. She struggles to take things seriously. She's a bit informal and will treat all classes (of humans, at least) the same as anyone else, being blissfully unaware of their status unless told. As a newcomer to Regalia, Charlotte comes off as inquisitive and a bit uncultured, as she hasn't had contact with a lot of the customs and events (such as Silvenism and magic) that are seen as normal in the city. Any slights given to her are shrugged off, as Charlotte's view is that if they see it, it sticks; if they don't, it rolls. She's an open book and rather honest towards strangers, telling the truth where she can and sometimes oversharing.

"I ain't gonna lie t' ya, I'm- I'm real scared, as it happens."
Charlotte's confidence is fragile; while not easily shaken, she can have extreme moments where it breaks, only to reform moments or hours later. A very suck-it-up-and-take-it type, Charlotte contains whatever she feels inside, only to let it out physically later. Mostly, and with few, but existent, exceptions, Charlotte is self-assured and self-reliant, and is reluctant but somewhat willing (as it depends on the situation) to depend on others as she doesn't want to seem helpless or weak. The most important thing to her, however, is herself, and she will always do her best to keep herself safe.

"Oh, don' ask me, 'do you trust me'! You know I do! I trust y' completely. Don' make me regret it, now."

Towards friends and family, Charlotte is loving, and is willing to go to lengths to help or protect them, but never at the cost of her own life. She's also proud of them, and will support them through any storm-- being anything but a fair-weather friend. She loves her family fiercely, though she has but little. Close friends and acquaintances alike can find themselves showered with small gifts or handmade trinkets, as tokens of her favor. She grows close to people easily, and it's not hard to become fully trusted by her, as her friendship is easy to come by.

"Look 'round for th' guards. If they ain't catch me doin' it, who's gonna know?"
On the moral spectrum, Charlotte is mostly neutral. She adheres to a no cop, no stop mentality: if she isn't caught for it, and it isn't too bad (which is a sliding, subjective scale for her) of a crime, then it's alright. She sees the law as important and fair, but also flexible when needed, and isn't afraid to attempt to bend it in her favor. She's not afraid to defend herself, but will only throw the first punch in the name of others, due to her tendency to ignore any slights against herself.

"Gods, please accept this offerin', an' keep my friends that ain't know no better safe."
On religion,
Charlotte is a strong believer in the Old Gods. She dedicates herself to Mershell, hoping he will bless her with creativity and inspiration to create her carvings. She sees Unionism as odd (because who will worship a man as a god?) but a worthy religion with some merit to it, and sometimes will hint at following just to make things easier on herself later.


Charlotte crosses her legs under her when she settles down, given that there is enough space. She chews the inside of her cheek often, especially when thinking hard or nervous. She also rubs at the back of her neck when she feels awkward or is considering something.

Charlotte is alright at spying the stars. While no sailor or astronomer, she can point out the North Star and miscellaneous constellations. She also has a bit of a green thumb, and her house has many plants that she takes care of.

Charlotte enjoys the simple act of carving wood. Feeling the knife cut through a block to reveal something beautiful is not only fulfilling but thrilling to her, and half the time, she only decides what something is when it is too late to go back.

Charlotte's favorite scent is freshly baked pie. It doesn't matter what the flavor and filling are- the scent is mostly the same and will bring both a bout of homesickness and a rumbling in her stomach.

Charlotte's favorite color is yellow, because it's rather positive. Yellow dyes were fairly easy to come by in Framlingham, making it possible for her to have a yellow quilt to sleep under.

Charlotte isn't the biggest fan of ale. She will enjoy a glass of wine or whiskey from time to time, but finds the taste of ale to be lackluster, and will never drink it herself when given the option.

Charlotte avoids hospitals and doctors' offices, often kicking her feet outside instead of actually going in. She simply sees it as too 'clean' and something she'll mess up and decides that if she isn't sick, she shouldn't have to visit these places and to save the doctor's time for someone who may be. As well, she hates the smell of their cleaner.


Life Story (Required)

Charlotte was born (or, rather- found) November 27, 282 AC in Framlingham, New Ceardia- a quiet port town with a lively folk and a passion for Unionism. A product of a night of passion between a Leutz-Vixe trader and a Daendroque sailor, Charlotte was found in an empty crate save for blanketing, and taken in by a woman she would call 'Grammy', a then-fifty and infertile woman who would be her adoptive mother.

She grew up with the city children who played in a rough-and-tumble manner, and when she came home with one too many bruisings, her father, who she called 'Pa', quickly enrolled her in a boxing course from his buddy.

Charlotte learned the art of wood carving from her father, who brought in the house's income through making statues out of fine wood for the local churches. All in all, Charlotte was a bubbly and happy child, unaware of her parents' disappearance when she had two right there in the home.
When times were lean and the only wood available in the home was earmarked for her father, she would sneak out and take bread and the wood she needed- only small pieces, as large pieces were both hard to take and valuable- to practice her woodcarving craft.

Her mother gave her the unshaking faith in the Old Gods religion she enjoys, although quietly, as the town around them was intensely faithful in the Sancella. Charlotte learned to practice for herself, sometimes sacrificing her most prized carvings to give them up to Mershell, and to outwardly front a faith in Unionism enough to escape suspicion-- after all, with her father making statues for their churches, it would be very rough indeed were anyone to find out.

Charlotte began to develop her easygoing, conceal-don't-feel manner as she paused her boxing lessons due to a lack of coin. After repeated teasing over not knowing who or where her 'real' parents were, much to the chagrin of her mother, many of her name-callers would sport big, purple bruises until she would no longer allow them to see how it affected her, effectively growing a second skin.
Young Adulthood & Present
Charlotte would begin taking smaller jobs from her father so he could focus on larger projects. Delighting in the way her own art and sculptures would bring others joy and coin in her own pocket, she discontinued lifting wood and bread from the market as she could pay for it herself, and despite a stifled feeling, she decided she could very possibly be happy.

The Bone Horror Crisis strikes in 305 AC, bringing terror with it to the small town of Framlingham. Enjoying a place as a port town, it was one of the first to suffer the nightmare of the Bone Horrors crawling from the sea to take vengeance. While Charlotte would know no one lost in the fighting, besides friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friends, the images of the dead stay with her, giving her a strong fear of Undead and the related for the future.

She would feed scraps of what she had to a large dog that followed her at her heels and waited eagerly for her return home. This dog, named Bashtur, became the warrior that Charlotte needed, if only during the night to hear his breathing when she could no longer sleep, tortured by the images of the horrors. He was old when she found him, and older still when he left her.

Presented with a bag packed and a place on a ship to Regalia in two days' time, Charlotte was told by her mother that staying in Framlingham would eventually wear her down, and to go to the Holy City to be truly happy and find something to do with herself.

Arriving in Regalia, Charlotte sets to work. She carves and makes friends and memories galore, growing to love her new city and the people within it. She strives to better herself and those around her, including the many communities she resides in- first the city as a whole with the ill-fated commoner's City Council, then Hangroad, and now Dragonbend. She sets up shop, finally, in Dragonbend, hoping to become a well-regarded and known carver.

Last edited:
reserved for relationships!
17 November 2018 Changelog:
  • Updated Visual Information Expansion to include tattoos gained in roleplay.
No additional reviewing is needed.
@Jonificus Hi, me again! Done a few updates, colored like so. Tagging because I'm not sure if I need to update to the newer formatting or not for applications- would like to have all that done before I try to do aesthetics.

6 June 2019 Changelog:

  • Added in what she's been doing since arriving to Regalia.
  • Fixed Unarmed Body Stat.
  • Added a year to age for an even 25 points. Changed day to make her a Sagittarius instead of a Scorpio. #justastrologythings
  • Added in fear of Bone Horrors and bit in backstory explaining it. I had been roleplaying with this for a while, but forgot to put it into her sheet.
  • Added in Will of Faith Will Spirit, and named him accordingly. Added a bit about frequency of worship.
    • Of note: She's a devoutly faithful Old Gods worshipper, but knows that it's a Unionist's world and that sometimes passing as a Unionist is easier, and fakes it. If this interferes with Will of Faith, let me know and I'll figure out a way to fix it.
Thank you!
7 June 2019 Changelog:
  • Shifted +5 Rogue Training to +5 Athletic Training, since I've never used Rogue in roleplay since I made her. Body shape updated accordingly.
@Jonificus Removed +5 Magic Knowledge from Lesser Gang due to leaving the gang.
@Jonificus Change again! Applied the Ailor buff to Visual Arts to bring it up to a +30. Shifted the other points around to reflect RP usage.
@Jonificus Fixed the points to be in-line with the new update!
@Jonificus / @Katiesc (whoever has custody?): App update!
  • Put 25 into Carpentry- 20 from points, 5 from hobby.
  • Slid a cool 5 into Visual Arts from hobby.
  • Stuck the remaining points into Athletics.
  • Upped body stat from toned.
@Katiesc Update!
  • Decided the +10 Athletics didn't make sense anymore with the Labor Training introduction.
  • Shuffled points from +10 Athletics to +6 Labor Training, +4 Unionist Culture to reflect backstory and profession.
@Katiesc Chose Lexxon lineage for Lottie because of her emotional sensitivity RP that I've been pushing way before the update and changed little tags accordingly.
@Staff Roleplay No idea who my reviewer is, but please re-review. ;w; Finally updated points.
@Bellarmina changing lottie from lexxon to medavinti ailor since that fits the vibe a lot better
@Bellarmina shifted hobby points around since Fortification got nuked!