Preserved Sheet Charles Maximus Chaleur ⚔️

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Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Charles Maximus Chaleur
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor (Valeur)
  • Main Ambition: Power, he wishes to acquire lands and money to bring honor to his family's name.
  • Special Permission:
    • Maritime Commander - Scholar Discipline of Battle Command
Skill Information

  • School:
    • School of Siegwald
    • School of Leadership
  • Level:
    • School of Leadership - Scholar
    • School of Siegwald - Warrior
  • Sources:
    • School of Siegwald - Attended the School
    • School of Leadership - Admiralty Academy
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Bright grey, with deep blue streaks flaring out.
  • Hair Color: Originally a rich brown, though he dyed it a blue-ish black for personal reasons.
  • Hair Style: He has a beard that is neatly trimmed and groomed, that lines his jawline. The hair on his head is usually tousled and disheveled, though neat in it's own way.
  • Skin Color: He is neatly tanned, though not leather skinned.
  • Clothing: Charles usually wears expensive coats and robes, decorated occasionally with his family colours.
  • Height: 5'11
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Zweihander

Personality Information

  • First Paragraph: When people first meet Charles, they are confused by how Kind and Respectful he is to them. This shines brightly on him. Usually when he first greets people, he introduces himself with a gentle smile and treats the person with utmost respect. Of course this throws a few people off because of how bulky and muscular he is, he lives in a family surrounded by women constantly and he is Ithanian, that's where the sweetheart in him comes from. Though, he is also observed as being Reserved or Nostalgic, and it comes from years of combat training, emotional tempering, and war experience. He has tried so hard to keep his good soul intact, but he often thinks on his life and keeps to himself while people are distracted in a gathering or in a formal event. There is a hint of Seriousness when people first talk to him aswell, often missing compliments made to him and skipping right to the matter at hand, etc. Women have taken interest in him, but he usually politely turns down any attempts made with him to have a relationship. Charles feels his duty and attention lay with the Regalian army and he doesn't want to have any hesitation to go out to fight when required.
  • Second Paragraph: Charles is very comfortable with himself, he has a lot of confidence and reassurance when he speaks. He has a sense of moral integrity and tells the truth to people. To him, he thinks that sticking to his morals is very important. In his mind, if he lies, cheats, betrays, it means that he has broken his own moral code and it upsets him. While not showing he is upset, ever, he just becomes quiet. This seems self-harsh but really it is just him trying to remain a less hardened person, to stay true to himself. Right now he is dealing with emotional conflict, he wants to be loyal to his family and be there for them, but his mind is so conflicted and dominated by thoughts of the Army. Charles is, mentally, a very very busy man. Besides all of that, he feels a sense of compassion and empathy towards most people, his sisters and nieces keep him like this. The women in his family often serving as a reminder to him that he needs to be there for them.
  • Third Paragraph: Friends and family view him in many different ways. He gives people so much to think about. Often his family views him as being Fatherly towards them, for he always does what's in their best interest and he wants to protect them at all costs. He may not be their father but sure acts like it. Now, his friends view him as being Lively and yes, I know that contradicts with what I said earlier about him being reserved. However, he is a lot like me in the sense that when he is around people he knows, he becomes way more comfortable and boisterous. Charles is a fun person to be around when you are friends with him. Though both his friends and family view him as being Conflicted, and they are able to tell by his actions. Often, he will be restless in the night and can be caught sitting out on one of the balconies. Also, he will often train himself harshly in his free time. Doing pullups with a weight of varying pounds, tied around his ankles that he lifts with him. Also lifting weights while sitting down, that are chained to his legs, so it works on his lower body strength as well. Sometimes they will see a worry or restlessness in his eyes.
  • Fourth Paragraph: He believes in the good of the world, often wanting to make a difference. Charles is a good person, he wants peace for Regalia and protection for his family. His family comes first, but if there must be a sacrifice for the good of Regalia, he is willing to make it.

  • Physical Endurance: Charles can go on forever in a fight, when he isn't wearing a bunch of armour. He is so strong and he has trained himself to be able to go on for hours in a battle. Often he trains himself by pushing himself to the physical limit with exertion, so the next time will be easier. That process continues on, he is constantly working on improving himself. Though as of late, he has kind of reached his peak physically and is just kind of taking it down a notch. Still exercising but only enough to keep his level of fitness. Physical training is a hobby of his, so he does it often. It's a way of getting things off his mind.
  • Eyes of a Hawk: He catches small details and acts on them. This comes from his years of learning Battle Command and discipline, he can catch lies and deception. Working with a bunch of women who constantly look for mistakes in their work, he learned to pick out things that don't add up over time. Charles is always on alert.
  • Critical Thinking: He is able to think long and hard on issues, in fact he does it a lot. Brainstorming most of the time when he is free, his family often sees him by the window pondering. Always trying to figure something out or solve a problem. It was habit and now it has become a talent. Often he will look and reflect on situations either in the family or in the world around him. Seeing things others sometimes do not care to look at, and finding an answers.
  • Past Injury to Back: When he was training one day, he tripped and landed on his back on top of a metal bar. Even after therapy it gives him troubles. Often times it happens when he has been on his feet for too long, sits the wrong way, or even in a fight. While he is able to deal with the pain, it will either slow him down or distract him. It becomes a real problem if a fight breaks out, it will begin to cramp and if he lowers his guard for a few seconds it could result in injuries for him.
Life Story

  • Charles was born in Etolia, to Jeanette and Erikhart, his two older sisters greeting the newborn by petting his bald head.
  • He was an adorable child, being around so many girls and females making him really sweet and loving. Gaining a respect for women from a very early age.
  • His father tried to have him tutored in fencing at age five, but Charles hated it. In his mind he thought it was too complicated and artistic. Charles always admired his father's paintings of men riding into battle with long-swords and spears.
  • When his family moved to Regalia, he had trouble handling it. All of the new culture really made him uncomfortable.
  • At age ten, he began to train himself despite his mother's efforts to get him into the family business. Charles wanted to become strong and fit. After seeing all of the Guards, protecting the Holy City, he was inspired by them. That was his start of becoming a strong Unionist.
  • Melodina tried to introduce him to Piano, he really wasn't sure about it. Charles wanted to become a loyal Unionist and serve Regalia. This was often driven by his admiration of the Guards, other Unionists, and the Emperor.
  • He was sent to the Admirality Academy at age 17 to learn Battle Command for the field. During the Academy he was taught the School of Siegwald and how to fight. Years of studying Battle Command he became a scholar, while in Siegwald he became a warrior. Preferring to use a long-sword instead of a Arming sword.
  • Charles enjoys serving the Empire, it honestly makes him happy. He feels great pride for the Holy City and it's citizens.
  • He had so much knowledge of fighting and how to control a battle by then. However, he had focused so much on building up his physical strength and learning how to be a warrior all his life, he isn't highly skilled in academics. He is intelligent, but his knowledge about certain topics is dulled.
  • Currently he serves as a Maritime Commander in the Regalia Army. He loves serving Regalia and it's Emperor, just how he had always dreamed.
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All I got is he's a bit too young to be Expert in the School of Leadership.
Specify the correct culture, refer to the house page.
And the life story is okay on my looks. Although, the fact someone of unionism and someone who is heavy unionism going into the sewers? Seems quite jarring.
Everything he does is jarring, and here is what was going through his head "Maybe if I can defeat some of these traitors, I will feel better. And I can learn how they fight and their tactics, and use it against them in the future." keep in mind he was a naive teenage boy at the time
Specify the correct culture, refer to the house page.
And the life story is okay on my looks. Although, the fact someone of unionism and someone who is heavy unionism going into the sewers? Seems quite jarring.
Males, especially those in Medieval times, acted out on ridiculous notions. Of course he regretted going down there but he did get a tutor out of it.
Here's my review -
  • Any member of the School of Leadership's Discipline of Battle Command goes through the School of Siegwald. It would be highly irregular to first go to the School of Feer-Drakken for five years and then go off to the School of Leadership. Please pick one or the other.
  • The muscular bodybuild isn't appropriate if you're going into the School of Leadership. For the discipline of battle command, the cap is athletic.
  • The talent willpower and determination seems very prone to causing powergaming and isn't particularly applicable to daily roleplay. Remove and replace it.
  • Overall your character seems very powerful, so I'm going to need you to tack on a weakness to balance it out.
  • Why is your character Ithanian culture but born in Etolia? I think you would be better off saying that Charles is from Pays-Sud or Vixhall.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're ready.
Here's my review -
  • Any member of the School of Leadership's Discipline of Battle Command goes through the School of Siegwald. It would be highly irregular to first go to the School of Feer-Drakken for five years and then go off to the School of Leadership. Please pick one or the other.
  • The muscular bodybuild isn't appropriate if you're going into the School of Leadership. For the discipline of battle command, the cap is athletic.
  • The talent willpower and determination seems very prone to causing powergaming and isn't particularly applicable to daily roleplay. Remove and replace it.
  • Overall your character seems very powerful, so I'm going to need you to tack on a weakness to balance it out.
  • Why is your character Ithanian culture but born in Etolia? I think you would be better off saying that Charles is from Pays-Sud or Vixhall.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're ready.
Alright @Valentinian, I'll get to work.
Here's my review -
  • Any member of the School of Leadership's Discipline of Battle Command goes through the School of Siegwald. It would be highly irregular to first go to the School of Feer-Drakken for five years and then go off to the School of Leadership. Please pick one or the other.
  • The muscular bodybuild isn't appropriate if you're going into the School of Leadership. For the discipline of battle command, the cap is athletic.
  • The talent willpower and determination seems very prone to causing powergaming and isn't particularly applicable to daily roleplay. Remove and replace it.
  • Overall your character seems very powerful, so I'm going to need you to tack on a weakness to balance it out.
  • Why is your character Ithanian culture but born in Etolia? I think you would be better off saying that Charles is from Pays-Sud or Vixhall.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're ready.
Done with nearly all of these but @Valentinian I have a question, @KomasanMoon made his sister's character application and her origins and birth were approved by staff. I believe they have a House in Etolia, the family I mean. So he would have been born there, the family company requires them to stay in multiple places. They are Ithanian but they move around a lot.
Done with nearly all of these but @Valentinian I have a question, @KomasanMoon made his sister's character application and her origins and birth were approved by staff. I believe they have a House in Etolia, the family I mean. So he would have been born there, the family company requires them to stay in multiple places. They are Ithanian but they move around a lot.
That's fine then. In response to recent changes however:
  • That weakness is a cop-out. There are far too many conditionals, such as the fact that he doesn't actually express this depression actively. I want something that will actually affect your character's roleplay so as to counteract the strengths placed in.
That's fine then. In response to recent changes however:
  • That weakness is a cop-out. There are far too many conditionals, such as the fact that he doesn't actually express this depression actively. I want something that will actually affect your character's roleplay so as to counteract the strengths placed in.
Sure thing @Valentinian, I'll go look for another weakness that suits him
That's fine then. In response to recent changes however:
  • That weakness is a cop-out. There are far too many conditionals, such as the fact that he doesn't actually express this depression actively. I want something that will actually affect your character's roleplay so as to counteract the strengths placed in.
@Valentinian, decided to give him a physical weakness to water down his power fullness.