Preserved Sheet Charles Handorian

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Sep 17, 2014
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United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Charles Handorian.
  • Age: 29 years old.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Deathling Ithanian Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: Power and strength.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky blue iris, gray sclera.
    Hair Color: Raven black.
  • Hair Style: Raised over to the right.
  • Skin Color: Tan-cream.
  • Clothing: Red jacket, black pants, and dark-gray boots. Usually accompanied with a chainmail arm-band.
  • Height: 6 feet 4 inches.
  • Weight: 177 lbs.
  • Body Build: Mesomorphic.
  • Weapon of Choice: Cutlasses and swords.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Athletic: Growing up in some meadows in Ithania, the boy had availability to run around a lot. Because of his "freedom", young Charles at a young age enjoyed to exercise a lot to consume time. Continuing up the boy's life, he still journeyed along path himself and some other friends. Overall, the Ithanian sees physical activities entertainment and a habit which leads to him being athletic.
  • Competitive: The man always wishes to have some competition while doing something. He finds it some sort of fun source of work to beat someone else. With this, he also sees pride by being a winner in some sort of competition. Charles finds nothing wrong with having a little challenge time to time and finds positivity in it.
  • Faithful: One the Ithanian has a cause, he will stick to it. Whether it is a group, person, or thing that Charles has been "inducted" to, he will usually stay loyal to it. The man can be seen as positive from this, or negative from anyone who enjoys to use people for negative things to turn around on someone. He has shown his allegiance to others several times, such as when he participated in the Hadravian War.
  • Hard-working: There is some source of perseverance in Charles, wishing to complete any task given to him. If someone seeks out help, Charles is there to take the offer. He enjoys work that he can do and provide, and will go far as to complete it even if the job is difficult. Anyone who has requested him labor and has had it completed by Charles can see him as a good man.
  • Adventurous: To assist with the Ithanian's athleticism, he enjoys to adventure. Whether it be by land, sea, or the daring air, Charles enjoys all types of journeys. If the man is bored out of his head, he might be irritating and wishing nonstop to move around. Standing still isn't exactly Charles's hotspot, unless it is a serious manner to be interacted with.
  • Neat: Charles adores to keep things neat. Whether it be one sheet of paper within a stack of dozens, he will wish to keep them in proportional manners. This can somewhat be defined as OCD, which sadly can be annoying for Charles himself at times. Although the negatives, this can also be positive as he can be well-organized from this.
  • Physical activities: Living a life that mostly circled around exercise and such, Charles has no troubles with any physical activities. He can do things that can be deemed as challenging by others with not that much of an effort at it. Mainly being an athlete his life, Charles's fit body allows him to have a refined endurance and strength.
  • Traveling: The man has traveled around the main areas of Aloria that he knows, mostly knowing a lot of the planet's landscape where the main area of civilization takes place in (At least for the Ailors that are present and such). He can be a useful map when needed, especially in the Regalian Capital City. Charles has been through a lot of areas that most might not have even been to.
  • Determination: Perseverance comes from Charles's hard-working. He will usually not give up on something that is not that simple of a task that can be done within a short amount of time. With this can help him get through things without complaining and such for.
  • Magic: Growing up mainly without any thought of the arcane arts of magic, Charles has not really got into it. The most the man can note of is things such as light magic, elemental magic, void magic, and such on. Sadly for him, if a mage were to put a fight against him he would have some sort of disadvantage for not acknowledging magic.
  • Left knee: During some sort of riot at the Greygate Prison/Crimson Citadel, Charles was infront of a crowd. Despite him trying to stop others from rioting, he was shot by a Viridian Knight with a crossbow to his left knee. He luckily managed to shortly get it out and is only left with it to be weak.
  • Overconfident: Time to time, Charles may become overconfident. This is can boost up his determination, but also in the long run can ruin him big. Such things may come as him being overwhelmed in talking, and mainly combat. Temporary, but long injuries physical or emotional may be sustained by this.
Life Story
Life to Charles was a dream. He was born in a town surrounded by forests and meadows, Hivre Haute Puisse being the nearest by a few miles. He was born somewhat obese, taken care of by his parents, grandfathers, and cousins who lived on the "farm" he lived on. In his childhood, he mainly resided with any nearby Ailors and his family which he usually played with daily. He usually helped around with his household and nearby farms, growing up healthy.

Further onto Charles's teenagehood, things repeated altogether. Though chores got more difficult, and more stressing. Despite some sadness to himself time to time. As the boy advanced closer to his adulthood, he usually adventured elsewhere with contact still remaining to his parents as his guardians. Charles adored to go hiking with some of his family and friends, along with tree-climbing in the nearby forests where his stronghold was at. As Charles reached to his seventeeth year in life, the currency his family gathered over time allowed him to take up two years at the Turall school for Blades. Time went well during his education, then swiftly stopped his school years at age twenty. Despite positivity with the boy, he sadly took off a negative turn in his life. This consisted of managing to be the captain of a boat, along with hiring some crew members as he journeyed around the continents of Aloria.

Overall, the youngest points of Charles's adulthood was lived risky and dangerous. Many moments came when we was at life-threatening scenarios. Even with this, he shrugged it off and continued. He stopped shortly after his crew had entered the jungles of Daendroc and was attacked by a few jungle stalkers entering a few yards into a jungle from a coastline. The crew resided in a camp shortly built, a day or so spent scavenging the area. Sadly, chaos was spread as the camp was sieged upon and Charles to somehow be the only survivor. As the lone Ithanian ran back to the ship, he sailed all over back to his motherland of Ithania to his family. A few weeks spent with his relatives, he loved every moment. To continue things on, he traveled over to the Regalian Capital to spend another life there. Things worked on, Charles taking on a job as a bartender. During this, he joined the Hadravian War and managed to be outstanding from the armies of Regalia with Ludwig Fuchs and Leah Kade/Lampero. He was fired shortly after from inactivity of being a bartender, taking on a more risky turn in life. Getting into contact with his trusted friend Tiber Ardor, the two managed to meet up with an Isldar who could be of assistance to hunt down some Nelfin. It was successful, the trio managing to put down, but no kill their target. With Charles put under the influence of continuing these vile acts, he'd journey into sewer activity with the Isldar, known as Ish by him, as well as Ardor. Everything went smoothly up to one point where there was some conflict between a Shendar, Ish, her companion, and Charles. The person that the Ithanian was targeting was eventually saved by Ish's partner, managing to duel Charles until he'd give up. Hours or minutes later, the agitated Charles attempted to kill Ish's companion, Seth, but was put to an unfortunate end with his neck being snapped. He was brought to some pier, his still-warm corpse beinng laid on the cold water of the surrounding waters. Was this the end for Charles? His body drifted into some dug out cavern-area, where the supposed end of the Ithanian soldier occurred. Months after his death, Charles woke up with his life seemingly back. He stood up from the cavern he was laid buried in. His eyes shone with blue, skin frozen in an icy white. This was him now. But, what was him? Hadn't he died some months ago? This was all odd to him, bu and there was one motive to why he was resurrected. He remembered what happened. He had to put an end to whoever wronged him.

idk what to put here, so i'mma put up an excerpt from the counter siege of watif esballah that i find pride in:
"Leah fared similarly. Her troops were quickly outflanked and she called for the retreat of the soldiers, sending the mage retainer Malik Sabah away first with a minor cut on his forearm. Jeruad Ithildin-Drossier was stabbed with a spear in the stomach, quickly being hurried off the wall by fellow soldiers as Leah and Charles Handorian together with a handful of loyal Kade bannermen held the advance of the Qadir down by just the twenty of them. The Kade soldiers died one by one but Charles and Leah distinguished themselves as extraordinary fighters as the soldiers behind them orderly retreated the wounded. If it wasn't for the retreat that she sounded earlier, the performance of those two might have actually been enough to route the Qadir troops on fear alone, however she chose to salvage the lives of her troops.

Back in Regalia the court presented its pleasure for the victory on the Qadir army and congratulated Leah Kade, Charles Handorian and Ludwig Fuchs in particular for their performance in battle."
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Why?: I feel this is more tidy than several posts saying what I changed or removed.
Prereviewed: Life Chrononicles
@Distasteful Review complete!

After reading through this application, I must say, I've very pleased. I cannot find any glaring lore inconsistencies or grammatical errors, nor can I find anything that I would request be changed. Excellent work.
