- Joined
- Jul 17, 2012
- Messages
- 10,092
- Reaction score
- 719
- Points
- 10,827
- Age
- 14
When writing a Character Sheet, prioritize readability.
You may use gifs, images, decorations, dividers, theme music, etc, but make sure your application can be read.
We recommend copying and pasting your sheet into an external word processor to prevent loss of progress. Check the bottom of the page for information about each section!Character Information
- Full Name:
- Heritage / Culture:
- Age: (Minimum 18)
- Gender / Pronouns:
- Religion:
- Occult:
- Character Occupation:
- Eye Color:
- Skin Color:
- Hair:
- Height:
- Body Type:
- Additional Features:
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Mechanics:
- Languages:
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Constitution: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Intelligence: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Wisdom: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Dexterity: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Faith: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Magic: 0
- [Ability Name]
- Charisma: 0
- [Ability Name]
Category Explanations
All of the information necessary for filling out a character sheet is explained below per section. If you need any help please reach out to staff via our discord ticket bot or set your thread as Needs Help/Review! Click on the buttons to expand the category to view the information.Heritage
This is where you would put down your character's heritage! You can see the list of options here. If your character is of mixed heritage you put down which one they take after predominantly (for mechanical reasons).
This is where you would put down what religion your character is, you can have them pick from the ones listed here or have them not be a follower of any.
This is where you write down what your character is if they are "Occult" in some way. Occult means that they have some type of supernatural heritage or power beyond that of their heritage mechanics. Sometimes people can be more than one type of occult, but some can never overlap.
Mages: People who are born with magic or learn it, they draw their power from a variety of sources which can be learned about here.
Afflictions: People who have been cursed to become something unnatural, before or after their deaths. You can learn about them here.
Affinities: People with supernatural conditions sourced from the world they live in. You can learn about them here.
Describe your Character's job. You can make one up or state that your character is part of a Knight Order or a member of a Guild.
This is where you would put down your character's heritage! You can see the list of options here. If your character is of mixed heritage you put down which one they take after predominantly (for mechanical reasons).
- Heritage/Culture: Ailor-Ithanian Culture.
- Heritage/Culture: Half Suvial.
This is where you would put down what religion your character is, you can have them pick from the ones listed here or have them not be a follower of any.
- Religion: Guided Unionism
- Religion: Estelley
- Religion: Agnostic
This is where you write down what your character is if they are "Occult" in some way. Occult means that they have some type of supernatural heritage or power beyond that of their heritage mechanics. Sometimes people can be more than one type of occult, but some can never overlap.
Mages: People who are born with magic or learn it, they draw their power from a variety of sources which can be learned about here.
Afflictions: People who have been cursed to become something unnatural, before or after their deaths. You can learn about them here.
Affinities: People with supernatural conditions sourced from the world they live in. You can learn about them here.
- Occult: Pride Arkenborn, Void Mage
- Occult: Marken
- Occult: Vampire
- Occult: Hunter Archon, God Mage
Describe your Character's job. You can make one up or state that your character is part of a Knight Order or a member of a Guild.
- Occupation: Darkwald Lothar Knight
- Occupation: Baker
- Occupation: Gloomfolk Guild Member
- Occupation: Carpenter
This is where you describe what your character looks like! Under additional information, feel free to describe anything from clothing style to any features such as horns or magical mutations.
[Skill Information]
Hobbies and Talents
Talk about any hobbies or skills your character might have.
Be sure to check out the list of hobbies to see the limits of magic and technology outside of combat.
Hobbies and Talents:
- Magical Talent
- Cooking
- Underwater basket weaving
Mechanics are mostly noncombative powers and features a character may gain from their heritage, being occult, occupation, or item of power. Each mechanic is explained on the page they are written on.
Characters of mixed heritage may pick between the mechanics of both of their parents for a total of 5.
- Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
- Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
- Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
- Teledden can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
- Teledden do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
All Characters can speak Common. Additional languages can be chosen from the Languages page, within reason, such as being raised in that culture or study.
- Common
- Ithanian
Discuss any parts of your Character's backstory here that you think others might want to know, or just things about them that other people can use as reasons to roleplay with them.
An event from the character's backstory can be a plot hook or an ideal that they might hold can be one as well.
The proficiency and ability systems are used as a way to quantify combat power in roleplay and allow for a fair way for conflict resolution.
You do not need to fill out your stats and abilities to roleplay, but this is required for combat roleplay.
Due to the necessity of the rules and mechanical information, we recommend reading the page in full here.
[Proficiency points and Stats]
All characters have 15 proficiency points to spend across 7 stats:
Having zero points in a category doesn't make a character bad at the category, it only means they are average.
A character must pick a primary defense and attack stat to roll with for combat roleplay.
Abilities are powers and techniques primarily used during combat roleplay, similar to spells and skills from other roleplaying games. You can learn more about abilities and the associated terms and rules here.
For every 1 point invested in a statcan buy 1 ability in that category. 7 points in strength for instance means you can have 7 abilities in the strength category.
A character may also have additional abilities from their heritage called Free Packs, these do not count towards the 7 maximum ability in a state because points were not used to buy them.
You do not need to fill out your stats and abilities to roleplay, but this is required for combat roleplay.
Due to the necessity of the rules and mechanical information, we recommend reading the page in full here.
[Proficiency points and Stats]
All characters have 15 proficiency points to spend across 7 stats:
- Strength
- Constitution
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Dexterity
- Faith
- Magic
Having zero points in a category doesn't make a character bad at the category, it only means they are average.
A character must pick a primary defense and attack stat to roll with for combat roleplay.
- Attack Stat Options: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith, Magic.
- Defense Stat Options: Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Faith, Magic.
- Only magic can be a defense and attack stat.
Abilities are powers and techniques primarily used during combat roleplay, similar to spells and skills from other roleplaying games. You can learn more about abilities and the associated terms and rules here.
For every 1 point invested in a statcan buy 1 ability in that category. 7 points in strength for instance means you can have 7 abilities in the strength category.
A character may also have additional abilities from their heritage called Free Packs, these do not count towards the 7 maximum ability in a state because points were not used to buy them.
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