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Vigilante Leader
Nov 12, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Skeld Korinth Fallenforge
  • Age: 64
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Varran
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information

20 Spendable Points (60 - 30 years vampire - School of Lecgaen)

  • +20 Acrobatics (+10 Racial, +10 Lecgaen)
  • +40 Unarmed Fighting (+10 Racial, +10 Lecgaen, +20 Points)
  • +10 Unarmed Wrestling (+10 Lecgaen)
  • +10 Sneaking (+10 Racial)
CULTURAL POINTS 60 Cultural Points
  • +30 Smithing (+30 Culture Points)
  • +10 Cuisine Cooking (+10 Culture Points)
  • +5 Bodycare (+5 Culture Points)
  • +5 Tailoring (+5 Culture Points)
  • +5 Ship Sailing (+5 Culture Points)
  • +5 Poetry (+5 Culture Points)
  • Power Tree
  • Blood Feasting
  • Blood Senses
  • Blood Frenzy
  • Claw Lust
  • Blood Rush
  • Internal Steeling
  • Vampiric Shriek
  • Warmaster
  • Varghul
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Golden Brown
  • Hair Style: Messy
  • Clothing: Varghul Armor (Made of hardened and reinforced leather covering shoulders, limbs, torso, chest, and back. Only worn when in Varghul form and put on before pre-planned battles.) Traditional loincloth as well as a bandolier bag holding other items on top of a turquoise shirt.
  • Height: 6'6
  • Body Build: Ripped
Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: To others, he can be seen as quiet and collected. He doesn't speak much, and not much is really seen in him, except the danger he poses. He is a dangerous foe to tangle with, and that much is clear from the first glance. He's large and muscular, surviving off of blood to feed his impressive muscle.

Second Paragraph: Skeld is quite possibly the evilest soul in existence. As any normal Varghul, he sees any non-vampire as simple cattle whose only purpose is to be his next meal. This feeling of insignificance is passed on to his fellow vampires, only respecting those who are in his fellowship, friendship, or of higher rank. It is known among those around Skeld who know him that he could suddenly turn and forcefully take their blood.

Third Paragraph: He treats all his friends with care and kindness, stepping in to protect them at any perceived threat. He fights for them and protects them with all of his massive strength and power. His power in battle is nearly unmatched, and he is willing to put that power to the test in order to protect those he cares for.

Fourth Paragraph: His morality is... An interesting region to delve into. It's mixed, some could call him good, others could call him evil. He doesn't want to fight innocent people but will rush into battle against those who fight for what he believes to be wrong. He is a vigilante, and some like that, but others do not.

Life Story

1-10: He was born to a family in Farah'deen, quickly picking up the arts of stealth and acrobatics. He was fun-loving and happy, though that would all change soon. He picked up blacksmithing in his spare time, and quite enjoyed the work.

10-20: He was sent off to Lecgaen, where he learned more about acrobatics and unarmed fighting. He topped most of the other students with ease, though made a lot of rivals there as well. He graduated at the top of his class, his claws having wrought havoc upon any who dared to spar with him. He returned home and continued with his training.

20-30: At twenty-three, he had learned much. He had become a warrior and started turning away from some of his other tasks to partake in pit fights. He learned the arts of battle, his sharp claws sometimes taking on two or three opponents at once. At thirty, however, he was attacked by a vampire. He fought him off, but by then, it was too late... He'd been bitten and infected.

30-40: He found himself with incredible powers, growing by the year. Though, he found it harder and harder to focus on his combat training, and found himself with an inability to walk in the sun—And a need to drink blood. He survived off of this for a while, finding himself with a newfound ability to heal from the blood he drank... And his power only grew.

40-50: He grew further in strength now, rising to the championships. None questioned why he only fought at night, but his ferocity grew, and his power rose with it. He uncovered three more abilities in this time, using these powers to enhance his combat potential.

50-60: As the next ten years went by, Skeld became a champion of combat in his hometown. He had killed hundreds in every named unarmed combat. Challengers came far and wide to be amused by his might... Or be a victim of it. His legend continued to grow.

60-70: Suspicion began to brew amongst the people of Farah'deen. The rumors of Vampirism had finally reached the ears of the people and they were not happy. Skeld was then under the watchful eye of the Guards, constantly narrowly avoiding being found out. During these times, he was actively discovering new abilities. He still had much to learn in terms of understanding and controlling them.

70-80: During the next ten years, he was consistently having fits of mutation. Something inside Skeld was struggling to get out. His reputation began to reach Regalia, landing in the ears of a certain up and coming vampirical powerhouse leader. When he was 78, one of his kinsmen witnessed one of these accidental transformations and immediately turned him into the town guard. After an escape, he was on the run in the city, going into hiding for two years. He made plans to leave at 80 but was stopped while trying to get through the gate.

80-90: He left his hometown after the town guard found him sneaking through the gate. Though, he escaped using his final power... He had finally shifted into a monster known as a Varghul. He killed all four of the guards, before leaping and running off to a new land... Regalia. He met a man there, a man named Jonathan Rotasu, who gratefully recruited him into his gang.
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Suggested changes and additions have been made! I now have a Vampire section under the Cultural Points and I have described what the Varghul armor is. @Slicerofsilver @_JayP_
Review time!
  • In order to have 10 vampire mutations he would need to be a vampire for 90 years. Seeing how each mutation is 9 years as a vampire.
  • His personality is completely incompatible with being a Varghul. He would have no sentiment towards people or innocents, unless they were also vampires. Vampires hold no remorse towards non-vampires, and treat them like cattle. They also only respect age, and he would not feel conflicted about killing non-vampires. You need to re-read the Mental section of the vampire page over again.
  • Varghul armour is useless. It would be far too large for him in a normal form, and if it fit his normal form, it would simply fall off in Varghul form.
Make all these edits in a new color and tag me in the comments once done.

Changes made! I added a part to the clothing, added years to the Life Story (added 30), and redid the personality as instructed.
As Rochelle will be absent for much of the month, I will be taking over this review.
