Character Help


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Sep 26, 2013
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Hello everyone. It seems I have not made a character rp thing yet. I havnt submitted one. Does anyone have the link to the template or can tell me the template? Also any tips on what to include?
Basic Information
Basic information has 4 main bullet list points, follow the template below. It should give the reader the basic breakdown of your character's immediate background.
  • <Full name> is a <age> year old <gender> <Race>
  • Write what siblings and parents your character was born to, what their names are, and whether they all still live and where. Also write where your character was born and originally comes from.
  • Write where your character currently lives, for example "in a room in the poor district." or "Noble estate in Fendarfell."
  • Write your character's main life goal and ambition at their current phase in life.
Visual Information

Body Description
Body Description has 3 main bullet list points, follow the template below. These bullet points should give the reader a good mental image of what your character looks like.
  • Describe the Body Build of your character, mention their height in feet and inches, and mention their weight in pounds. It is recommended you go more in detail about the character's body build, detailing for example what parts are strong, and which parts are weak. Also mention any physical disabilities, such as badly healed broken bones or limp legs.
  • Describe the skin tone of your character, and any skin scars, tattoos, freckles or burns your character might have. Anything to do with skin goes in this bullet point.
  • Describe the amount of body hair your character has, for example on their chest and arms and back, if applicable.
Head Description
Head description has 4 main bullet list points, follow the template below. These bullet points should give the reader a good mental image of what your character's face looks like.
  • Describe the facial features of your character, for example whether their face is angular or squarish, whether they have a long chin, big nose, small eyes etc.
  • Describe the eye color of your character as well as their "normal expression". Some character for example always look happy, or angry, or droopy depending on their "image".
  • Describe any facial hair as well as head hair your character has. Describe the colour and what kind of hair style your character usually wears with it. If male, describe the facial hair style in detail as well. If any of the animal races, describe the fur patterns and colors.
  • Describe any facial accessories your character might have, like tattoo's, piercings, earrings etc. You should also mention facial disabilities such as a blind eye, facial scars or other handicaps and disabilities your character has here.
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing and accessories has 2 main bullet list points. This point is optional, but still recommended. This list should give the reader a good impression of what your character usually wears.
  • Describe what kind of clothing or armor your character wears. Go into detail about colors, materials and the general fit of it all. Try to stay true to the social status of your character. A noble will not walk around in rags, and a commoner cannot possibly afford the expensive noble gold lined silks as their casual outfit.
  • Describe what sort of accessories your character usually wears on them, like heirlooms or necklaces, items with special meaning. Also try explaining what they mean to your character.
Behavior Information
Personality Traits

Personality Traits is a bit of an odd one out of the mix. It requires 8 bullet points that have to be picked. Follow the instructions below.
  • Describe basic personality traits. Try to have at least 8 personality traits, and feel free to use this listfor inspiration. The RP staff will be reviewing the proper balance of negative and positive personality traits, so try to mix both good and bad traits to give your character a realistic personality. Once you have picked the Personality traits, describe how they came to be, and how they affect the daily life of your character. This is perhaps the most important part of the Character Template, so pay more attention to this part. It is heavily recommended you write your life story before starting this part. The life story will give you important insights on the character's personality.
Likes is similar to Personality Traits above. You are required to pin up at least 4 likes that show hobbies, favorite activities, or things your character likes in general. Tread into detail with the likes how and why they are what they are.
  • Like 1
  • Like 2
  • Like 3
  • Like 4
Dislikes is similar to Likes above. You are required to pin up at least 4 dislikes that show activities your character hates, things they dislike etc. Tread into detail with the Dislikes how and why they are what they are.
  • Dislike 1
  • Dislike 2
  • Dislike 3
  • Dislike 4
Abilities and Disabilities

Strengths is a highlighted bullet list that condenses information from both abilities as well as personality. It is recommended to aim for 3 "main" strengths, embodying 1. Ability oriented strength 2. Personality oriented strength 3. Mental oriented strength. You can however add more.
  • Ability oriented strength, for example expert bowman, expert fire mage or good at acrobatics. If you have multiple strengths from ability, try to find the underlying factor. For example, if your character is good at acrobatics, bows and a fast fighter, the underlying factor is that your character is agile. As such agility is their strength.
  • Personality oriented strength, for example strong self image, determined, kind hearted, ambitious or zealous. This point is often found when condensing the information from your character's personality.
  • Mental oriented strength, for example good insight, fast problem solver, quick learner. The mental oriented strength is one born out of the mental capabilities of your character.
Weaknesses works the same way as Strengths, in that it requires an Physical oriented weakness, a Personality oriented weakness and a combat oriented weakness. You can however add more.
  • Physical oriented weakness, for example intimidating posture, clumsy nature, two left feet, bad sense of balance etc.
  • Personality oriented weakness, for example Emotionally unstable, indecisive, naive, easy to abuse etc.
  • Combat oriented weakness, for example weak sword arms, clumsy bow handling, bad at fighting, cowardly etc.
Combat Styles
Combat Styles require you to write a Bullet point for every unique fighting style your character has. Fighting styles are describes as ways your character fights, for example challenging, disengaging or offensively. It is recommended to only have one fight style, but if your character is a trained warrior, they might know more than one. A combat style should describe how your character engaged in combat, how they behave during the combat, and what they would do after the combat. What methods of defense or offence they use, and why.

Weapons of Choice
Make a bullet point list here of the weapons your character enjoys using in combat.

Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name.

Life Story
Add a summarized plot line of your character's life story. The point of the Life Story is not to give a novella long list of events that happened in the character's life, it's supposed to just create a summary of the person's life, while keeping a keen eye on explaining the previous points. The life story is supposed to tie together and provide background information as to why and how the person became what they are.
Lol can't read bullets on my iPod. Il look at it on my PC