Character Discussion/ideas!


The Wandering Gov'na.
Dec 25, 2015
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I have recently been short on ideas for characters, coming up with very cliche ones. I am struggling to create a new side character, I was hoping if everyone could help each other out by giving me and other people some creative character ideas and culture mixes, Yahta Yahta.

I hope this helps me, and other members of the roleplay community!
This is actually easier to do than one would think! Simply, there are but two things to avoid:

Try not to make a character that has a name that uses other words, or just something that in general, is a little cringy, such as; arvestin bloodslayer, nobine wolfmoon, etc etc.

As well as this, avoiding making a character that is 'only good and helps everyone' as this would be simply in the rhelm of unlikeky, and likely to get them killed.

Other than that, dont worry about it being cliche'! Everyone always thinks their character is cliche when they write them, just dont worry about it, and simply jot down what you think should be jotted down. And its okay if there are some cliche's, after all, just as sterotypes were based off of (mostly) real actions or events, some cliche's are cliche' for a reason. ^u^

I hope this helps any @Medieval_US , sorry i couldnt go into more detail as im typing this from behind the restraints of a phone x-x