Archived Character Applications And Trivia

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Mar 16, 2014
Reaction score
New Jersey
Let's get straight to the point, I think a "Trivia and misc. section" could benefit the character application template. It could be an optional one where you state some knickknacks and non-important and even non-fittable stuff so you could enhance the view of your character. I'd imagine you'd put things like what does his voice sound like, what's his accent or even his name origin and why he was given it. Things like that to add spice and more color to a character. You could list racial opinions too since you can't exactly say most of them in the likes and dislikes. I'd imagine it'd be formatted like this:

This is the side section where you place stuff that fits in no other section. Completely optional but adds a better flow to your character. Please keep it under 10 total bullets and 25 sub-bullets.
  • Voice: Tim surprisingly has a rather deep voice, sounding like Cryaotic's (Spoiler with video showing Cryaotic's voice). It's not exactly worth anything to Tim but tends to help Tim in manipulation.
  • Heroes: Tim finds anybody who has came out perfectly fine after ripping themselves through very horrible circumstances his hero. Tim can't say the same things for himself (just look at his personality traits!) but it's something he'd aspire to be.

Something like that, maybe. I personally think this idea is great, and it's simple to add in.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Keep in mind, what the template says is only the base for what is required. You are always welcome (even encouraged) to add more sections to your character application, to add more detail. Be it magical abilities, a description of the character's voice, or trivia. I personally like the idea of trivia and may possibly take it over to some of my own character applications. c:
Keep in mind, what the template says is only the base for what is required. You are always welcome (even encouraged) to add more sections to your character application, to add more detail. Be it magical abilities, a description of the character's voice, or trivia. I personally like the idea of trivia and may possibly take it over to some of my own character applications. c:
It should be added on to note that you can add in a bit extra. I've always thought the character application was very strict. Nonetheless I agree.