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Chaos At The Circus! - The Eventful Herald Issue #1


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score

The first day of the Winterday's Circus was filled with excitement, planned and impromptu!

During the thrilling performance, a cry rose from the crowds, calling for a guard, proclaiming a Gang member was in the stands threatening people! The accused man, who is as of this time unnamed, laughed! According to a bystander the man was "Clearly mad, rambling about crumbs or some shite." Another stated that he yelled something accusatory at the crowd about the Devout Few, a gang that was earlier this year responsible for kidnapping several nobles and ransoming them back to the city.

The act was quickly disrupted by the man, who attempted to flee, and then stabbed a Quadir woman in the shoulder when she attempted to stop him! A struggle quickly broke out, finally leaving the man bruised, and still laughing like "A crazy bastard." However, his reign of criminally out of place laughing was ended swiftly when a guard of the Violet Order arrived! She arrested the man, who witnesses claim had one final thing to say, turning and threatening the those he had been originally with "Some cryptic crap about the 'King' knowing more than their names, and something about 'Red'?" When pressed further, our admittedly slightly drunk source stated "I mean 'is shirt wa' red an' such? Maybe he thinks'is shirt is alive er somethi- Oh, King? I den' know, e'ryone calls'emself king in the Slums. 's a trendy thing to do I 'ear."

So, there we have it! A possibly insane man, and his shirt. Quite a tale to tell. Word is that, despite the odd occurrence, the circus is planned to continue as normal, from today into the Third! Attendance, is a must!

This has been, the Eventful Herald~

Note to the editor: Be sure to remove this note and add the advertisements to the bottom of the article before printing. Thanks! -Hearthor

Written and printed by the EH guild! ~
----- EH
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Hearthor Baragi beamed proudly as he stepped up to the notice board, reading over his first issue- and then he got to the bottom. He sputtered, "Fu- TOM! Overpaid tool of an editor!" he threw his hat into the ground, storming off. "How could he miss that! The idiot!"