Archived /channel [extra Commands]

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British Merchant
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
I dont like to leave global or trade, as even though it gets on my nerves some times... i dont want to miss anything that has anything to do with me.

My idea: a command that allows you to leave a channel, but if your name is mentioned in that channel, you are added back into it. You can turn this on and off to stop abuse.

/c leave
/c join

/c leave autojoin on/off - If your name is mentioned, you are added back into the channel

This is just an idea, constructive criticism is welcome.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a great idea. Maybe you could also be able to have other words, like the Name of your faction or an item you want.
Yes.... Maybe like?

/c leave autojoin customword1,customword2,etc
Do you think this will ever be implemented?

I think it would be very very useful
This would not work out I think. My reasoning is that trolls can use this to be mean to someone, and when they leave the channel, they can say their name.
This would not work out I think. My reasoning is that trolls can use this to be mean to someone, and when they leave the channel, they can say their name.

Thanks why you have the ability to chose the words you want. You can also turn it on and off to stop people like that
Spoutcraft used to have something similar and it would highlight the entire msg your name was in
That is an old priciple called highlite, has been Part of the IRC Chat System forever. It Works well there. We should Not always think of the worst case. Make it toggable
IRC chat being? Sorry Im not so good with shortened texts.
Just use chat mods... Like Tabby Chat, or however it is called.
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