Archived Changing The Item For Opium

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
If any of you are familiar with my two RP character you will know that they are opium dealers. Opium dealers naturally sell opium. IGN opium is poppies. Poppies are VERY hard to get, without the use of a flower farm. This is why I am asking for a change in what opium is. The way I see it there is 2 options..

1. A custom recipe for poppies

If we have recipes for just about anything else, why not poppies. If the mods decide to go with this method I would suggest the recipe be 1 rose bush and 1 poppy creates 2-4 poppies. This way you only need one poppy to create more. Since rose bushes can be easily be farmed (by using bone meal) this method is very nice.

2. Rose Red

Poppies and Rose bushes both create the dye 'Rose Red' poppies only making one, where bushes making two. If they both create this 'thing' let's change it to opium. This method is my favorite because all you need bones.


  • More Money is entered in to the economy. This is great because with the money I earn, I can buy more stuff. When I give my money to this person they will use it for something else and the process continues,
  • More jobs are created, naturally I'll hire more employees and create more jobs!

  • Anyone could do it. We could have noobs running around in their superman skin shouting 'I'M DOING ILLEGAL STUFF. WATCH ME!!" This hurts the RP just a tad....
  • If someone finds the dye in your chests, they might think you smoke when really all you were doing was making red wool (lolz)
I hope the staff takes into consideration my suggestion.
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Who really needs opium anyway? In all my days of role-playing i haven't seen it once. I don't think the staff would put effort in it. The chances are low if they would even consider such tiny thing. Opium dealers are just wannabe drug dealers in my opinion.

-cough- excuse me? tell that to my only 2 RP characters
Its supposed to be hard to get... It's a noble families product, I doubt they want small time drug dealers to be taking away from their business. And if you're really that desperate look up what Opium looks like, find an item that looks like it in Minecraft, and then rename it Opium. It's really not that hard.
Also, currently the only lore approved Opium product I see going around are the brewing stands, which are used to smoke it and are placed on the tables of the Tavern.
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I quite like this idea. However, have you considered the implications for Yanar? (I believe they use poppies for their healing) I'm not saying it would necessarily be a bad thing, just asking you to think about it.
I'm a bit neutral to this but I feel like it would make sense for a dealer to need a source, i.e. a farm.
At the end of the day... how easy is opium to get IRL? Not very, I'm betting. So it shouldn't be too easy in-game to reflect this.
-laughs maniacally because him and a friend just set up a redstone thing and now have over a stack of poppies-
...I have, like, a stack of poppies that I got Fendarfell. I don't think this is so hard to find...

On another note, they're both dealers...I will be talking to you later
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No, they're really not. If anything, I think they should be made harder to get…
The Opium family stepped down from nobility, this doesn't meen they dont have their trade anymore. You could always ask babamanga. But do it with an good rp story, and not an small time drugdealer.
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