Archived Changing Seasons In Regalia

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
For me, fall is fast approaching. Apples, beautiful colours, and it'll stop being so dang hot all of the time. Seeing the seasons change gave me an idea. What if the seasons changed in Regalia?

You may be thinking that that is impossible. It isn't. So far, the only seasons I see in Regalia are summer and winter. I know there are others, but they are only roleplay. Here are my ideas for the seasons in regalia:

Spring: Regalia becomes a jungle biome to make everything look lush. As it transition into summer, it becomes a forest biomes and then...
Summer: Regalia becomes a plains biome. This makes everything green, but it's a bit more muted. Fireflies (see for more info) Regalia then...
Autumn: Becomes a desert biome. This makes the leaves brown and faded. Towards the end, it becomes a swamp biome, and some leaves are removed from the trees. This makes everything look more dead. Finally...
Winter: Regalia is finally some sort of snow biome, like what they've done before. The difference it that the trees lose their leaves and are replaced with branches. At the end of winter, Regalia makes her final transition into spring as an extreme hills biome. The trees will have some leaves, but not many. The snow is slowly removed with each time there in an update or the world staff could remove a few at a time.

The only issue I see in this is that the staff would need to do a lot to make this subtle difference. However, it would make rp much more interactive and realistic.

Thanks for checking this out! Have a Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Seems like a waste of the staffs time to do when more pressing things are currently going on
Void Yeah! hehe, clever. I believe this idea was suggested before, but either way I still enjoy the idea. While it may not be first priority with everything that the staff have already set in motion, it would be an interesting concept. Essentially changing the biomes for each area as time progressed forward through the Alorian Calender. If staff decided this was a project worth invensting time to, it could be applied to increasing the realism and difficulty through survival aspects of Massive.

@OldManJ98 stumbled through the Elladorian snow. Cold, so cold. His teeth chattering as the brisk wind cut through him like a blade.
"Just a little further," he mumbled to himself. He was a survivor, yet the winters so far north made Ellador uninhabitable....

Anywho... this could be an interesting ordeal, and it is good to keep projects and ideas listed so that the staff have something to look to if they are curious as to what the public desires, but I do believe they have a bit on their plate currently. As always, happy to see your input @indyfan98
This topic reminds me of a time when Regalia was always snowy. I believe it was in December when I first joined and the winter events were going on. The change to a more warmer Regalia as we know it now made me feel like the world was moving in line with IRL seasons. I think this idea is is great! I cannot fathom the work it must take to make this happen, but if it does I know I will be excited about it.
This topic reminds me of a time when Regalia was always snowy. I believe it was in December when I first joined and the winter events were going on. The change to a more warmer Regalia as we know it now made me feel like the world was moving in line with IRL seasons. I think this idea is is great! I cannot fathom the work it must take to make this happen, but if it does I know I will be excited about it.
I remember when you first joined too. You moved in right next to my house in Regalia. Good times. Good times.
No on the trees idea. But fireflies in the summer are good. Snow in the winter. Possibly bats in the fall (We need an all hollows eve festival with cider and pumpkins and shiz) And in the spring there shall be rain :P (nah son make flower petals or potatoes or anything but rain)
I like this idea and i dont consider it a "waste of staff time"
No on the trees idea. But fireflies in the summer are good. Snow in the winter. Possibly bats in the fall (We need an all hollows eve festival with cider and pumpkins and shiz) And in the spring there shall be rain :P (nah son make flower petals or potatoes or anything but rain)
You probably haven't been on long enough apparently because they already do snow n' stuff, and we have the harvest festival.
Uhm..isn't it just a simple biome change, which is a few commands over a the several chunks..? There's another way other then going around replacing blocks one by one by hand..
For me, fall is fast approaching. Apples, beautiful colours, and it'll stop being so dang hot all of the time. Seeing the seasons change gave me an idea. What if the seasons changed in Regalia?

You may be thinking that that is impossible. It isn't. So far, the only seasons I see in Regalia are summer and winter. I know there are others, but they are only roleplay. Here are my ideas for the seasons in regalia:

Spring: Regalia becomes a jungle biome to make everything look lush. As it transition into summer, it becomes a forest biomes and then...
Summer: Regalia becomes a plains biome. This makes everything green, but it's a bit more muted. Fireflies (see for more info) Regalia then...
Autumn: Becomes a desert biome. This makes the leaves brown and faded. Towards the end, it becomes a swamp biome, and some leaves are removed from the trees. This makes everything look more dead. Finally...
Winter: Regalia is finally some sort of snow biome, like what they've done before. The difference it that the trees lose their leaves and are replaced with branches. At the end of winter, Regalia makes her final transition into spring as an extreme hills biome. The trees will have some leaves, but not many. The snow is slowly removed with each time there in an update or the world staff could remove a few at a time.

The only issue I see in this is that the staff would need to do a lot to make this subtle difference. However, it would make rp much more interactive and realistic.

Thanks for checking this out! Have a Massive day!
First the fireflies... and now this?!?!
You sir must have the most brilliant imagination on the forums....
I like this. They could hire staff pretty easily that are especially focused on changing the seasons that they know are trustworthy and only allowed to break or place certain blocks at certain times so that the other staff could focus on the important stuff, I dunno. I don't think that autumn is that dreary, though... I imagine it as harvest season when there's pink flowers everywhere towards the beginning and pumpkins and apples and stuff at the end. Not sure how they could implement that though... Just my ideas :P
Anyways, I support it.